The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2129
  • Whahahahahahahah That is another good one, I can not stop snorting thinking of @Kathy using that image next time and we all know what it means LOL
    As for the updates... Rio has had their share, its seasons time now! So I am hoping you are right :) sorry
  • You're playing with fire @fenikus.
  • @Kathy wishes she had that a**.
  • I hate to disagree with you @Estar, but if the next three releases were Space I might feel like we'd caught up. Then Seasons.
  • @estar What in the heck is a "sewercheckup"? Is that something your doctor does, or your plumber?

    Someone made a great parody of the PETA logo -changed it to PITA. I gotta find that pic.
  • 3???? Why 3??? Nope.... after you get yours next thursday I want Seasons! Last year (the whole of 2013) we got ... (besides the advent at christmas) Abra-Ca-Bacon andd whooptiedoo a couple of extra levels in the Haunted Hogs and the Winterwonderham
    Space got Pig Dipper and Cosmic Crystals... So this update is long overdue I totally agree, but I don't think Space deserves 3 updates over Seasons, sorry Mister @Rat
  • Whahahah @Kelani I am sure you are pulling my leg, but lets say, over here they have the lemon flavored kind and it doesn't taste all that salty ;)
  • Kathy you might be able to copy the code from your comment (wonder how that got there hee hee) and use it, but I just could not help myself from putting it there, whahahahah LOL too funny, I really didn't see your spelling mistake, but that tends to happen for me when I read but not "read" and only "read" what I think I "read". I just autocorrected it probably ;)
  • Time for me to turn in everyone. I would love to play around as if I was living in your timezone, but 2AM and it looks like another long dyi day tomorrow. So all enjoy what is left of your Friday and hope to see you tomorrow! keep em flinging @Kathy [[[huggggs]]]]

    night night!
  • Hee hee thanks @e-star !! I'll try to copy.I made the typing mistake about halfway down the lrevious page a couple after jlz funny she caught it;)
  • G'night @E-Star :)
  • Sweet Dreams @e-star I'm happy we got to spend some time today and have some laughs ♥♥
    Hope all goes well with you toilet room and ooohh i forgot I totally never thought of that sharing bath and /or shower in thesame room as we 'do our smelly business' eeewwee is right maybe you dutchies have the better idea;) ;)
  • @estar gnight. I still have no idea what you're talking about. You said "sewercheckup" on last page. That's a new term for me. :P

    *light bulb* edit: oh wait. nevermind. *shudder* I got ya. :P Yuck.
  • @kelani I thought you said sewerecheckup ? Hmm I can't read back anymore:(
  • @Kelani -- Rat had a "sewercheckup" last week, I think.
  • I see @kelani I think she meant ya know checking of the plumbing.@mvnla2 got it right; )
  • Colonoscopy @Kelani.
  • Lol @Pa talk about hitting someone over the head with the'obvious' stick hee hee!!
  • Yeah, I got the lemon flavor reference 30 seconds after I posted. Hence the edit.
  • Sneaks in... Darn that iPad gives off a lot of light, hope hubby doesn't see hee hee... But had to say whahahahahhaha I figured kelani was such a quick whippersnapper he would get the hints, but maybe the sewer was too far fetched, but indeed yuck! (Although I have to say all the talk about how horrific the prep is (I remember that talk was right about when I had to go in) made me fear it, but I thought it wasn't all that bad, but being home is a definate must hee hee)

    Okay iPad light off, zzzzz
  • @estar Yep, you got me. Being outside in heat & humidity all day makes me incredibly stupid. Anyway, I'm not saying GI tracts are a rose garden, but a sewer? Seems a bit...harsh. :) Nightynight again. Don't let the Golytely prep bite.

    @fenikus I think you should post more pictures on Market Mayhem 19. How can anyone hope to understand your bird genius with only 5 screenshots?

    I hope you got a badge for all that work :P
  • Never mind. .going fflinging
  • @kelani aka princess lelani see your not the only one who get tagged for a misspell hee hee
    @Jlz666 is right I'll never have a 'fat butt' she knows me haha butt is funny she caught my typo;)
  • @Kathy . o O huh? what'd I misspell?

