The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 381
  • Hardest question we've done at the BP Jr we would like you all the guess
  • I was more stunned than all of you!!! Lol :)
    @angryboy, may I do anything for your celebration? :)
  • okay, angryboy I will get all the ingredients and start baking :).
    @sunshine, should I bring an extra table for the desserts, or is there one in back?
    I am going to try to post the pictures, so bear with me if you see some strange things :). Technology sometimes gets the best of me!
  • We would like people to guess the trivia answer @sunshine
  • @iammighty, I don't think you or anyone needs to worry about! Lol ;)
  • For the first to get the answer right, they will be able to have there own question asked on the BP Jr
  • I doubt anyone's gonna get it right.
  • I am interested to see what is going to make this day work to my advantage. I just woke up from my whopping one hour of sleep. Still no internet. My phone still freezes up when trying to update using 3G. I have copied and pasted more than anyone ever should. Yet, here I am. Still trying.
  • If you get it right, we will be stunned
  • @sunshine..Thank you it's delish!
    @angryboy..that's the best way to do it ;-)
    @wanda..Great Minds at work again, lol..That happens quit often with us!!!
  • @rd have you looked at our new trivia question, it's the hardest one we've dine
  •'s busy in here this morning..I was still responding to previuos post and a half of page fills up before I can get it out, lol!!!
  • Was about to ask if anyone's here, but there are a lot of posts in 5 minutes. Time zones always confuse me.
  • Is the answer to the BP jr question that she was not replanted in the garden or the dirt was messed with when he put her back?
  • Nope, @rd got it right
  • Sorry, my comment was frozen and i tried to fix it?
  • No, sorry
  • She had no morning dew..only mountain dew, lol
  • Correct, but @rd already got it
  • yes I know..that's why I wrote that..he likes Mountain Dew, lol It was suppose to "so" she had no morning Dew only mountain dew but my computer is freezing out certain words, weird!
  • So what will his prize be @angryboy???
  • He will have the opertunity to have his own question asked on the BP Jr
  • "opportunity", lol..that's cool..wonder what his question will be?
  • I can't spell that well
  • changed it..I thought you were trying to be funny..I wasn't trying to correct you, lol
  • Where did @wanda and @sunshine go?? Off to party planning perhaps?
  • Idk where that space came from
  • @AA must be a "girl thing" :). I am going to finish my baking here and then walk the boys to the park for a while-before the heat hits us. How is your weather in FL?
  • Wanda was at the BP Jr a second ago
  • I'm here now, @AA :). Just got dizzy switching pages!
  • @AA, still here!
  • Here you go, @sunshine! All of the desserts are ready for the party. Is there room in the fridge for the cheesecakes? All the rest are on platters and covered, waiting to be served. I will try to get the pictures in my album before I head off on our walk. I love virtual baking- no mess and instant results :). No calories, either :).
  • @wanda...definately a girl thing! Enjoy your walk.
    It is still drizzling and WET here but I do believe it is suppose to finally pass us along and dry up later today and thankfully the weekend looks good but very hot amd humid!
  • Hello @sunshine
    @wanda..everything looks yummy!!!
    Is there anything else you need help with @sunshine?
  • @AA I'm glad things are getting better. Too bad about the humidity:(. We got the tail end of a hurricane a few years back and lost electricity for a week. I had no idea Ohio could get that type of thing, but we did.
  • Yes that's unusual for Ohio I imagine..very common here, it doesn't take much to wipe out the power in FL, lol. Or maybe we just get that many stroms! Once we had to go with out water and power for two weeks! We had to shower at the local YMCA.
    Well it's time for me to "fly". Have a nice day @all. I'll be around later for the party!!!
  • @all Dessert pictures are in my album, so enjoy yourselves!!! @sunshine, I'll check back this afternoon to replenish the supply. Enjoy your party!!

    @AA Have a great day!
  • It looks good Wanda
  • @wanda, fabulous job, delicious!!!! :D
    @AA, you and I wanda have this as your palace today, you guys are in charge of the party!!! :D
  • @AA, we get effects from the hurricane a lot, even all the north. Just not like you guys. You can even smell it in the air! :)
  • Hey all, thought I'd toss out an idea to the Bloated Pig crowd about a new ABN Group. I thought it might be fun to have a group where members could post screen caps of their wackiest, funniest or just most interesting AB moments. We could call it Preposterous Pig Pics and/or Silly Squawkers Snaps (PPP/SSS) --- basically a photo album where we would post and comment on the images. An alternate idea would have members submit funny captions for the screen shots. Feedback is more than welcome, thanks. Aloha.
  • Good idea @surfcow - I'm sure you'd have a lot of entries.

    Run it past @birdleader - I'm sure he'll set that group up!

  • Good Morning and congrats to all! Things got pretty busy about the time I left yesterday. I was half expecting to see one of the Christmas themed levels today in honor of the new badges the @team are wearing, but I suppose these things are scheduled too far in advance for that sort of thing.

    Also glad to see that @Bill decided to stick around, it is just not worth it to let cheaters get under your skin, sooner or later what comes around goes around. Glad they got theirs!

    @Rd - we know you are working your butt off for this place, don't let circumstances out of your control get you down.
  • Aloha @angryboy, what's up?
  • Thanks, @playdbird, I wanted to get some support before going to the big bird, mostly so I wouldn't be the lone member of the group... Hah.
  • @playdbirds, good morning! :)
    @surfcow, good day! :)
    @burbman, mocha, how are you? Yes the schedule was made up awhile ago! :)
  • Good morning @surfcow - you are up early, or maybe you are not actually on the islands. I like your idea, only problem for me is that my reaction time is not so good on getting screenshots of the best crazy bird moments.
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