The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 416
  • hey! @rdnzlrips82 and @ iammighty don't know what I'm doing awake at this hour. any coffeeOB?
  • Hey @kathy. Why up early?
  • * set up for @wrw01's birdday party! Balloons, banners and signs! Photos of years gone past! ;)*
    Food, drink, and cake....make burnt toast, so the aroma fills the pig, along with coffee! :)

    Happy Birdday to you, Happy Birdday to you, Happy Birdday dear wrw01...Happy Birday to YOU!!!!! and many more!!!! :D
  • @sunshine Good morning. Nice to see you all up for the celebrations!
    @wrw01 Happy Birdday :-)
  • @iammighty, here is your cappuccino! Can you help me hang some of these signs and banner? Please! :D
  • Sure. *Hangs up some of the signs and banners*
  • Thanks, mighty!! :)
  • Morning everybody! :)
    Happy Birdday @wrw01! :D
  • @kartflyer, here's your cappuccino! Good morning! Are you ready for wrw01 party? I hope Gramps is surprised!! :D
  • @sunshine You bet! Thanks for the cap! :D
  • I hope you enjoy! Did you see the cake for wrw01? You must stop by later for some!! :D
  • Just signed in and WOW!!!!
    @iamMighty Thank you for the BD wish and party!!! Nice.
    @sunshine Thank you again for the party, the cake (is there a piece of chocolate cake with chocolate icing, mmmmmmmmmm for breakfast), life just does not get any better. Now my dear, the reference to "Gramps" could have not been posted...ha, ha,. I love a good natured hard time.
    @kartflyer Thank you for the BD wish.

    @everyone The BP looks absolutely beautiful...a tear of happiness rolls down the left side...what a great experience.
  • @sunshine Oh yes, you have a great voice, thanks for singing happy birthday...
  • first off..... happy birdday @wrw01!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • and....hello @everyone!
  • @rd You are probably in bed presently since you were posting till 2:30 pm.
    But when you awake, I just wanted to express my thanks and joy about celebrating my birthday in the BP.
    @sunshine you are very special to get up so early and start the arrangements...a warm smile
  • @angryboy Thank you for the nice BD wish.
  • @wrw01, I did it for E-star!!! Lol ;) I would never refer to you as gramps....that finger could always be pointed back at me!! Lol ;D
  • @wrw01, I forgot, here is your cake and ice cream...breakfast of champions!!!! :D
  • @angryboy, good morning!!! Cranberry juice just for you!! :)
    I love your new sign! Wild party last night at Jr.!! ;)
  • thanks, yea, a little too wild
  • @angryboy, that's what happens when you let adult run crazy!! ;)
  • Do you need help cleaning up? I'll lend a hand....let's go....
  • Have a great birday @wrw01 I have gtg good night
  • the entire 18th floor is a mess
  • @Harrystar6 Good night and thank you for the BD wishes.
  • @harrystar, good night!! :)
    @angryboy, so sorry! Would you like my help?
    @wrw01, how is the cake?
  • @sunshine Yes, Yes, Yes, I knew it.

    That @E-Star behind the couch stirring the "pot of jabs"...don't just got to love it...

    In real life, I am not a Grandpa
  • @sunshine Cake mmmmmm good, just making sounds like Cookie Monster
  • @wrw01, I'm sure she is have to watch out for that ;)
  • @sunshine Yes I agree...Little Miss @E-star lurks under the covers, in the corner, on the couch, at the office, riding mass transit...oh where is that little star...a song comes to mind with that very saying.
  • Happy Birthday, @wrw01! Many returns of the day:). Do you have special plans?
    This is a very busy birthday- my son is 21 today, we also have a cousin and brother in law celebrating today and it was my Pastor's birthday too. All great people:).
    Good morning to all of you. Hope your day goes well.
  • You've been busy, @sunshine. The place looks great!
    Hi @angryboy :).
  • Good Morning @all ;-)
    @sunshine..The BP looks wonderful..You sure know how to throw a party!

    @wrw01...HAPPY BIRDDAY my fine feathered friend!

    good morning @wanda ;-)
  • @wanda, here is your coffee and PB&B sandwich! Happy Birthday to your son!!! :) PARTY!!
    @wrw01, twinkle, twinkle little star...... join in! Lol :D
  • @AA, iced coffee! Good morning! Thanks!! :D
  • @wanda..yes Happy Birthday to your son from me too! 21 is a special birthday...I bet he is excited to celebrate it ;-)
  • Hi, @AA how are you?
    Thanks, @sunshine. It looks great. My son always thought the fireworks were for his birthday. He didn't figure it out until he was about 7 :). He is a big movie buff, so we are going to see Spiderman tonight.
  • @AA , he is excited. He and his brother just moved into their first real apartment and he is saving for his first 'real' car " :).
  • That sounds great!!!
  • Thank you @sunshine!!! May I have a piece of chocolate cake with chocolate icing if there is enough to share...( I love chocolate) or did @wrw01 eat it all as I heard him making cookie monster noises so he may have eaten the whole thing up ;-)
  • @wanda Thank you for the best wishes. Wanda that is amazing that you know so many folks born on this day. Wish your son a happy 21st for me please. That bd was a special one because of the first into adulthood.

    You guys have plans to celebrate?

    Plans: The wife is coming home from work early and I am going to cook on the grill for all who will be coming over later in the afternoon. Have to do some work but overall it should be a nice day with the family.
  • @all Good Morning!and Sorry I haven't visited here lately,because I was busy,and Happy Birdday @wrw01!GBU and Wish U All The Best! ^_^
  • @wanda..that's adorable about the fireworks..I bet he felt so special those first 7 years, lol!
    at 21..I think they start feeling like "real" adults..good for him (and you, lol) with the apartment and car...that's great!
  • @AA Thanks for the Birthday wishes. Greatly appreciated. It should be a great day and yes, I did eat it all...ha, ha, now I do not feel so good...ha, ha.
  • @alfredhartojo Thank you kindly for the best wishing and happy BD.
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