    All right, who picked Surf 7 turf 34 for the challenge? :P I remember that was the first AB level to make me mad enough to kick something. Now I can get my revenge.
  • Nooo @kelani aka Princess lelani you really do have issues in the heat and humidity hah
    Mvnla2 misspelled your name remember? Hence lelani?
  • You seem to be enjoying your new derriere @Ma.
  • @Kathy That's not heat & humidity, that's a month-old reference! :P Thanks for reminding me, I haven't thanked her properly for that :>
  • Lol @Pa ya I like it;) @kelani I Think you referenced it once or twice; )
  • @Kathy Alright now. Don't make me start singing 'Kathy got Back' :P
  • rawr S&T 34 is an evil level. High's 180k, my best was 132k til 5 mins ago.
  • I hate level #2 !! It's one or the other! ! Either the tower falls and the stupid stubborn marmoset on the right survives Or the right marmoset falls send the tower doesn't! !
    I declare WWWwwwHhhhhhiiiiiinnnnneeeee whenever you feellike it day!!
  • @Kathy #2 broke testbox once. It's also a repeating score level. I have long since accepted @bernersenn as the undisputed master of that level.
  • @kelani I accept @bernersenn as the master of that level. .I just want a couple more points what do you mean repeating score level?
  • OB I'll have a Marmoset killer to go please; )
  • lol, nah. @Kathy It's a level where the game gets stuck giving the same score for a shot. After about 100 flings on #2, it's prolly good to restart the game.
  • K thanks @kelani ; ) ;)
  • @kelani do you mean start the episode over? Like exit the whole thing and restart?
  • @Kathy like exit game completely. #2, #5, #6 and #12 are the only repeating score levels I found in far.
  • You can keep playing without restarting, but my theory is the high scoring shot gets locked into giving repeating lower scores. No idea why, unless it's to discourage you from repeating the same shot for hours.
  • Thanks @kelani :) I just looked at the clock.. night night:/
  • Oohh *places flashlight in the safe.. It's still pretty shiny from @bird-addict and @Sweetp .. Thank you both for shining it up for me♥♥♥
    Night Pa....♥
  • yep. 'nighty here too.

    'night lurkers.
  • @JLZ666, sure would love to be there with you in that beautiful place! Have a wonderful holiday!

    @estar, that sounds awful you having to go through all of that PITA. It must be so uncomfortable for you at work, too. Would getting a donut shaped pillow help? That is such a relief the real dangers are eliminated. Hope the Clare Davies method works for you. Sounds similar to accupressure. I think using a tennis ball will give better relief, covering a larger area, than a pin point spot from the needles (like accupuncture?).
    I'm a procrastinator, too! But doesn't it feel great to see how beautiful it's turning out? That's the kind of motivation that lifts your spirits and keeps you going till it's all finished!
    And I'd sure love to take you with me to the theater, or shopping, or out to dinner, or anywhere! You remind me of my mom. She didn't take sh** from anyone and would say whatever was on her mind!

    @fenikus, Baaahahahaha! I love your pain-in-the-a** antics! You are SO naughty! I'm really having a good laugh at that emoticon! Ermm, but please be careful my dear.

    Hello @hunnybunny, and good night to you, too!
  • Hmm, interesting theory @kelani about restarting the game (exit all the way out, then restart). I haven't tried it yet but you might be onto something!

    Edit: I think after exiting the game, restarting the device might also help to clear out the game's cache.
  • Numpty here. How do you clear out an I-pad cache?

    Belated night Ma.
  • Gosh I missed a lot last night!!
    Start at the end first @rat I think ( note the word think!) that clearing the cache is
    Settings>Safari>clear history/clear cookies and data. Apparently does it the world of good to be cleared occasionally! However you then have to log back into sites you may remain logged into normally and then have to remember passwords!!
    @JLZ - ohhhhh looks fantabulous - Mumsie furtively starts to plan a route to JLZ's - last time (on page 1215 of BP) did not end well! But the thought of that idyllic view, seafood restaurant is spurring her on. In fact if JLZ is working that hard, if I can get there early enough and help her hubby with the list I will be able to stow away in the boot before she gets home. Now if only I could work out where she lives.........
    @e* - cannot believe how you can manage to do the DIY with hubby in such a small space! Hope you get it finished soon.
    @kathy - love the fat butt!
    @kelani, @fenikus, only able to speak English but @hunnybunny may be able to confirm what a Welshman once said to me - Welsh too is pronounced exactly as it is written.
    @SweetP - I may go for a dip in the river now that all the strats are in place though I think more the ability actually interpret the strat into flinging is more relevant that the ability to read a strat.
    OB an Americano and croissant to go please.
  • I think that's to clear the cached browser data from Safari. If you want to clear app data cache, I'd ask @AMSlimfordy or @BirdLeader.

    It's past my pillow talk time, so I'll bid you a good night and sweet dreams!
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