The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 417
  • @Everyone I get to turn the page on my BD great!!!
  • @wrw01, LOL!!! I thought the noises I heard coming from you!!!
    Your day sounds nice witht he family....except that you have to do the cooking..unless you enjoy it ;-)
    btw..Thank you for the mention on my avatar...I got a notification but I couldn't find where it was posted so I will thank you here...but I am courious where you posted it cause I couldn't find usually says what section a mention comes from but this one just said in a "recent update"?
  • @wrw01 I hope your weather cooperates for you :). Enjoy your day!
    My husband has 5 sisters and 4 brothers, so we have birthdays all over the place!

    @AA He still thinks that you have to have hot dogs and watermelon on his birthday, and we buy him sparklers so he can have his own fireworks :). He is really getting things together. He is looking for a new job, so he can finish school at night-YAY!!.
  • @AA Yes I like to cook steaks on the grill and our daughter is coming over and loves to eat our steak with how we prepare them (she is too much like me).
    I think I might have sent that through public message but will have to check the Sent file. The avatar is cute.
  • Wow, new page:). I wondered where everyone went!
    Hi @alfredhartojo. Nice to see you.
  • @wrw01..thank you ;-)
    @wanda..Thats' great!!!
    Hello also to @alfredhartojo ;-)
    I'm gonna go check the challenge page...brb...
    Again...the BP looks Amazing!!! great job!!!
  • I have to go for now; my cat is waiting for play time. He is a little spoiled :).
    Happy flinging to everyone! Good luck on the lotd- there are some good suggestions on the walkthrough page, if you haven't seen it yet.
  • Weird, @AA I just saw your post-we're doing it again. See you around!
  • @everyone
    Have to go do some work in real life, so thanks to you all for all the kind, warm, generous of heart birthday wishes. I am truly touched.
  • I just missed him, didn't I?
  • @wanda..yes we do it all the time, lol..Have a nice day!
    @wrw01..Enjoy your day and see you later!
    @rd..hello..I'm sorry but I have to go now too..I'll be back later though...have a nice day to all ;-)
  • Have a good day @AA!
  • Alrighty. Have a good day everyone.
  • Wow!!! the place looks great!!:)
    @sunshine tops herself everytime she gets a party together( srry I slept late I should've got up to help)
    happy birthday@wrw01
  • hey @angryboy I peeked in at your party last night;) Wow..I was afraid to come in;)
  • I hope the cats and dog are o.k.
    is @Duffy very mad?:( I hope not
  • *pops in from the office*

    @wrw01 Happy Birdday my dear Grasshopper, I see I just missed you :(
    Work has been crazy today and now the bosses are both gone, so I have the place to my own... thought I would get the chance to give you a --{{BIG DYG HUG}}--
    ow and how I wished I could just poof over and try your famous steak! But I guess I will have to make due with the mental picture of you gorgeous Steaks. The same I have to do with the BDay cake Sunshine made... late afternoon and really wishing for a bite of that delicious looking cake.
  • @Sunshine you did a great job on the decorations and the cake looks so sweet and yummy... I almost want to lick my screen :p
  • @Kathy Still having phone troubles? *wonders of many times someone can drown a phone and get it breathing again... maybe Kathy knows LOL*
  • yea, i was scared to be there
  • this is going to be a long day :( as we experiance a loss... :'(
  • @E-Star ..LOL ..not sure its breathing off and on so far;) I don't think I will find out if it can survive a third swim..hmmm..or would it be 4...idk I've lost track..I just hope I don't have to start over again..
    to finish all episodes of AB is starting to get the most attention on my bucket sad lol;)
  • @Kathy You still haven't found a way to back up your score to a computer? It would sure save you a lot of time when it does happen again... And I don't want to jinx it, but ehmmmm hahahaha LOL
  • *playing FB games not noticing what time it is*
  • srry @E-Star. still not getting. notification
    I can't back up to computer here because its not is bf's mom..we've moved in here 2 years ago when we got flooded out of our apartment :( my computer is in a box I. the closet along with most of my belongings that I was able to salvage..trying to save for our own place..but its hard because we are paying rent here and she always wants money, for something....srry didn't mean to ramble my whole sad story LOL ;)
  • duh!! maybe if I had volume in notification would work :)
  • Hi @kathy, I forgot you were on vacation :).
    Sorry things are stressful for you guys; it's hard when life throws those zingers at you:(.
    I hope things work out soon!
  • Oh yeah. I forgot to mention how great the place looks today @sunshine.
    Hey @team! If you want to see what I really think about things, check out the PM I just sent. You might get a good chuckle. might be offended. I will take a chance on this one and wager you will enjoy it. I have never done anything like this before. :D
  • @wrw01 -- Happy Bird Day! Hope Sunshine makes a second cake so the rest of us can have a piece before you get back from work.
    @angryperson -- What loss are you talking about?
  • @rd, I just got 147k using your PAT on the lotd. Thanks!!
  • Hi mvnla2. How are you today?
    @angryboy, I overlooked your comment - what loss occurred?
  • thank you @wanda
    @rdnzlrips82 that was.priceless ;)
    @all notification working much better now that I turned volume on;) lol
    thought I'd give all a laugh at my expense;)
  • @mvnla2 I think @angryboy was speaking of damages at BP jr.
  • Well, @kathy, at least you figured it out by yourself. I can't tell you how many times I have gone through our house searching for my phone, only to have my husband or one of the children say "it's in your hand". :).
  • Wow, I've been playing FB games for 3 hours straight now.
  • Well, this is now a very sad day for me:(. I hadn't looked at any news until now. Andy Griffith passed away. The Andy Griffith Show is my absolute favorite of all time. My children gave me the entire series on dvd for my birthday last year. I am going to watch some of my favorite episodes and have a good cry now.
  • @wanda I just turned news on myself..:( very sad:(
  • @wanda I am constantly looking for my reading glasses ...ill let you guess where they usually are LOL...
  • Well, today's been pretty boring so far. Wake up, eat breakfast, play FB games, and eat lunch.
  • New song of the day added in honor of Andy.
  • great idea @rdnzlrips82 * sniff,, sheds a tear while listening..sniff snuffle*
  • Thanks, @rd. I have the theme as my ringtone :). I feel like a jinx sometimes. Last week I got a dvd of the classic Mickey Mouse Club-my husband had a big crush on Annette :). I noticed that Don Grady (best known for My Three Sons) was a Mouseketeer. About an hour later, I saw that he died that day. I think I should stop going to news sites.
    Back to my dvd now. Andy is trying to help Barney get taller and gain weight to keep his job :).
  • @kathy pass the tissues, please? :).
  • * passes @wanda a whole box of tissues *
  • how about a couple ginger mint juleps @OB
    passes @wanda a ginger drink and some vannila ice cream*
  • @blahalb what FB games are you playing?
    @wanda I used to find great joy in watching the show during sick days from school. I would even stop playing my precious video games to watch it. Aside from The Cosby Show, The Andy Griffith show is the only classic Family Values shows ever.
  • @rd Uh, everything except AB. For some reason it doesn't work.
  • I play the Bingo Games when I get a chance. I used to play Cityville, but it got ridiculous.
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