The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2084
  • Nah @kelani you know better than that! !I was just kidding ya.I know you wouldn't and beside I'm monitoring your leaderboards as with all of the BP fantastic five; )
  • @Rat deal with @bernersenn first, he's too close for comfort.
  • I trust ya @Kelani. I wouldn't trust a lot of flingers if they knew.
  • And the Real Princess Returns !! ;)
  • @Kathy good, then you saw my massive 300pt gain since #1 day :P 'Course now that the mystery's solved and tests are done, I've much more flingtime.
  • Where'd Feny go? I had a present for him.
  • @Rat Likewise. Let's just hope Rovio gets their butts busy fixing it. god knows if they can't after all this, they need help.
  • @Rat a $2,585,700 present?
  • yep @kelani I've noticed; ) on that note I've only got a few more flings till bedtime BBFNIMCBLIDKBPWBIDI
  • Yup!
  • One more minute to
  • Me too @Ma. I've flung my quota for two days. Good Night.
  • Night Pa
  • You're both silly. I love it.
  • Night all
  • That was a long Whine Ma. It carried over into Wednesday.
  • Night #1.
  • Lol Pa it did. .oops
  • 5 new river rats in the last 2 days.
  • Hey! I just noticed the Forum Mentions under your username in the blue bar at top now works for me. It shows the mentions here and not every freakin' comment. Maybe now all you people won't need those awful email notice stuffs.
  • Time for whining?
  • Whine...whhiiiiiinnee...wwwwhhhhhhiiiiiiinnnnnnnnneeeeeeeeeeeee...

    Sorry, had to put in my whines before midnight!

    Happy HUMP DAY @all!
  • @SweetP Wait a second, doesn't the whine club meet on Tuesdays? Uh-oh :-)
  • Oh nooz, I'm confused myself - I forgot about the time difference! Here it's already Wednesday and about time for an early lunch. Sorry!
  • @kelani, I share the affection for television that you have. Ours is turned on each week for about 2 hours - that is while we watch the soccer competition here, now, during sommer, the device isn't aware of its own presence, lol. No @estar, what I meant was that @burpie prepared the snacks and watched the scoreboard of BR on his large tv.
  • What's that about all that wining? I have wide shoulders and listening ears. Tell me the issues, perhaps I can help. (Or not). Funny, those timezones. I say @Kathy wining at 6.00 am (our time) and @sweetp even at 10.00 am (also our time). It's nice, because when they are going to bed, we got tired the first time.
  • what's that DCB standing for?
  • Haha @burpie. You thought I was taking my pain meds again? No problem, it's easy to forget about the time difference on this side of the pond.

    Hello @bernersenn! DCB = Double Counted Bonus (birds)

    Every Tuesday in the BP is Whine Tuesday. That's when we get to loudly WHINE, so that it brings us luck when we are flinging and having a hard time with a level. But thanks for offering your shoulders to cry (whine) on and your listening ears! I just might take you up on that sometime in the future.
  • OB, a tall glass of raspberry iced tea please.

    @all, Time for me to say good night on this side of the pond, and have a good day on the opposite side. See you all tomorrow!
  • @Sweetp, thanks. A good night, at 11:27 am? Anyway, good night to you
  • Hello!
    1st want to say sorry to @bernersenn and @kathy for no-reply_ing but just now I just finished back-navigation for one post then I've found your posts. For some reason i get no notification for mentions here.
    @bernersenn Seems that was a time-crossing issue about the Dutch translation. When offered and accepted there was no Dutch translation at all. Thanks for your time and job.
  • Speaking of an early lunch @Burpie. How do the Dutch handle paying the bill on a date? You can get in on this as well @bernersenn. In the US, the old fashion way, my way, was for the man to pick up the tab. Times have changed and now it's more common for the bill to be split, or as we call it here, "going Dutch". I don't know why it's called that and tried to research it. I discovered the practice of most countries with the ironic exception of The Netherlands. What's the common practice there on a romantic date?
  • Hello @TSL. I'm sorry, but I get lazy when I come to these long names.
  • I would have asked you to chime in too @Estar, but I know how you hate us blabbering river guys.
  • @rat, going dutch isn't the normal way for us. Here it's usual to put all on one tab, at the end the amount on the tab is divided among the couples, or singles, that were present. So, there's no weighing of what you had for drink or eat. Excuse me, other dutchies, when it is in your side of our (huge) country different.
  • I remember you telling me how far away from @Estar you lived. One hundred and twenty-four miles. I had a big chuckle over that. Over here we call anybody that close neighbor. Such a BIG country.

    Edit: I fear with global warming, it might get smaller.
  • On a romantic date, the man pays the bill and leaves about a 10% tip. Normally a 10% tip would be considered extremely generous. The Dutch faint when they hear that a 15% tip is considered standard practice in the USA.

    The Dutch are genetically stingy - or as they like to call it, thrifty - and I'm sure this is where the saying comes from.
  • @rat, don't be upset. Looked it up: the surface od the netherlands surface is about 37354 km2 a that's about 14423 sq ml. At your side of the pond you can conpare that with Maryland (12407 sq ml). So don't underestimate us!
  • @bernersenn I find this is true for non-romantic dates. And it always peeves me off, because I feel obligated to order the cheapest frigging thing on the menu.
  • @burpie, you're right, only for non-romantic dates. Those I did already forget (has to do with my age, I think)
  • @rat we indeed don't have the saying "going dutch". for me, it depends... did we invite someone to go to dinner... we pay. If I get invited... they pay. If it is a mutual decision, split the bill and depending on the company, either we do the split thru the middle or in some cases of a scrooge (ugh hate those) the bill will be checked and balances so each pays what that had for dinner. But I have to admit, I hate the splitting the bill, so usually when it is unclear hubby and I pick up the tab to avoid awkward situations.

    But hey, thats based on my own thinking and reasoning. Don't have much dating experiences and hubby always was the old fashioned type... he paid :D
    so I am not sure what the experienced dating people do.
  • @rat, seen? This was the result of the dutch jury
  • @burpie hahahahaha LOL, for me it depends on who is treating me to dinner... but on the other hand, if I know I was treated to dinner by someone who either is stingy or not capable of paying the yummy expensive stuff, I usually decline the offer or pay for it myself.
  • I'm not a big fan of "split the bill" @bernersenn. I don't drink. And if they have a bottle of expensive wine (it's all expensive here), I feel like I'm paying for their recreational drinking.

    Well, will you look at that, twinkle, twinkle little Star. I thought you hated our blabbering. I'm the same as you on picking up the tab if I made the original offer. Now get back to work.
  • LOL... looks like the Dutchies are in THA HOUSE hahahahha
  • Mister @Rat don't you know by now, I do not work on Wednesdays?! We Dutchies are the record keepers of working part time, didn't you know??
  • Ow and Mister @Rat I never said I hated your blabbering... just the riverside talk I don't get due to the fact I don't play Rio... but still hate is such a strong word!
  • Boy, oh boy. There sure are a lot of Dutch out and about today. Lurk much?
  • You're right @Estar. I paraphrased when I said hate. What you said yesterday was that you want to "wring our necks".
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