The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 414
  • o.k sounds goo rdnzlrips82 ;)
  • my phone is crazy 'right don't mind my typing or messages it just took me me long to type. (
  • @kathy -- I think Duffy told me somewhere that she was a "she". Best if you don't know to use he/she or she/he. : )
  • page.changed so I don't know you talkin bout coupons@OB add Ginger ale for @rd;)
  • srrry @rd you got whiskey instead of vodka? mixed better. ;)
  • @rdnzlrips82 what's going on in bp jr. with trivia..I see slim there I haven't checked the question (
  • * looks around ..walks to jukebox..Alone again naturally. starts up *
  • @kathy thanks for bringing me to the patio. What kind of tunes are on the jukebox?
  • Sorry transistioning to laptop. I can't drink whiskey. Makes me angry.
  • what do you want to hear @karen68?
  • Afraid I might be dating myself by what I far back does your selection go?
    Try a good scotch, it always makes me happy.
  • We have whatever you want to hear @karen68. Don't worry about dating yourself. I am a music nerd, so I probably have it on vinyl.
    I keep a bottle of Johnny Walker Blue Label in the drawer in the office. I love that stuff. I am not saying the other labels aren't good, but the Blue is like heaven. I tried a 30 year old Glenlivet at a wedding rehearsal. WOW!! So smooth.
  • I love vodka.
  • srry about the whiskey @rdnzlrips82 ..can't type anymore phone acting up
  • sorry @karen68 I need to go to sleep I'm happy you came.;) hope to see you again soon;)
  • You going to bed @kathy. I will miss you, as always.
  • night @rdnzlrips82 ;) big day tommorrow ;) what time party starting ?
  • ya I'm sleepy/(
  • As soon as I update, we can get the festivities underway.
  • Thanks @kathy, sleep well.
    @rdnzlrips82, a moonlit night on the patio calls for some sultry Marvin Gaye or something along those lines (even though he was a bit before my time). Does your jukebox do classical?
  • As I said @karen68, we can play anything you want.
  • My dad had this on vinyl when I was growing up. I tracked down a copy on vinyl 10 years ago.
  • @karen68 -- Got to say this, but Marvin Gaye is not classical music. He may be fairly old pop, but classical is Beethoven, Brahms, Chopin, etc. Will listen to rd's selection.
  • I believe she was requesting Marvin Gaye before she asked if we could play Classical music. That is how the question was phrased. IMO.
  • @karen68 Marvin Gaye -- Never heard of him before, but I could listen to this. Still like hard-core classical better. What classical music do you like?
  • Awesome choice @rdnzlrips82.
    @mvnla2, rd is right but perhaps I could have phrased it better (it's getting late!). Just wondered about the selection as I listen to classical, opera, pop, rock etc basically anything depending on my mood:)
  • @mvnla2 Marvin Gaye is more soul/R&B than pop. I'm a traditionalist when it come to the classics - Bach, Vivaldi, anything Chopin wrote for the piano. But then again I clean my house listening to Nine Inch Nails.
  • thanks for the company and the tunes this evening!
  • You heading to bed @karen68? I can play more music. Be sure to check out page 1 tomorrow. I will have Songs of the Day back up and running.
    That *okay* was to @ABL2214.
  • I'm about done for the day - after a long holiday weekend real life intrudes tomorrow.
    Looking forward to the Songs of the Day.
  • Alright. It was a pleasure. Sorry I couldn't talk more. I am in the midst of doing the books here and working on the updates. Have a good night!
  • Where are @mighty & @harrystar? It is about time for the midnight CST crew.
  • I.had to stay up.for mercy;) ty.night now;)
  • No problem @kathy. Have a good rest.
  • I will be on the patio working on the updates. Feel free to join me. *poofs to patio*
  • Hey buddy. I just sent you a PM.
  • well...two actually.
  • How are you? I just sent the reply.
  • Not too bad, actually. Just finishing up the updates. The new updating system is working quite well. I am happy with it. Just wish I had thought of it sooner.
  • How are you doing?
  • Fine, I think. Just have a bit of cold. Hate the weather here.
  • Oh no. I hope you didn't get it from me. :) What is the weather like there? According to our friend Raj, from Big Bang Theory "India is hot and full of people." :)
  • LOL. No, not always hot. It's 1 Hour of heavy rain and then followed up by nice sunshine. The change really causes a pain. And no, we don't dance like how Howard show his dance.
  • P.S. I hope you get to feeling better.
  • LOL. So you have a lot of weather changes? We have that problem where I am from. During the Spring and Fall, it could be 45 degrees one day and 90 degrees the next.
  • Yup. It's supposed to be the rainy season now but it's actually changing quite a bit. I thought you guys had only one climate mostly over there-Cold. Not that you don't have summer but I thought the majority of it was winter.
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