The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 415
  • I also notice the people are going to celebrate their Independence Day on 4th of July in the US. Anything planned?
  • Not really. I live in Southern Illinois. We have been in the 100's for about 3 days now. Today, we went out of town. When we got to where we were going, it was 103 degrees. A thunderstorm came through and it turned to 73 degrees within minutes.
  • My wife and I are planning on attending a fireworks display in a town about 40 minutes away from us. If the dry weather permits. Most of the state of Illinois and Indiana are under "burn bans" right now. Meaning no fires. Which means, no fireworks.
  • Oh. The news channels here broadcast the fireworks display you guys have there and I must say it looks really beautiful everytime.
  • If you go to the right place, it can be quite extraordinary. The place we are going lets them off from a bridge that goes over the Wabash River. Very nice view.
  • shoot. I forgot songs of the day.
  • Nice. Hows Challenge for you?
  • haven't worked on it. I am pretty high up there though. 32nd I think.
  • Think again. 17.
  • oh. I haven't worked on it. 17th. :)
  • How's that?
  • I'm still stuck at 144k.
  • I think this is one I hit without any problems. I was surprised when I entered my scores.
  • updates finished. We went country for the songs of the day. Except the first one.
  • I pick some fun levels sometimes. I forgot how much I liked this one.
  • Agreed. The level in the Beach Volley episode was the toughest I faced till now.
  • I just had a golden 1st shot and completely botched my 2nd.
  • Now we are getting somewhere. :) 144,530 I am shooting for the top on this one.
  • Surfcow always gives me the laughs. Check out his strat on the walk through for todays Challenge.
  • Always an interesting strat from @surfcow.
  • Goal score after 1st shot = 60-65k.
  • I almost have a PAT locked and ready to post for this one.
  • Thanks @rd. Can't wait for your PAT.
  • You want the top of that little hill to be completely bare for your second shot.
  • there is definitely 65k possible on 1st shot. You can use surfcow's 1st shot method, or a more challenging "shoot the gap" technique. High arc white. Let his belly barely touch the sling base. Let him get as deep as you can and release egg. 75% chance you will hit the essential stone piece @surfcow mentions with Bloated Bird and still get the same results.
  • Awesome! Thanks @rd. Just hit 146k :D
  • Not a problem. Did you use all three birds? Because I am about 95% sure mine was with two.
  • I am getting ready to post. On your second shot, did you squeeze Bomb where the bottom pig sits in the right center structure? If you get him to nestle next to that wood block. KABOOM!! It's magic.
  • 2 birds.
  • I know. The mistake I made on the 2nd shot was to bring Bomb totally underground.
  • There is so much debris left. Someone will walk away with 155k today.
  • define "underground". I just got a 63k first shot and I want to make it count. I will include you in the PAT.
  • I am ready to post as soon as you reply.
  • Oh! You are only 40 points under me! I better do something right then. :)
  • It means to go under the horizontal stone block
  • Just placing bomb where the pig was before
  • I am still not sure about the second shot on my end. Grr!!
  • I had more success rates when Bomb just reached the wooden triangle. No waiting.
  • are you coming in high or from the side on 2nd shot?
  • okay. I see where you are going. perhaps when i get this posted, you can comment and add what you did for your score.
  • Would it be safe to call the thing on the top of Bomb an antenna?
  • PAT link tweeted.
  • Sorry @rd. Was away for a little while.
  • It's alright @mighty. You don't have to apologize. I was just posting the strat and trying to get a better score.
  • Alright, got to go for lunch now. See you later @rd
  • it's cool @mighty. I need to head to bed. It was a pleasure as always. Thanks for listening to my babbling while I came up with a PAT. Good luck with flinging. I will probably wake up to see you with 155k at the top of the boards. :) Good night, friend!
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