The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2215
  • @Kelani, not yet but I see sending Terence quickly clears the way for lava chunks much better.
  • A Flag ? I was gonna Guess that but thought it was obvious? I did mention I'm very tired lo

    Its not a flag its A i know....
  • @Kathy no, and you did mention you were tired. Poor SleepyKathy. Can't believe your vacation is already over. Shows how long I've been stuck in my chair this week. :)
  • I know @Kelani right and a whole 10 days gone I haven't accomplished anything:/
    Oh well. I've learned a few things though:)
    Night night. . I'll guess tomorrow if noone gets it:/ and yep I tried to cheat and look in your album But you lied is not there:/
  • Night @Pa
    *hands over flashlight to OB, * just toss it in the safe OB please i won't be using it for a while..
    Nightly night all
  • Night Ma
  • I know what it is @Kelani. It's plastic. Tell me I'm wrong. ha ha
  • In case anyone plays while I'm off snoring somewhere, here's the three most obvious things it's not.

    1. It's not a microphone
    2. It's not a speaker grille
    3. It's not a kitchen strainer
  • @Kelani, is it a lunar rover?
  • Hello Guys, good morning to you all. New day, new chances

    @jlz666 that's fine about the shirt. Next wednesday at 22:00 CET the game against Argentina starts. Time of ending is open.
  • Hey! A disco ball laid flat was not a wrong answer - it's still a reflector @kelani

    Ringed by footprints, sitting in the moondust, lies a 2-foot wide panel studded with 100 mirrors pointing at Earth: the "lunar laser ranging retroreflector array." Apollo 11 astronauts Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong put it there on July 21, 1969, about an hour before the end of their final moonwalk. Thirty-five years later, it's the only Apollo science experiment still running.
  • I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike....
    Ear worm stuck in my head now.
  • Look what you did @ABcrazy. Now I've got an ear worm too!

    *Fat bottomed girls,
    they'll be riding today*

    BI #2 Inventory:
    Strong coffee...check
    iPad fully charged...check
    SWDNF is back at work...check
    Condition of thumb...acceptable

    Prognosis: Light to moderate flinging approved.
    Danger to @Kelani ranking: minimal
  • Mumsie ambles in to the BP - strange but last night she began to feel quite dizzy! ah well time to stock up the secret supply box! Mumsie settles herself into her rocker - decides to use the big screen to watch a movie - rummages in her capacious bag and pulls out Bambi - only because the BBC is doing a documentary next week entitled Where were you when Bambi's mother was shot (Ian Christie explores the impact the animated classic had on a generation of children growing up in war-torn Britain.) Personally I was in the cinema! But its ages since I watched it! OB comes over with a nice cup of tea - Mumsie picks out a ball of yarn from @SweetP and begins to knit.

    @rat - Queen was not my favourite band but .....
    @Kathy - as well as learning to knit the blues have taken a crash course in Flashlight care - OB tells me they've done a reasonable job - nowhere near as good as your patnah does but its safe in the safe. Hope your return to work is not too bad.
    @kelani - I thought it was going to be a garden chair til I read a bit more and realised there were no garden chairs left on the moon!
    @ABcrazy - I agree reflector was a not wrong answer
    @bernersenn - hope your Dad is doing well now
    @all - love mentos - used to buy loads in France before they were available in Tesco!
  • @mumsie, he is, thank you
  • @ABcrazy what bicycle, is your car broke?
  • @Bernersenn -- @ABCrazy was responding to @Kelani's mystery pic on last page. Got to admit I cheated and looked up answer. Still can't recognize it, and I would say that in the clue about something left on the moon, it is a distant cousin.
  • Hi @bernersenn One of @kelani clues was a Queen song sort of. Bicycles have reflectors on them. But it is time to get the motorcycles rolling again.
  • Hi @mvnla2 its kind of a squirrely set of clues. There are all kinds of reflectors besides the little plastic ones on various modes of transportation. Mirrors and glass are reflectors too. To me the pic looks like a bunch of small mirrors which is why my first guess was a flat disco ball. Not that far off but would he even acknowledge that? NnnoooOOOOOOoooo......
  • @ABCrazy -- I would assume what was left on the moon was an array of corner-cubes. FYI, I do know something about lasers and optics. : )
    @Rat -- Don't know what that would have to do with flinging, but it is obviously stained glass, or an imitation thereof. Maybe it's the corner of the table you fling on? Rather fancy, if so.
  • Good guess @Mvnla2. But no.

