The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 3174
  • Do you watch the 1% club @hunnybunny?
  • I didn't do that intentionally. Honest.
  • November 4th (almost midnight) and I have heard precisely 4 fireworks this year. One was a massive explosion right next to where Twiggy was on her evening walk. She didn't bat an eyelid, much to my surprise.
  • Dogs aren’t a bit worried about fireworks, as long as the owners just ignore them too
    If you “The Pack Leader” start fussing, the dog starts to think there’s something wrong
    Dog owners cause most of problems with their dogs
    Another rant!
  • Don’t think I’ve seen The 1% Club
    Love quiz programmes: Quizzical Monday, Tenable, Pointless, House of Games; and, sorry, I hate to say, Tipping Point, only because we love to laugh at stupid people
    And they are soooo stupid
  • And PopMaster!
  • I feel much better now, laughing at stupid people, and believe me, you don't get them much more stupid than on Impossible.

    You ought to check out the 1% club @hunnybunny. Questions start easy at 90% and descend all the way to 1%, where the % denotes what proportion of the population are expected to get that question right. 100 people start and it gets whittled down to last man standing (you get knocked out for getting one wrong), or the 1% question, whichever comes first. There's £100k up for grabs for getting the 1% question right. You have just 30s to answer each question.

    So try this (30s allowed) for last night's 1% question.

    Why is FOQW the odd one out in this set of four?


    Only one out of the 100 knew this, and he had already been knocked out. I was a little surprised as I got it straight away but I had got the 5% question wrong.

  • Watching 1% on catch up now…
  • The best ever on Impossible was a right snotty cow
    Which of these people competed in the 2018 Winter Olympics?
    “Well, it’s certainly not Vanessa Mae, she a musician “
    Which one of these countries borders Iraq?
    “It’s definitely not Jordan, I’ve been there”
  • Failed on your 1% question
  • Without looking, the middle, don’t rhyme
  • Took me hours
    I fear, Dan, we have bored all the BP Patrons to death
    Huddling in their Booths, ear phones on listening to The Cure or The Smiths, steak knife at the ready, just in case…
  • Timed out, I'm afraid @hunnybunny, just like Angelo Mathews.

    So rare, they listed the 7 or 8 other occasions it has ever happened in about 150 years.

    A couple were great: I particularly liked "was still on the plane to Jamaica" and "Groin injury and couldn't move fast enough".

    BP patrons still befuddled, I would imagine.
  • Listening to university types sneering at the academically challenged is never boring @hunnybunny.

    Anyways here's a first: the only part of the nest I can access is the BP!? Now I know how poor Angelo felt. 'A timed out error has occurred'
  • Ah, @BrianN the other way around, the thick university students (apparently you have to go to get a job, I’ve ranted about this before) against the “stupid” people like us, who left school at 16
    We are sneering…
  • Us retired people go to lunch on a Tuesday
    BunnyMan is snoring
    I’ve spent nearly £500 shopping!
    We are not talking, weren’t before he fell asleep
  • Were you not talking before you spent the £500?
  • Anyway it 's difficult to talk and snore at the same time.
  • Asleep on the sofa in the afternoon and snoring.
    I'm talking about Twiggy.
    Separated at birth?
  • Hey Derby and Joan you guys speaking yet?You do realise that pension pot has to see you to your graves?Or is there something you're not telling us?Seem to remember something about a mysterious illness and leaving stilettos at the top of the stairs.
  • We are speaking (and Derby and Joan is very offensive, but you always are)
    We have a Life Plan: keep downsizing, keep spending, leave two and sixpence in our pockets, as my father did
  • None taken.
  • Given a 2% annual rise in house prices and pensions over the next eight years: gross worth £1m, net worth £5!
    Now watching Upstart Crow; I love it
  • Yeah very funny show I presume it's a repeat as I haven't seen any new ones in ages.Love Mark Heap in anything but he's superb as The Bard's slimy nemesis Green .The real Robert Green was a university thicko @hunnybunny like my wife.
  • Ashes to Ashes done. Excellent stuff. What next? Began the latest Shetland. One episode in, already 5 bodies. OK, two of them were sheep but what do you expect on a Scottish island?
  • I expect a lot more bodies. Keep them coming.
  • Two episodes down. Up to 7 bodies already, 4 human, 3 ovine.

    Perhaps I should have said Spoiler.
  • Seems like the murder rate is higher than Tijuana's. That's half the population. Unless they're all unfortunate wind based accidents.
  • Rant:
    1. Black Friday, a stupid American invention, where shops sell stuff nobody wants at a very small discount
    2. Christmas in November, and stupid people buying stupid stuff in the Black Friday “sales”
    3. The most awful woman, ever, in Tipping Point: never took a breath for 45 minutes!
  • Life on Mars is way better than Ashes to Ashes (in both cases)
  • I think Ashes to Ashes tied things up quite well though. But some of the plot lines were a bit silly. Overall, well worth watching.
  • "I know Billie Jean King is definitely a singer and I'm pretty sure Billie Eilish is not American..."

    Keep 'em coming Impossible, you brighten up my day.
  • I think the correct answers are: Billie Jean is not my lover and Billie Irish.Should I apply for Impossible?
  • Some of the plot lines were a bit silly?!But you're right ,very entertaining
  • There was talk of a reboot for LOM/ATA but never quite got off the ground.
  • 3 hour trek with Twiggy and my son Henry. Lovely day but my whole body has seized up. Beat him at Scrabble though. 401 points which is incidentally my Wordle streak. AB not going so well last couple of days. Gap behind @asher reduced from 575k to 508k with a lot of effort.
  • Actually Wordle streak almost came to an end today. Took 6 attempts to get a really easy word. I guess there must be more to life...
  • Now Watching Dolly Parton, there must be more to life….
  • Got in three
  • Hey @hunnybunny bet you love the idea of a halfway house where murdered cops end up, lacing into nonces and fitting up the bosses of OCG's ?
    Wonder if there's a window cleaner equivalent?A sort of ladder limbo land where those poor Shetlanders who were blown away off the top of their ladders or hard working innocents were pushed off by bitter rivals can lace into miserable cheapskate customers.
    We'd need a title of course.Banned on the rung?Stairway to heaven?I'm going to stop now my brain is hurting.

    Did I ever tell you about the time I fell off the top of my fully extended triple ladder?
  • I expect you two know that Dolly was born and brought up in a shack in Tennessee, with about 12 siblings
    She saw a woman with bleached blonde hair, long red nails and red stilettos
    “Mum, I want to be that woman”
    “She’s trash” came the reply
    Didn’t do too bad for a trashy lady!
  • That explains everything
  • Well, me and BrianN are having an exciting Saturday night
  • gearing up for the 1% club
  • Three steps to heaven?
  • Much better than mine @desperatedan.Don't really do quizzes(there must be more to life) used to like Never Mind the Buzzcocks but as much as I like Fielding and Davies the reboot seems forced and un funny.
  • Did once see a quiz show with Omid Djalili as host where he mercilessly took the rip out of dunderheed contestants.
  • Yes the evening continues apace @hunnybunny
  • Any truth in the rumour that Cruella Slaverman is up for the Nobel Peace Prize this year?
  • Hey @catsnbirds will you be coming out of the cloisters to watch the new(old) Dr Who?Think it's on here next week,when do you guys stateside get it?
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