The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2224
  • Commiserations @bernersenn & @estar :^(
  • OB quick! A double pig killer please! I'm going grocery shopping with my 15 yo driving. He just got his learners permit on Monday. :-0
  • Congrats @ABCrazyon your top score! ! OB can you put mine on ice. .gotta run an errand
    *unwillingly runs out the door*
    @Pa I'll get back to you on that. .gotta ask the girls ;) ;) 8)
  • Well..I ...ummmmm...let's just say I'm watching this in bed and the washing basket isn't far away. Sorry @dutchies,I'd like to say I'll never wear it again but I love it! Penalties are never a fair result but.......
    Congrats @kelani! It takes one to know one!
    @kathy I was talking about the cygnets.
    Nighty night everyone it's bawbaws time X
  • Was Mick secretly rooting for the Netherlands to win?
  • uh oh. I take it the game went poorly? :/
  • Whahappened !! Now my notifications not working:/
  • Ohh from the sound of @jlz666 post the dutchies didn't win?
    So sorry @bernersenn for the loss.. drinks on me for Condolences and drowning sorrowz.
    Maybe next year they will. Sorry my friend and No you neve look the fool.. so cheer up. ((Hug))
  • So now its Germany and Argentina? Also funny since, like Brasil, lots of Argentinians are of German descent.
  • Idk why but my notifications not working:(
  • @Kathy s'not just you. Mine come and go randomly. The site also seems to be running a little slow today.
  • Thanks @Kelani .. my @mention didn't work either :(
  • I checked all my setting and restarted phone but it didn't help.
  • @Kathy It happens to me a lot, so my guess is it's the site, or some link in between.

    edit: @Kathy I just checked. There's a router between us and ABN that's flaking out. That's probably it. I didn't know this server was hosted in Chicago. Mine were in Dallas, Antwerp and Seattle.
  • I fixed it I think! !
    @kelani remember 8-13 you told me it was worth waiting for that claw to rack up points? Well I've had it running and so far it was racking 10 points per minute then the last pig got squished and then it still keeps racking them up.. I'm up to 40730 now but haven't got any more for about 5 minutes now.. not sure if I should wait or....toss in second bird and screw the whole thing up lol..
  • @Kathy the problem's likely in the path between us and Chicago. It may work or not, intermittently.

    On 13, It depends on how much debris is left there, but I would wait only if your current score+still-living pigs+bonus birds could be higher than your current one.
  • Kk thanks @Kelani .. think I'm heading to beak 2 for a bit. .;)
  • Actually haven't done a second pass in beak 2 :) now watch out!!
    OB I'll have that Harvey Wallbanger please. .but why not call it a Harvey Pigbanger and add a shot of your special secret ingredient; ) thanks.. and send the blues out on a regular basis :))
  • If one of you gets bored, could you please do me a favor and see if you can get the raft to float down on S-15 aka the Anchors Aweigh level? I haven't been able to get that to happen on PC since before March, and still can't. I think it may have been fixed.
  • Uhmm @Kelani..@mvnla2 might have info weather or not it's been fixed. . Something tells me it has:/ but i can't remember for sure.I'll try to let it run at work tomorrow. .best i can do..
  • @Kelani on level #30 can you help? My pigs don't die they just freeze and sit there:(
  • @Kathy There's nothing different you do there. Sometimes they freeze, sometimes, they freeze and get killed by falling debris.
  • Thanks @Kelani ;)
  • And @Kelani your hitting the 3rd boulder from the LEFt correct?
  • Did anyone ever solve the 'what's unusual about the paragraph' puzzle @ Kelani?
  • @Kathy yes, just try to get Ice bird to fly as close to the big bottom right planet's grav field as possible. Also, I sometimes had luck triggering ice bird once he falls to the top planet's surface. Usually, you don't need to. He'll land right on top of the bottom pig in the wood structure.
  • @Kathy I don't believe anyone did, no. And I forgot to mention in my previous comment, yes you're hitting the 3rd boulder. When you're flying close to the big lower planet's grav field, ice bird hits around that crack below the tiny stone in the boulder, and bounces to the upper planet's surface.
  • O.k thanks @Kelani I got alittle improvement. .I'm having trouble lining up an aiming point but ias long as i know where I'm going fir now I'll get it;) ty
  • O.k on the paragraphquestion is it that The word 'the 'is not in there? The most common word on the English language besides 'it ' which is way overused in that paragraph?
  • Back off the power just a little bit as well Ma. You want that ice ball to go right between the two towers on the upper planet.
  • @kelani -- Sorry, I remember the level, but which game is it in?
  • @Kathy It's not hard to line up, just aim like 1/4 inch inside the first planet's grav field and adjust from there. After that, I can get a 1b about 3/10 attempts.

    Sooo close. You've got the solution of the puzzle perfectly right, except the part about the word 'the'. That's not it. :)
  • @mvnla2 Space Pig Dipper S-15 I can't test it on iOS until tomorrow, but I'm positive it no longer works on PC. The weird thing is it stopped working in a time period when there was no Space update that I know of. (Jan-March)
  • Thanks @Pa ;)
    Well @Kelani then there's to many 'it'
    And it's not really a paragraph. .in the definition of a paragraph is just a cluster of sentences.
  • @Kathy it looks like a cluster of sentences to me. And 'it' is not the solution, either. What you said before is a perfect copy of the solution, except something else isn't in there that should be.
  • Hmmm..@Kelani I'll look again.
  • Are You talking about the Word 'vitally' if so @Kenobi !!
  • @Kathy Something isn't in the paragraph that should be.
  • What ? It's probably something I've noticed but haven't said it because i thought it wasn't that complicated. The luck lol..I give. .
  • @Kathy the solution is so close to what you said a few posts ago: The paragraph uses every letter of the alphabet except 'E'. E is the most common letter in the English language, and should appear numerous times in any paragraph.

    That's why there are so many Its. They're compensating for not using The
  • Lol Good one @Kelani !!
    O.k Back to flinging. . Birdies waiting..bedtime soon. .
  • @Kathy I know, they're annoying when you're sooo close. :) happy flinging. I'm gonna go pan fry some tortillas and have chicken soft taco night with the daminals.
  • Kk @Kelani enjoy :),mmm I've been dying for tacos for a couple weeks lol. Yummy homemade even. .
    Night night a few more flings and I'm out.
  • @rat -- With no clues your treasure are likely not to be found ever, or at least not for a hundred years or more. Do you really want that?
    @ABCrazy -- Congrats!
    @Kelani -- Didn't I say that there was no "e" several pages ago?
  • @mvnla2 I actually think you did..I saw it in notification. .
    Lol I could probably find it if you didi haven't emptied my folder for afew days. . I'll look tomorrow. Still can't believe i didn't catch that:/
  • @mvnla2 If you did, I missed it. Sorry about that.

    As for @Rat's treasures, the first thing hardcore antiquers and dealers do is take all the drawers out of a desk and look for stuff hidden or fallen into the carcass. I found an envelope with $20 and some 1930s stock certificates for an oil company in a desk one of my neighbors threw out. Too bad the company was long since bankrupt.

    edit: he could also leave clues in his will. Although if they're like his dart board clues, you're right, nobody will ever find them :)
  • Yep I found it !! Not in my trash but in @mvnla2 comments..idk how t
    Link it but I'll trypermalink
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