The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 3206
  • And I bet the one we don’t play, for obvious reasons, but most wanted to see, also for obvious reasons is Beach Volleyball
  • Yet to see that. Did I miss it?
  • I watched about two minutes of Greco-Roman wrestling. Two huge men locked together and absolutely nothing happening. A far cry from Big Daddy and Giant Haystacks. Obviously one for the purists (or the ancient Greeks).
  • Hedge hopping. I would have been gold in my day as long as 10 pints of beer is not a illegal substance.
  • Think I'll give the mens beach volleyball a miss @hunnybunny.
  • As you know not watching much Olympic action.Tune into the morning news to hear about the excellent gold medal prospects we have.Tune into the evening news to find out how we manage to cock it up.
  • Hey @ixan57 I reckon the Chinese would find a way to beat us at hedge hopping and morris dancing.
  • Enjoying the Olympics long jump commentary. It's really technical. Apparently the problem with one of the athlete's jumps was that after she took off, she came down again. Oh, that pesky gravity. Schoolgirl error!
  • Still not watching the Olympics but was musing on Charlotte Dujardin (or Madam Whiplash as I like to call her )and given her current status as unemployed wondered if she might consider one of the vacancies for trainers on Strictly Come Dancing?Those deadbeat Z-listers could do with a good whipping.Course there's more than one job going I up for it @hunnybunny?
  • I’m up for slapping a certain “celebrity” who seems to change her allegations every time she is interviewed (probably for a £20,000 fee)
  • I do detect a few snowflakes.

    Anyway, after much effort I am 333k ahead of asher in Angry Birds. But I have benefitted to the tune of 1.333 million from Classics. So therefore I am still 1 million behind asher. Sigh.
  • The doc handed out a Classics tip on yesterday's Challenge. Is he softening his stance?

  • A Doctor Who update. Almost at end of Series 9 (Capaldi & Clara, although I think she may just have been killed off) and it's all still pretty good. Certainly better than I remember it. The peak I would say was reached with Smith, Amy & Rory (plus River Song), but it's not gone off a cliff edge or anything like that. Yet...
  • Finally @brianN, if you ever do go over to the dark side, then I have given up on Bluestacks in favour of Nox. Nox has the big advantage of no adverts, which tend to screw up macros. And it seems to be a lot more stable, running some ABO versions that Bluestacks moans at. I don't think you can do clever co-ordinate stuff like the doc does in BS, but that's not my thing anyway.
  • I'm on a roll so what the heck.

    I see the latest Banksie (wolf on a satellite dish) was stolen a few hours after it was put up. Thugs who took it wore balaclavas but one of the morons was wearing shorts and his tattoos were clearly visible in the footage that a witness took. What do you think @hunnybunny? Go interview a few local tattooists?
  • When you say adverts @desperatedan do you mean in game or generated by BS?
  • Some informant (or CHIS, as they are they are now called) will give them up
  • Covert Human Intelligence Source, to save you googling
    Some Twat in the Home Office probably spent six months and half his £100k salary coming up with that!
  • Took me years to figure out what a perp was.
  • It does mean person engaged in rogue practices doesn't it?
  • I get adverts during gameplay, quite often aimed a young kids.
  • Have used both Nox and BS and adverts appear on each of them but only when changing levels so not too bothersome.
  • Not quite your shortest post Mrs B but I did see a clip of the Banksy theft and those perps were pretty sharp getting that satellite dish down.Never mind CHIS I think the police should be looking for some Sky engineers.
  • I see one of the recently jailed brainless moron yobbos in Liverpool was wearing a balaclava but easily identified by their tattoos.
  • Strangest thing but one of my earliest childhood memories was of my mum knitting me a balaclava and me burying it in some unknown place.Couldn't stand the feel of it covering my face.I'd be no good in a burka.

    Don't like baklava either.
  • Just won the 100% Club!
  • Virtually…
  • I was watching artistic swimming. All of those girls have tremendous pairs of...lungs.
  • Have I mentioned I don't watch much Olympic action?You guys obviously do so are any of the presenters talking about the elephant in the room?I get a news feed from Microsoft on pc and it tells me USA have won 14 gold medals in athletics!?!
    Has anyone been talking about the fact that they have their own doping agency?(As do the Chinese,and how many of their swimmers have won medals despite being recently tested positive for banned substances?)
    Same goes for some USA athletes-"It was a contaminated kebab!"
    WADA seems pointless and I'll be honest I don't know what's real and what isn't...I'll give the Chinese table tennis...

