The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 361
  • Yeah!!! I have the house to myself!!! No one to wonder why I'm playing AB all day, lol, lol, lol!!!
  • I only got/get the daily SE. Since I am on Android and didn't have it from the beginning, I don't get the reward SEs.
  • @kathy I have no set time, so I am waiting around. Slim said he will contact me. I have all of the info needed. We will see what happens.
  • wow!! I just learned something!! to not get lost:) I went to leaderboards from here then to space leaderboard then to eggsteroids leaderboard, entered my score...then hit back button on my phone
    .3 times and it brought me back here:)
    I feel like Dorothy click 3 times...there's no place like home;)
  • ty rdnzlrips82 for handling this;)
  • @AA I am really sorry to hear about your deal going south. If you need anything, we are here.
  • @kathy As the designated/volunteered leader of the @team, it is my job to handle it. The pay is very nice, so it is worth the headache. :)
  • Hey, we just hit 18k!
  • &congrats on not getting lost @kathy!
  • Thanks @rd..That's very kind of you to say...just those words in themselves make me feel better ;-)
    I guess that's what the BP is suppose to be all about and what it was founded on ;-)
  • We will never lose those principals. Bbl. Meeting time.
  • Well perhaps getting some score improvements will help too...I'm currently #36 I think on Piglantis leaderboard so I think I will go and try and improve some more to get back to #26 where I was yesterday!
  • Be back in later ;-)
  • Wow Aa your #36 that's impresseive;) that's why I follow you;)
  • good luck.AA;)
    rd care to join me on patio for a white Russian? and a smoke?
  • Reviewing the tapes from last night.
  • Watching tapes with Slim. Be out later.
  • o.k let me know:) I' if you need anything!
  • Thanks. I think we are good. We will let you know. :) just have a drink ready, please. Have one ready for.Slim as well.
  • wiill do;) @sam on ice and White Russian waiting ;)
  • Verdict rendered. All applicable parties have been notified. Let's put this behind us.
  • Wow, have a few days of chaos at home and come back to see that there are 41, yes 41 pages to catch up!! I hope that I can read all of the news by the end of the day :).
    Hi @kathy good to see you didn't get lost earlier :).
    I hope all is well here.
    Hi @rd, how is the family?
    @AA if you are still around, HI :). Nice to have time for yourself, isn't it? Have fun flinging!
    I'll stop by after dinner, having a laid back afternoon here :).
  • slidesing Sam Adams to. @Amslimfordy
    White Russian for rdnzlrips82
  • lol *sliding* I gotta slow down trying to type on this small screen
    hi @Wanda wow 41 pages!
  • thank @Amslimfordy srry for the troubles:( its put to rest.
  • Hey @wanda! Family is good. In an act of revenge for something I did, momma gave the 3 yr old sweet tea for.lunch napping and
  • The joys of parenting. :)
  • awww @rdnzlrips82 you couldn't have done anything to deserve that..whoo gives a baby tea and why?
  • 3yrs old is still a my eyes srry no insult intended ;/
  • Time for a break. Hope everyone's okay. Thanks for dealing with the problems guys.
  • @rd look at it this way- some day, waaaay off in the future- these will be the good old days :). Whatever you did, don't do it again :). Just wait til the little guy crashes, he'll probably sleep late and then not sleep tonight.
  • I am not perfect @kathy. :)
    Hey @doc! Welcome back.
  • So I am revenged upon twice, @wanda. :)
  • All is wrll @DocTonyNYC
    @rdnzlrips82 noone is perfect but you are close ;) in mye eyes;)
  • I think after a refill of my drink, it might be nap time for me.
  • i have a.bit of advice heating up pizza on the grill...not so great;)
  • @kathy you don't know me very well. :)
  • *refills @rd White Russian...get some rest...
  • @kathy you should have googled grilled pizza first.
  • We will see how much rest I get.
  • I hope you can..I. gotta go check something brb
  • well, I just got through 8 pages :), and not to start the cliche war again, but I just thought of this one, @rd. Revenge is a dish best served cold :). Not that you seem to sleep much anyway!
    @kathy, grilled pizza sounds tricky! I stick to the basics, meat and corn on the cob, maybe some veggies if I'm feeling adventurous.
    Sounds like things got hairy around here. Glad it seems quieter now. You guys on the team are awesome!! I would come here even if I didn't like AB :). It's fun and friendly, which are two rare things in the real world.
  • That is why we are here @wanda. Thank you.
  • thank you @Wanda;) that makes me feel. better to know its all worthwhile ;)
  • @rdnzlrips82 thought you were going to nap? not. happenning:/(
  • No nap. I will.sleep tonight.
  • I thought bf was starting to understand. but....oh well I was wrong;)
  • You're very welcome :)
    I am going to try to read a few more pages, then start dinner here. I hope I can get caught up by bed time:).
  • Sorry, @all, I popped in and out really quickly there. Now I'm back for a minute.
  • ya I better not see you here a 4 a.m.!!! but then again if I see you here at that time it means I'm here also ...just as bad lol;) srry
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