The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2710
  • ohhhh nervous about the tennis match lol,,sorry just caught that, hope your guy Fed? wins :/
    i know nothing about tennis lol..
  • And the princess retains her crown, 2 pages in a row, and no i don't plan it. that's the beauty of it.
  • All hail! @kathy, the princess!
    And good tennis news:
    Federer, Murray and Raonic ( @karen68 favourite) all won!

    Didn't play SC today bumped down to only who knows were, tried the challenge made about 6k on previous score, still 15k below puppy. @gumby my green friend don't go there, it's dire!

    I do some genealogy for various charitable causes (the only unselfish thing I've ever done in my life!)
    Now it's fairly obvious that if your name is John Smith you might be hard to trace, as there are so many John Smiths around. Genealogists like unusual names. Easy to trace. So Eben Foggitt sounds ideal. My current job. His ancestors have a tangled web of deceit behind that name, I love the detection and intrigue

    Nighty night, off to Eben research first thing, and then dressing up for girly lunch, so little flinging time xx
  • Not understanding why the genealogy research @hunnybunny?
    Glad the good guy won the match.
    Nighty night Sweet Dreams:)
  • Sent you a pm @hunybunny
    Where is everyone?
    @gumby?? Waassssupppp?
  • @mvnla2 I usually dont need walkthroughs for ME , and i can't find them for Summer Camp, I know your not around, but when you get back I could use some help? I've got most of them but level 1 is killing me, I've got 97% any advice?
  • ughh Dentist tommorow :(:( nighty night all the good thing is after is done I can come home and crash:)

    Nighty night @Pa
  • @kathy WASSSSUUUPPP sorry was out all day well since 7:15 am anyways lol. Its 11:37
    now. Good luck at the dentist.
    @hunnybunny which challenge are you referring to? If the Space one I usually don't bother with those. If it was the Golden Egg one I did try, ended up in 17th place. If it was a wonder ham one WELL I have never played it, and am too lazy to bother unlocking it.
    @rat Wasssuuppp
    @jlz666 I play on a phone as well so don't feel bad
  • Wasssssuuppp
  • Good night @Ma
    And since it's so late/early,
    Good mornin' @Ma
  • @bernersenn I couldn't get the bullet in the bottle but enjoyed the Garth Brooks concert. So many fireworks. It looked like the strip was on fire.
  • Hello guys, good evening to you all.
    @rat good to hear that you enjoyed the concert. Have fun overthere.
    Again no puppy for me. I don't whine, oh no. This saturday we will have a real puppy. A kuddle puppy.
  • Hey Everybody!!
    I changed my mind,, and rescheduled my dentist appointment:) i may only get partials on the bottom,, I've heard too many people complain of having a full bottom denture,, hard to keep it in. So that's that,,i go back at the end of August:) now i can enjoy my week off:) 'Whew'
    OB I'll have a Blue Mongo please,, with a shot of Sunshine's super flinging power stuff:)
    Hope everyone is enjoying whatever time of day it is wherever you are:)
  • @kathy WOW a week off :)
    @bernersenn Saturday will seem like its a year away
    @rat maybe you need a bigger bottle with a wide neck opening :P
    @mahd hello
  • Yepppers @gumby ,doing nothing.....:D
  • @kathy lies, I know you will be flinging :)
  • Eid mubarak, Pakistani members
  • @mahd could you translate for us non-Pakistan members
  • @Gumby

