The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 3182
  • Happy birthday @karen68. Missed it here by 5 mins, but not in your time zone. Bad time of the year to have a birthday, too close to Xmas. June 25th would be best.
  • Oh, that's not good @ixan57!
  • Anyway @hunnybunny, the probability of a shared birthday in a group of seven random people is about 5.62%. Are we random? I leave that as a thought experiment.
  • Don't think there's a sport quite like cricket for allowing it's commentators to wax lyrical about the game. Our mutual friend Ravi Shastri paints a beautiful word picture when describing India's dramatic collapse from 153 for 4 to 153 all out(6 wickets for 0 runs in 11 balls) :
    "If you went out to take a dump, you missed it!"

    Ah yes an early contender for the 2024 John Arlott award for outstanding cricket commentary.
  • Off to London, again, tomorrow, girly thing. Starting with the extremely expensive Afternoon Tea at The Savoy
    Our plan of gross worth in five years = £1m -v- net worth £10 is going well…
  • £75 for Afternoon Tea. Could have gone for the £90 version at Claridge's. Next time, eh?
  • Or just do an Afternoon Tea crawl across London.
  • How is it that the same company who produced the superb drama about the PO Horizon scandal(ITV) also made the steaming pile of drivel that was After the Flood?The actors weren,t the only ones wading through sewage.
  • How is it that the same company that we have entrusted with delivering our post for decades also turned out to be deeply deeply evil?
  • It's time to bring back the stocks. I'm over-ripening those tomatoes. Utter humiliation is the way to go.
  • Jan 6th Scottish League 2 result appeared as Clyde 3 Bonny 2. Robbery!
  • There's a famous scene in Game of Thrones where Queen Cersei stripped of her powers is forced to walk naked through the streets while the riffraff throw excrement at her.Too good for Vennels and co ?

    Definite theme running through my last few posts...
  • Good shooting in the Challenge @brianN. I'm on the road and not been able to give it my full attention. That's the pup and the trophy. Lock the cabinet!
  • Thanks @desperatedan although you don't normally come into your own until the day after the challenge.Speaking of which can you credit @realfish nicking my trophy TWO days after the challenge??????????
    Anyway I don't believe he's a real fish.Here's why:
    1: Devices don't fare well under water.
    2:The WIFI is quite laggy down in the deep.
    3:Don't think devices are fin adapted.
  • Was it you that mentioned detectorists a while back @hunnybunny?One of those shows I always thought would be good but never got round to watching until now.What a lovely hidden gem('scuse the pun) I think Lance and Andy have become my new favourite comedy duo.(Now that Vic and Bob seem to have retired,Bob's gone fishing and Vic is doing documentaries about tweed and painting birds with his gorgeous wife Nancy.)
    Several episodes begin with the question "Did you see University Challenge last night?"
    Remind you of anyone?
  • Following afternoon tea at the Savoy the only place to go is the Waldorf for a salad.
  • Maybe time for this
    Would have been good live, I think, if they were still doing that sort of thing at the time.
  • He could be a real fish. We are friends but he never actually speaks.
  • Sat on the sofa, watching live TV of the Volcano in Iceland
  • Icelanders build their homes on volcanos.
    Americans build their home on huge fault lines.
    We build homes next to rivers that flood.
    Or on cliff tops that erode.
    And then we act surprised when things go wrong.
    Not very sympathetic, am I?
  • Saves on the heating bills I suppose @hunnybunny.

    Moving from the Savoy to the Ritz.
  • Unfortunately, it seems unlikely that Iceland will be obliterated
  • Blimey what've you and Dan got against Iceland? Anyways here's yer punishment...
  • At least it wasn't Bjork.
  • Apparently Cersei was given that option but chose wisely.
  • Not even freezing here. What's the fuss? Perfect window cleaning weather.
  • -3 c as I type.Buses cancelled yesterday so had to pick daughter up from Montrose.Fun fun fun.Traffic chaos as idiots failed to drive to conditions and one driver in front of us(I'll assume it was a woman) ended up parked at 90 degrees in the middle of the Brechin-Montrose road.Lucky nothing worse ensued but the shock slowed her down to about 15 mph for the rest of the journey,most annoying for those behind.
  • On the weather map of the UK where everything was blue showing negative temperatures, there was just one tiny splodge of green on Anglesey and Bangor. Mind you, we are flanked on the south by 3000 feet of snow so it looks very cold round here.
  • @BrianN Are you trying to rile us up?!? You “assume” it was a woman!?!

    Also very cold here this week, 35 to 40 degrees below freezing. Aside - there was an initiative to change the US from Fahrenheit to Celsius in the 1970’s. I actually thought it would happen! But no, we have to measure differently than most of the rest of the world. :-(
  • Forty degrees below? Gulp! But no need to specify Fahrenheit or Celsius @catsnbirds, it's exactly the same on both scales.
  • Several inches of snow this morning. Twiggy will be so excited. But her fur just accumulates it, she turns into a walking snowball, especially as she rolls around in it.
  • Me rile people up @catsnbirds ?

    I see NASA are looking into the possibility of using a giant slingshot to catapult satellites into space.Of course we've known about this technology for years,it's called a power up.
  • NASA must have comfy chair etc etc etc
  • Finally starting to think I may have a chance, still slim, of catching @asher in Angry Birds as long as he doesn't start using Classics. Gap now down to 210k. However, finally tackling the hated Jurassic Pork. I need 5k per level. 16k off the first 3 so a good start.
  • Off on holiday again, @hunnybunny?
  • Anyone else watching The Traitors? I think it might be the best TV (of its kind) ever made.
  • Dan, I’m not keen on Traitors, only watched a couple of the first series, though
    Well, London last week: Afternoon Tea at The Savoy (me, sis and niece) £406!
    It did include Champagne
    Then an Ibsen play in the Sam Wanamaker candle lit theatre
    Wouldn’t do either again, but worth the experience
    Tomorrow, a night at nearby hotel to celebrate a friends birthday
    Thursday, off to Lanzarote, for the Bunnyman’s 70th
    He’s distraught
  • Opulent hotels, exquisite food, London nightlife, foreign holidays. Where did it all go wrong?
  • The wind is screaming outside. They are expecting 100mph gusts not far away. Twiggy wants to go out in it. That's my girl.
  • Brass Hogs level 30? That's deep space.
  • Two weeks on one page, come on guys, surely you have something inane to get off your chest.
  • I now have the Classics apk file from Uptodown on my PC. But it won't run in Bluestacks. It displays the title page then just sits there. Anyone else got it? I thought you said you had it at one point @brianN. More's the point, can anyone get it to run?
  • Sorry @TomPuss, didn't mean to ignore you. Crazy house indeed. Art, not architecture, sort of thing the French like, non?
  • Is talking to yourself a sign of madness?
    Maybe I should troll a bit.
  • Oh no, one of my trophies in Angry Birds is up for grabs today. I am putting money on @asher getting his hands on it.

    (Later) On second thoughts, having revisited the level, I feel safe. I can't get within 7k.
  • @DesperateDan You aren’t talking to yourself, you just have quiet listeners! And I’m sure Twiggy is also there eager to hear anything you have to say.
  • That's made me feel a lot better @catsnbirds, thanks. Funny thing is, now you mention talking to dogs, when I took Twigs for grooming last week, the staff there (who were Welsh) were trying to talk to the other dog that was being groomed in Polish, since apparently it didn't respond to English. The dog was a vicious little thing and they were desperately using Google Translate to hit on the best Polish words to use.
  • Can we retire the fez, and more to the point, the crown, in memory of Kathy. She should wear the crown in our memories, for ever.
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