The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 3170
  • Twiggy has a similar relationship with a BELS. Legs, ears, tail, tongue all splayed in different directions. I'm just flogging on through Ashes to Ashes on a different part of the BELS. 22 episodes in (counting Life on Mars).
  • Thanks @desperatedan you really changed the mood there.
  • Seeing as you're there wanted to ask ABO world knockout champion: what stops someone using the extra bird option in ABO? Does it show up as a PU?
  • No spoilers but have you come across the battered sausage episode yet?
    Remember "The early bird catches the bastard."
  • My (crown) comment was being written before your (fez) comment appeared, so I didn't know I was changing the mood. But, since you mentioned it, why the hell not.
    Get rocking!
    No-one will ever write something like that again.
  • No idea about extra bird @brianN, never crossed my mind. So many episodes, not sure about sausages or not, it all blends into one.

    Actually, listening to Joni Mitchell reminds me I have to work my way through Afterlife next. It's just too exhausting. That plus about 4 or 5 programmes on BBC Sounds. Which is arguably the greatest library of the spoken word one can find in the world.
  • Batten down the hatches, you folks up north. Nighty night.
  • There I was, just turning in and @kathy pops up. Sorry I'm not @brianN but "hi" anyway.
  • Did you know that if you try to post a comment without writing anything in the box, a red instruction flashes up saying "Body is Required".

    I could be tempted.
  • Hi @kathy hope you're well and life in Hell, sorry Hull, is go8ng well.

    Dan thanks for the song but rather rub chillies in my eyes.
  • There's nothing exhausting about Afterlife. Extremely funny and Gervais knows a thing or two about pathos.
  • Sounds like the calm before the storm. Take care @ brianN.
  • Hope you all liked that early cover version there pop pickers.

    Phew, sure I just saw a dog wearing a cape fly over the house. Is Twiggy ok?
  • She has been to the groomers. Suspiciously little wind or rain here. Very sunny earlier on. Perfect window cleaning weather in fact. I was feeling sorry for you. Not that I was cleaning any windows, I must make clear. We were on the beach getting messy again.
  • @BrianN time for a trip to specsavers. Don't you know it is monster in laws broom testing season. Hubby bubby toil and trouble.
    Seriously hope you are OK just heard on news they is evacuation in some places or Brechin. Hope you and family are OK.
  • My acquaintance Arthur Boyt, famous amongst other things, for eating roadkill (link posted some months ago), sadly passed away over the summer. So well known in fact, that he had a large obituary in the Times. He published a roadkill cookbook before he died but apparently did not live long enough to complete "One Hundred Ways to Kill Yourself on a Bicycle". Roadkill is only a subset of what he ate, given that he had whale for Xmas. And how he ended up marrying a vegetarian in later life will remain a mystery.
  • It's been a disaster guys. I was watching Spongebob Sq P (for this is what I do on days off) and the picture started pixelating.Bloody wind.
  • At least the water here is clean unlike in Wales. Dirty dirty Welsh Water.
  • Blindfold archery? You don't know what you're missing.
  • I’m crying at Joni Mitchell
    Loads of rain here, no wind
    Bloody Welsh Water, bloody Welsh (allegedly a) Government
    What a shite mess; both of them
  • RIPieces of road kill, the wonderful Mr Boyt
  • It was a beautiful song when she wrote it in her early twenties but there's something really poignant about this version as she revisits it I think in her seventies and still acknowledging she doesn't know love or life.
  • @desperatedan either you've nicked Bob's book off of @ixan57 or been scrolling those channels nobody watches to find unusual sports?
  • And this was written by Kate Bush, aged 13!
  • Anyway, it’s Mr Bunny’s retirement do tomorrow
    To be fair to the grumpy old git, he’s 69, and has worked for nearly sixty of them, starting out delivering milk aged ten, a police cadet at 17, joined the police on his 19th birthday. Served for 33 years, retired and six weeks later became a “white van man” delivering for Waitrose, then his stint as the Licensing Officer, who you may remember left pub owners dead, or broken and crying all over south Wales. Then 14 years as a civvy, in the police, in the intelligence unit
    Any window cleaning jobs going up north?
    I’ve no idea what he’s going to do next…
  • That is so weird @hunnybunny, that song has been buzzing round my head for the last couple of days. What a talent. What a voice.
  • Kate Bush not Mr Bunny although I'm sure he has other talents.
  • Well my Celtic friends call me delusional but I'm sure you're all rooting for England as the last Brit standing in the RWC. Argentina, Samoa, Fiji c'mon Southern Hemisphere is that all you've got? Sing along with me... Swing Low... Er... South Africa?... New Zealand?... Gulp...

    "You're delusional!"
  • Nite all, hope you and Mr Bunny have a real Gene Hunt style piss up tomorrow @hunnybunny and the BELS gets a good workout.
  • It's not possible for one so young to do that, is it?
    Seems to get overshadowed a bit by Wuthering Heights off the same debut album.

    This also written by a couple of 13/14 year olds. Likened to Kate Bush at the time. Don't be fooled by the lyrics, this is really original songwriting and a bit disturbing for Norwich schoolgirls.
  • Quite a lot of fodder in those semi-finals me feels.

  • I'm completely out of synch. Time for bed. Not happy about today's Challenge (lack of success in).
  • Hope you are OK @brianN. Sounds biblical up your way. It's pretty wet here but we are on a hill.
  • I've been scouring Gumtree to see if I can find an Ark going cheap.
  • Mozart wrote this when he was 5.What a brat.
  • This wouldn't have happened if you had paid homage to the last resting place of Sir William Gammie Ogg. I shouldn't joke, sorry. I guess a lot of your clients are badly affected.
  • @hunnyBunny wishing Mr bunny a happy retirement. You got me curious as to when he was licensing officer killed pub owners and left some in a nervous wreck. don't remember that post. Tell me more, tell me more (grease). Intrigued.
  • I don't know you wait years for a red weather alert then two come along at once. Seems like things haven't reached a peak a yet(pun intended).
    Brechin is actually built on a hill with the river S. Esk at the bottom and we're situated about half way up, away from the main problem area. They built the river defence a few years ago and this is the first time it's been breached but I have customers down river who've been flooded twice since it was built as the flood waters used to be spread out over a wider area pre barrier. They run a BNB with a fishing license so it's also their livelihood. Suspect they're under water. Hope they're ok.
  • Me too, Brian
  • @Ixain57 it’s some previous banter about The Bunnyman being a 007 Agent, leaving the dead and the broken, please keep up
  • Anyway, back from the retirement piss up
    In Pontcanna, which prides itself on being the “best place to live” in Cardiff
    Full of pretentious prats, should you ask me
    Pubs were dirty, food good, large portions of pub grub
    Seven hours later, he’s snoring on sofa, I’m watching BBC4 music, and this
  • My sister, also a pretentious prat, was interviewed on a local radio station, in her defence she picked Buzzcocks!
  • Why that song @hunnybunny, why that song?
  • I thought the first comment in the comments section below the Buzzcocks was quite touching.
  • As I predicted, Argentina gobbled up, England's turn next.
  • Hey @brianN, if you just nip out and lurk behind one of the BBC reporters we can see you on the news. Just wave a bucket or something.
  • Dan, haven’t you?
  • And bucket please, Brain
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