    Speaking of my news feed I also get countless right wing articles from the Telegraph telling me how Labour is already failing the country and Starmer is an absolute wanker.It's like @hunnybunny has hacked my computer.
  • My favourite expression of the moment is "dumpster fire" as in "Trump's latest presser is a dumpster fire". So has the Torygraph started describing any of Starmer's pronouncements as a "waste collection vehicle fire"?
  • There is feed on Facebook about Walter Cronkite, who read the News on US TV for years and years
    He just read the news, no comments from him, no comments from various celebrities, do Gooders, et all
    You just made your own mind up
    Don’t blame me…
  • No I was only joking about you Bunny I'm just a little confused.Normally the bots who provide these snippets take into account what you have previously liked.And I DO NOT LIKE TORY RAGS!
    That was for the bots not you.Not a massive Starmer fan either but give the guy a chance.
  • I think the problem the bot has is that it doesn't know whether you have viewed something because you like it or hate it. Viewing doesn't equal liking. Sometimes I just want to warm myself beside the dumpster fire.

    Dolphins in the Menai Strait today. Breathe deeply. Calm.
  • I never bother reading them if they're political but if the icon bottom left says "Chinese doping twats!" I'll open the page and that's when I see all this right wing guff which I never click on but I wouldn't click on left wing guff either.Must be hard being a bot.
  • I know you've all be dying to hear some news on my Seasons sojourn.(It's taken longer than @desperatedan's Dr Who odyssey-has it gotten all Chibnally yet?)
    On the final leg now managed to heave myself up from 8th to 2nd in Piggywood Studios 1.
    Starting Pw S 2 and just to give you an idea of how dominant Asher is in Seasons Angrychicken was awarded the Ultra Sharpshooter Badge on this episode( kudos for that btw it's even better than JR Squonk doing it in Jurassic Pork) but the Davros of ABS beats her by 25k.

    He did the same to me on my USB episode Easter Eggs,the guy is a phenomenon.

    On that subject (Sharpshooter badges) I see the table has been updated but no longer shows which episode they were achieved.Remember you asking where I got mine @desperatedan sorry I didn't give you a staight answer.Think I was mucking about then went on holiday and forgot about it.
    As far as I'm aware I must be the only masochist who got badges in two different episodes and the other was Ragnahog.
  • I'm actually very close to getting the qualification for Sharpshooter in Ham 'Em High, which is not the best episode to choose as there are 48 levels. I have got 45 out of 48 in the top 20 and (more to the point) 41 out of 48 in the top 10. However, I would never be able to claim a badge because proving it with Tally screens would take forever.

    I do actually lead Asher on Red's Mighty Feathers (which is apples v apples because RMF is not in Classics) so I can only conclude he's never taken that episode very seriously.
  • Wasn't overly impressed by Olympics closing ceremony. Some good stuff but slow and it went a bit downhill after Tom Cruise stole the flag and all the US music wasn't even in the stadium.

    And if there is any song in the world I detest absolutely, it's My Way. ARRGGHHH.
  • Well I thought the opening ceremony was bad enough ,inseine.
  • Hey @hunnybunny, Quizzy Monday is back. Seems to come earlier each year. Hoping for better things, I was carp last time round.
  • Apologies to Angrychicken looking at the subsequent walkthrough page it turns out she is a he.Must have been thinking of Angryadvisor.Lots of angry people playing this game.
  • I did wonder.

    The Superb Owl @karen68 has stolen my trophy in today's Challenge. Fair play to her, but at least I salvaged a pup. But as I noted on the comments page, that made it three trophies lost in 24 hours. Two of those to the same person, a new name on the block, @endurance. Check out level 4-6 and weep! Chuck on steroids and then some. We may need to introduce drug testing for the birds.
  • Sorry Quizzical Monday passed us by. Or should I say “pissed” us by
    Two friends, pub, garden, food, drinks, house, drinks
  • Everybody should read the correspondence between myself and endurance on the comments page for level 4-6.
  • Should we get Chinada to look into it?

    Speaking of carp reminds me of a recent exchange I had with the fish and chip deliveryman.Just asked him if he had other work or could he make ends meet just delivering for the chippy.

    "Oh this is just pin money I run a business selling exotic fish"

    Coy carp 'n' chips.
  • Just a quick one (have to be quick as I keep getting sent to Rio mid post). Could Endurance be playing on AB Chrome?
  • Is Chrome still around?
    Scores from Chrome weren’t allowed on the leaderboards although I don’t see that written on the leader anymore.
  • Hi Everyone! Just poking my head up to say that I would greatly appreciate everyone's support by liking this video Thank you so much!
  • Let's try four words.
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