The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 3168
  • Thought that page would never end. Where are you Princess?
  • Have you seen @ixan57'score in HD 1-2?Well dodge.
  • So you removed it….
  • As for the RWC group stage ends this weekend @desperatedan. Proper stuff starts next week. As for the Cricket WC England not favourite, India to win if they can handle the expectation levels. As long as the Aussies don't win I'm happy.
  • After the last time NZ deserve to win the cricket. They wuz robbed.
  • Can't buy a point in DA. Still 1536 points behind and burned myself out.
  • Happy Birthday @Kathy xx
  • How are you Princess? Not heard from you in a while.
  • A lot has been made of the RWC draw with the quarter finals likely including France v South Africa and New Zealand v Ireland (which should be the Semi final line up imo) Remarkably given their poor pre tournament form good chance for both England and Wales to make the semis as they'll probably play Fiji and Argentina respectively. (Though Fiji will not fear England after what happened at Twickenham recently)

    This imbalance all comes about because the groups were decided 3 years ago based on world rankings then and 3 years is a long time in sport. I think I'm right in saying that 3 of the world's top 6 teams currently ended up in Ireland's group.
    To be fair to England the same thing happened in reverse when they hosted the tournament 8 years ago and they found themselves in a group containing a bang tidy Welsh team and an in form Australia. All because the group makeup was decided 3 years in advance.

    One of the few things FIFA has right is that they decide on the structure of the World Cup groups the xmas before the tournament begins(obviously after a week long jolly at their Zurich headquarters). RWC take heed.

    Not a rant just a long factoid.
  • @HunnyBunny you have to be careful with people that work at heights, my friend and his wife were walking down the high street when a tin of paint fell from a great height hitting him on the side of his head and ricocheted towards his wife. He was OK but his wife was overcome with emulsion.
    @BrianN I've still got the book.
  • Emailed The Princess, hoping for a reply. Will let you know
  • Down to 1149 points behind...
    Worth an ellipsis to emphasise the tension I thought.
    My marbles are well and truly lost.
  • Just asking.
    For £76,000 would you hazard a guess that Ringo Starr was called Ringo because
    (a) he wore lots of rings?
    (b) he wore round glasses?
    I must stop obsessing over idiotic answers in quiz programmes. But there is a art to guessing sensibly when you don't know the answer.
  • 29 points behind!
  • I won the £76,000 on every question…
  • Go, Dan, go
    Then get a life…
  • yes, looking forward to it. That will be 1st place in the first 7 episodes. But beyond that it's way too hard without Classics.
    Anyway, glad you are back @hunnybunny. There was a pretty huge cruise ship loitering (probably not the correct nautical term) just outside Holyhead harbour this morning and I thought of you.
  • Oh dear, DA 7-4 has come up as a Challenge level today. I only hope @4lien doesn't notice. Don't think this one will fall to Classics though. It's actually one of my worst levels in DA so maybe I can scrape a few points.
    Sorry if anyone is getting bored with this but this actually an AB forum, loosely.
  • 11 points ahead.
    Come on, drink the bar dry.
    It may not last.
  • Sitting in pub (surprise surprise) woman at next table spoke to her daughter called her prudence. What a name haven't heard that for donkeys. Brought back memories, earworms the lot. Hope you all like.
  • Why would you call a donkey Prudence?
    Anyway, decided my DA7-4 score is very good after all as neither I or anyone else can get near it. I judged it as poor as it was 6k down on the leader, but that leading score is unbelievable.

