The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2214
  • Night @estar ♡♡ the sport was diving and no @kelani didnt guess it. @abcrazy finely gave it up:) sweet dreams my friend (((((hug))))
  • almmmmost made me go back and read the 5 missing pages, but nope I will save that till tomorrow :) Night night @kathy [[[hugggs]]] and enjoy the Sunday my friend!
  • @estar was that...PM blackmail? Oh my.

    @Kathy wha?! I most certainly did guess it! Waaay back before everyone else got involved, I guessed 5 sports. She said it was one from that list. Later, I narrowed it down to two. Swimming/Diving. By then I had a headache from looking at the pic and telling you to quit guessing randomly and look at the post! :P
  • @Kelani I'd take @Estar up on that blackmail if I were you. Otherwise this one you'll never guess.
    Goodnight Star, goodnight air, goodnight noises everywhere...
  • @Rat I think you're right. Seems I'm caught between a star and a hard place, which also describes my current S-23 situation. :)
  • Jeez. Whenever a cable channel premieres a new series, in commercials for it, they say "So and So is now cable's #1 new series!" That's nice. Too bad every blanking channel says the same thing about every blanking series.
  • Night @Pa :D
  • Sorry @kelani yes you Did narrow it down. .And you worked the hardest at guessing. .sooo
    Yes @estar kelani After all gets the credit for solving the mystery photo :) guess we can call him @kelani the third Hardy boy:)
  • @JLZ666, @karen68 -- glad I didn't spoil Wimbledon watching for anyone, sorry about that.
  • @Kathy rofl. I read every one of those books. I don't wanna be one anymore! :P Hey, I think you were the one working hardest at guessing. :) Maybe someone else will give us another one to figure out soon. If not, I will whenever I get my ipad back again.
  • Ohh no @kelani (the good cuz) say it ain't so ? Lol..
  • Not bout reading the books @kelani lol..I read All of the Nancy Drew mystery haha 'The Secret of the Old Clock' haha..I gave the whole collection to my neice.. who i thought would treasure them. .Not..I found half of them not long ago in my sisters attic.. moldy and torn; ( no respect I tell ya:(
  • @Kelani, did you use dmsral's method to get 120K on 8-31? Asking because you have another post there, thanks.
  • Heehee @Fenikus I thought you were done with Beak?
  • @Kathy, I decided against playing Seasons.
  • Night @estar I had no idea my tired pups pic would spark such a lively discussion. Note to self.... Don't post pics of the more cluttered rooms. 0.o
  • :D happy you decided to stay @fenikus
    Ikr @abcrazy lol..
  • @fenikus nope, I used @ronscarboro strategy. Chuck flies off the bottom right of the screen, redirect up into the fluxcap. Terence quickly to the wood at 2:00 to push everything into the lava. However, @Abeggertoo posted a better shot 1 that takes out that annoying bottom pig. If I had to do it over again, that's the shot I'd use.
  • @fenikus stayed? But, but, but...I thought a new Season's release was too much for him to pass it by. OK, I best get to flingin'.

    Sorry Ma, I wasn't headed to bed. I was reading @Estar a bedtime story. It seemed to fit since it's about the moon and stars. lol
  • Argghh I totally do not want to go back to work tomorrow!
    I forget where @lryian told me where to find my keyboard dictionsry on android? Anyone here know?
  • Lol @Pa goodnight moon?
    @Kelani I know the obvious answer is 'fence' but of course it's not gonna be the obvious?
  • @Kathy of course! :o) And in 2 hours, I'm going to bed! :D
  • @Kathy my first guess was a pair of glittery pants like the clubby-club girls wear.
  • Darn !! Can't flip the pic when you have motion activated screen it flips with the screen! !
  • @kelani Do You Know what it is? Don't make us guess if you don't know the answer lol:/
  • Sorry work tomorrow. . Gotta get the flinging on!!
  • @Kathy of course I know what it is. I peeked at the answer! ;P
  • Hmm..I won't peek @kelani. .I'll be fair.. good hints ..hmmm
  • Ohh it looks like one of those chinese finger torture thingies @kelani ?
  • Idk gotta fling lol..
  • @Kathy nope :) Those are made of bamboo strips. Never seen shiny metallic bamboo before, but it'd be cool to have some. :)
  • That's true @kelani good point.I was looking at the left side. Ssometimes you see those multib cored ones.
  • @Pa I was sure it was you sending the sheriff to my door this morning on S-20 lol.
    Thank goodness it was just a misentered score :D
  • @Kathy I'm really glad you got to keep your shiny new trophy. That woulda been mean to have it snatched away so fast. :)

    btw, I added a few more hints beneath the photo.
  • Me too @kelani :) thanks :)
  • wow @wrw01 is 30 points away from being Sling God. All those posts sure paid off.

    Oh, forgot one.

    8. If @ABcrazy sees hint #4, she should know exactly what this is. :)
  • @kelani discoball laid flat
  • @ABcrazy wow, lurk much? I posted that 30 seconds ago! lol.

    and no. No smooshed disco balls. You know this one. :)
  • Ok. Based on hint #4 I'll say its a moon buggy 'tire'.
  • @Abcrazy true, there's 3 rovers on the moon, but that would make 12 'tires'.
  • K @kelani you got me for tonight. I'm too sleepy. Till tomorrow. Cheers!
  • Well darn. I thought for sure she'd get it.
  • @Kelani, good tip about sending second bird quickly on 8-31.
  • @fenikus thanks. Did you get your missing points already?
  • A Dreamcatcher ? @Kelani :)
  • Keep in mind I am very tired not a dreamcatcher what the hwll would they have that on the moon for:/
  • @Kathy nope. But hey, maybe Neil and Buzz wanted one to hang when they sang kumbayah around the campfire? :P
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