    Muslims wish each other "Eid Mubarak" after performing the Eid prayer. The celebration continues until the end of the day for Eid ul-Fitr (or al-Fitr) and continues a further three days for Eid ul-Adha (or Al-Adha).
    it's this correct @mahd and do I say enjoy your celebrations?
  • @mahd did you look on the members map to see if there are other members from Pakistan, ,I'm sure there must be:)
    all i really know of Pakistan is the book I read, (listened to actually) called 'I am Malala ' what a strong, very brave girl! !
  • Ooohhh my Is Tuesday!!!
    *frantically sets out baskets of earplugs on the bar and the booths, the table by the door. ..
    better late than never! !
    Welcome to Wwwwwwihhhhhiiiiinnneee Tuesday! !
    Feeel free to Whine about any level giving you troubles!!
  • Eid is the end of Ramadan, when Muslims fast for about a month. By fast, I think it means no eating or drinking from sunrise to sunset. How did I do there @mahd I didn't google! I know little about Pakistan, but respect people's religion, and hope I know a bit.
    I think Ramadam is a little like our Christian Easter, the date moves, with Lent before (not fasting but giving up excesses) and this one is very early and very long.
    Sorry, broke a BP rule, no religion or politics, but we all break the rules sometimes
    Enjoy Eid @mahd and eat!
    Please correct me if I'm wrong, a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, so I'm always open to expanding mine
  • sooooo sleepy, very long day yesterday
  • Woo Hoo @gumby we cross paths, at last, but only momentarily, big hug, I'm off to bed
    Nighty night, fellow flingers xx
  • Nighty night @hunnybunny Sweet Dreams ♡
    and @gumby? Nighty night?
  • @hunnybunny hugs back, sleep well
    @kathy not asleep yet, but eyes are closing
  • Thanks for the info on Ramadan, @hunnybunny ,is nice to learn about other customs,,and ya is o.k to break the rules now and then, in a learning way,,not argumentative :)
    I respect all others beliefs ,that after all what makes us unique:)
  • lol @gumby :) hard to fling with eyes closed haha!
  • @kathy what if I believe in ALIENS
  • @JLZ666, sorry about the videos not working for you. Have you tried clearing your cache/browsing history? Usually that helps clear up any issues with connecting to any webpage. I was having the same problem too, until I cleared my browsing history. Hope that works for you.
  • OK, now I know I'm losing my marbles. I could've sworn I already played levels 20 and 21 in Summer Camp. But now when I try to tap on level 20, it says I have to gather 10 feathers to unlock it or spend 200 coins!
  • lol @gumby I DO believe in Aliens heehee ,did you ever watch that show, ithink it's on A&E Ancient something, maybe Aliens, but it has all kinds of history about speculation of how the Great pyramids were made, and the catacombs With the Huge heavy slabs of concrete way underground?
  • Hey there Sweetp nice to see you:) hmm that's odd ,,i didn't need any coins to open any levels in SC? I think some of them depend on stars and feathers ,but hmm didn't you make videos for all?
    let me check, I'm sure you did!
  • Sweetp yes you definitely played level 20 ,you made a video. .
    same thing by happened to @knichy ,he suddenly lost progress and needed coins to unlock some seasons levels, see the forum that was for help with Rovio representative @Wingmanjuan. not sure if the exact forum name. .
    hmmm odd..but at least your video is proof that you played it, tell Wingmanjuan to look at the walkthrough page ¿
  • Lol just looked at the World clock, most of the world is already in tommorow! ! only U.S and Canada still in July 5th :/ weird, Why can't we All Have the same time ,never mind Day! !
    I miss @mvnla2 Hope your having a great time with family :)
    OB I'll have another Blue Mongo, heck I'm on vacation and I still have my teeth :) Celebration :)
  • @rat In case you are around in the next 90 minutes, there is an achievable Space puppy today. Just follow comex's vid, and you'll make it, presumably much faster than I did.
  • Haven't seen @rat9 today @sglouk but thanks for the heads up on the puppy,,i may give it a go!!
  • @kathy I am awake again lol. If we all had the same time it would be dark all day during the day in a lot of places.
  • Still @gumby? And yes I suppose that's true.. Guess we all need to adjust our time according to the sun,,hmmm what did they do before clocks and time zones were created? Lol.. guess everyone went to bed when it got dark,, and woke at sunup:/
  • Vacation or not, I've gotta close my eyes, ,good night all
    Nighty Night @Pa
  • Good night @Ma
  • Yep @sweetp I tried that. It was my first thought as I hadn't done it for a while. It's made no difference. It's only on some levels so thought other might also be having issues. Obviously not. Just me. Thanks anyway.
  • Whine club today?
  • Or tomorrow or yesterday
  • Good afternoon guys

    In the instable section I saw this:

    PeeJayDee27 wrote:

    @mvnla2 Partial Self-destruct : ABS Cinco de Mayo 3

    @mvnla2 what's this game? I don't have it on the Ipad.
  • Night here
  • Please answer my whine club question
  • Gan I get some thing with you egg substitutes
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