    Trivia question: Who is Prudence?
  • Who is she…
  • Had Sunday Lunch in Pasture, the top Beefy restaurant in Cardiff
    With all the Sunday Lunch veggies, roast potatoes and Yorkshire puddings
    Yum, yum, yum
    And far too much to drink, as normal….
  • I asked the question, @hunnybunny!
    Had Sunday Lunch on top of Tal-y-Fan, 2001 feet. Two dry digestives (one and a half actually, Twiggy had half of one) and a swig of water.
    Yum, yum, yum.
    Passed on the bilberries.
  • For us Australia haters
    Well done India and Fiji beating Portugal presently
  • Bad, Portugal winning
  • Good, Fiji through on points
    Australia out
  • Prudence Farrow, Mia Farrow's sister.
  • @ixan57 definite ear worm!!
    Haven’t heard that song in so long, now it’s been in my head for a couple of hours. Good thing I always liked it.
  • Good song indeed, as good as Beatles original. But a rubbish video, I think.
  • Bill Grundy promised to meet up with Siouxsie Sioux afterwards during the infamous Sex Pistols interview of 1976 which propelled their careers in somewhat different directions.
  • Got one Connection on the first clue, Dan, David Bowie, obviously
  • Evening quizheads. I remember that interview and the band calling Grundy a dirty old man because of his ogling Siouxsie. Still going strong at 67 btw(Siouxsie that is).
  • Have to say John Mcgeoch joining the band transformed their sound. His guitar playing is magical. Spellbinding in fact.
  • A Magazine classic song from a classic lineup including Devoto, Shelley and Mcgeoch.
  • Just finished watching The Long Shadow, a drama series about the Ripper murders, focussing more on the victims and surviving families. Very dark and that was just the policing @hunnybunny. Geoffrey, Bungle and Zippy at the helm. Hope your manor was a little better run.
  • That Magazine album with Shot by Both Sides (Real Life) is probably right up there in my top 10 of all time @brianN. First three tracks blow you away and it just keeps going. But I must (anally) point out that Shelley is not in that line up, although he does get a couple of writing co-credits including Shot by Both Sides.
  • Just listened to the opening track, Definitive Gaze, again. Shivers down the spine. Why can't anybody write and play music as brilliant as this anymore? Modern music is 99% pants. As was my performance on OC tonight @hunnybunny. And the team I wanted to win lost. Victoria really dished it out on Roald Dahl, didn't she?
  • I know it was from Buzzcocks Spiral Scratch period when Devoto left to form Magazine but was sure Shelley guested on that one? Anyway you're right a brilliant period for both bands and chart music in general.
  • Never mind I did some googling and you're correct, songwriting credit only for Shelley. Pedantry corner for you.
  • Thanks @Brian_N! Can’t get that channel but I’ve been enjoying Gideon series on YouTube, also an old B&W movie called Jigsaw. Also love The Blue Lamp.

    Feeling very chuffed about Newcastle’s win! Drinks all round!
  • @BrianN seen the Long Shadow
    It’s easy to criticise old police investigations, with hindsight, and TV production companies really do have hindsight down to an absolute incredible level

    I worked on a Case Review (intelligence stuff) and was horrified, til you realise that 30 odd years ago the law was different, the degree of evidence needed to secure a conviction (basically a straightforward confession) was enough. So all the forensics were lost. And very little CCTV and no mobile phone records available Some witness statements never taken. A confession was enough.

    There are a couple of famous cases in Cardiff, where murderers got off on appeal, years later, on some technicalities, received hundreds of thousands in compensation, and were guilty as hell

    As you previously said, not a rant, just facts
  • 'allo' allo 'allo touch a raw nerve then did we? I think you're right about hindsight but what comes across is the incompetence of the senior officers in charge of this particular case. The intransigence of Oldfield in particular stood out, refusing to change tack even when presented with good evidence that the killer and the Geordie muppet who sent the tape were not the same people for example.
    They all seemed very parochial as well, getting more angry about someone from Scotland Yard coming in than catching Sutcliffe (who was interviewed 9 times). Obviously this was over 40 years ago but even allowing for that It didn't seem like they were very good at their job.
    A bit like Morse apparently.
  • A police constable on his beat actually “caught” him
  • And I agree about some senior officers (never use superior, they’re not)
    Three absolute ***** I worked with. One ended up in prison, beating up his wife, and abusing her children, his brother, and Richard Powell: Dick Powell him before he dicks you!

    And others (Senior Investigating Officers) that want to turn a Cat C (domestic murder) into a Cat A (stranger murder)
    Cat B is normally the drug gangs shooting one another
    I slipped into my rank by filling in for the SIOs on some mad journey into losing a case because they completely ****** up
  • Funny story - well I think so - Adrian was my Boss, Head of Intelligence - had transferred from another force to become the Elite SIO, so a bit pissed off in intelligence.
    A Murder, so he was off, and I stepped into his shoes
    Anyway, he decided to retire after losing the murder case, and bought his new fiancé, Sally, to his retirement do.
    Someone rang his original force and found out he’d been married three times
    “And here’s to Sally, his fourth wife”
    She had no idea…
  • Anyway, after I’ve bored you to death, very good news: @Kathy has reappeared in chat room which includes me, Ian and tompuss, all urging her to sit in her booth and order some awful cocktail from OB
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