    Edit: Yes, I did make it with stained glass as one of the materials though.
  • Two at the same time @Mvnla2? tsk, tsk, tsk This could get confusing.
  • @mvnla2 That look like a pool or pond with a chandelier over it. Very pretty, though.

    @Rat Is it a window covering, to allow diffused light, and prevent glare on your i-pad? :) My aunt makes those.
  • Hello guys! What's up?
  • 'morning @TAS How're you doing? We're just trying to figure out the two mystery photos posted above.
  • @Kelani Another good guess. But I like the glare. It illuminates the dust particles.
  • Interesting. Two things I hadn't though of so far. Ain't the mind great?
  • @Mvnla2 I think @Kelani is close. But I think it's a reflection in one of those outdoor gas fire fountains.
  • @Rat it is when it's workin' :). Hey, do you still use lead on stained glass, or one of those other low-melt-temp-malleable metals?

    btw, only 1k progress in B2 for me yesterday. So you're still a clear & present danger.

    edit: great guess. (gas fountains). That seems more likely.
  • No fair!! I can't play. .but i think I know Pa..hmmmm..I think?
  • Ah @mvnla2 has one too!! I'm gonna have to leave work lol!!
  • I let that coffee go to waste this morning @Kelani. I didn't fling once. So you're very safe.
  • @Kathy, you might have insider info. PM me your guess.
  • Oo Oo I've got a guess. Can I play @Rat?

    Is it the door you use to go outside to fling?

    Really good guess!!!
  • @Rat well, you never sleep, so the day is still young. :)

    Guess #2 was a ceiling hanging to act as a fluorescent light diffuser. It's clearly in front of a window or light, but that's not a normal ceiling color.

    Are you using the grid pattern reflected on your ipad screen to help aim? :)
  • Hha ha ha ha ha @kelani.

    I don't remember what leading SWDNF used for the stained glass portion. I built the rest.
  • @mvlna2 - is it a turtle underwater with a light reflecting on it?
    @rat is it a coaster for your coffee mug?
  • Actually @Kelani, I didn't sleep last night, but I was thinking hard about trying to sleep during the hot part of this afternoon.

    Sorry @Mumsie. But I'll give you a clue if you don't tell anyone else. It's bigger than a breadbox.
  • @Rat so...she did the hard work and you made a frame? :P It looks very nice, but so would that wormy cherry!

    I'm starting to think the connection that thing has with your flinging will be tenuous at best; i.e. "It's in the hall. I pass by it every day on the way to my flinging lair." :)
  • Hello @Mumsie That's also a great guess! (turtle). btw, I never would've guessed you were a fellow mentos addict. :)

    @Rat did you know your buddy Margaret slept as little as you? :)
  • Have to say I am so impressed by Mrs Rat's handiwork! (And the frame of course) ok is it the border of a mirror that reflects light to illuminate the dust motes?
  • @kelani -- As I said, an array of corner-cubes. : )
    @kelani and @Rat -- You're both very close, but photo was taken inside, and no, we don't have an inside pool of any kind.
    @mumsie -- Nothing living involved other than the photographer.
    @theanonymousesomeone -- We're playing "What am I?", but you might be ineligible for guessing my pic, cause I think you might have been around the first time, as was Kathy for sure.
    @all - Have to take care of real life for a while, so won't be able to respond to guesses for 2 to 3 hrs.
  • I did not know about Thatcher's sleep affliction.

    BTW @Kelani. This item is critical to my flinging. I couldn't fling without it. Now I've said too much.

    Edit: Or I've confused the heck out of ya.
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