The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 385
  • Looks like we lost @harrystar but gained @bill.
  • @rd How are you today?
  • rdn, please refer to previous page, I want to get your feedback as well
  • I see that. I don't really think it is a troublesome request. Liars suck. And we need to remove such filth from the leaderboards.
  • I don't think we lost harry. He came here yesterday.
  • I am doing fine @mighty. I've put on a little weight with my recent hardware. I really wasn't expecting to get High IQ.
  • ok. Just curious. thanks a bunch
  • I mean we lost @harrystar from the midnight crew.
  • rdn I didn't realize you had gotten it. lol
  • No problem @bill. I am all for it. I mean, if you can legitimately prove you got that score without cheating, then I don't see why they would get defensive or run away.
  • I remember you being recommended for it though, so I'm just going to congratulate you for it right here.
  • Yeah, I got it. I really wasn't expecting it. I am getting kind of badge hungry. I guess all I have left is score gatherer and leaderboard guardian. But I am not sure I have that much energy. :)
  • exactly. That's what I'm thinking. if they dare be vague, or avoid me, I am not going to back off
  • @Bill I think of the people who you play ABF with on FB. Sigh.
  • rdn, it will come. maybe not soon... but many things take time.
  • I posted that earlier this evening.
  • @rd Thanks for nominating BL. I wanted him to get it too.
  • lol, most of them are alright!
  • In the process of nominating everyone we almost forgot our Admins.
  • yep, I saw all that stuff you wrote. Like I said, yesterday was the best day in the history of the nest. All day and all night. Things have finally settled down a bit now.
  • @iamMighty I couldn't help but notice your avatar. Did you change it recently, or is it simply a different one than what's on the comments section of the site
  • I would like open up a topic here. How did you come across ABN?
  • @Bill Different on the forum and the main site.
  • I thought I was da bomb in high scores. Then I got here, and found myself quite humbled. I probably googled "high angry birds scores" or something like that.
  • actually I found a couple months before I stumbled on this one. Their interface isn't nearly as user friendly. But I'm registered there with all my scores nonetheless.
  • I got my new phone a year ago. I downloaded all available AB games and started playing. I breezed through beating the levels and thought I was done. Then, I realized I got special GE levels for having 3 stars. So I set out to start 3 starring every level. I got stuck on a few from ABO and Googled it. I didn't really start providing input until December of last year. The rest, as they say, is history.
  • @bill the thing I like about AB-Score is that they have an app that takes the scores and organizes them. So I will often double check my ABS Scores with my ABN scores to make sure I don't have any problems.
  • Mine started in August or September... when I laid out the strat for ABO Mine and Dine 17-6
  • I actually stumbled across this site via Google near August or so. I didn't register with this site and I had my name as ABFan. I registered in October and lo and behold!
  • I really started getting into it hard when I got that score in 4-18 of Mighty Hoax. Everything just skyrocketed for me from there on, and that's where my reputation really started to pick up
  • iamMighty... that sounds a little anticlimactic... no offense
  • but still you're where you are today, and had to start somewhere just like everyone else
  • Obviously as you both know, the Facebook stuff has been the highlight of my existence here at the nest. I threw everything into that. Ironically, I took down all my scores from there a few days ago.
  • @Bill None taken.
  • i really can't stand my neighbors.
  • How about you guys? What's the thing that attracts your attention the most about the site? RDN I know it's the BP for you. iamMighty seems to be more around everywhere in general.
  • I like to be present everywhere but mostly on the walk-through pages and the main site
  • In the next few days, we're going to be at 20k comments for the BP
  • yep, that's what I thought.
  • Well. Here in southern Illinois. The boys like their trucks with loud exhaust. And they like to drive said trucks in the middle of the night. it's annoying.
    P.S. My new safe updating system is not the best idea. It just isn't functional, but it is safer.
  • I bet there's tons of members, and probably more so than not, who found this site by searching on Google.
  • I think BL has also created a CTR site just a few days ago if I am right,
  • rdn I hate when people do that. I can't stand noise at night. It's rude, and unnecessary. If you want to party or have a good time late at night, do it inside someone's house. not outside.
  • The BP was kind of a fluke creation. @kathy and I had been chatting on various sections of the page. I believe it was 4 or 5. And she said something like, "Maybe we should move our conversation to the Forum so the Admins don't get upset." The rest, is history. But, what most people don't know is, I was friends with @sunshine before anyone else here. I believe her and I's relationship picked up during the first 15 of S&T on ABO. I was helping her through some spots and we just started messaging each other. She is a great friend.
  • my neighbors get drunk all the time, and have 10 people at the party, and they drink and socialize and carry on outside in the yard. HATE it.
  • To be more exact, when we reach the 400th page we will reach 20k :)
  • I think lots of people feel that way about sunshine. I think lots of people feel that way about you as well.
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