The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 3147
  • Nothing like some fresh oxygen to the brain @desperatedan. Think I have a Fall song that doesn't appear on the album of that name which also meets your strict criteria(if Greg Davies ever steps down from Taskmaster you'd make a good substitute).
    Perverted by Language is a song that appears on a couple of live albums but not on the studio album of that name (one of their best albums in my view, should have gotten it sooner).
    Whilst pondering and cleaning I came up with another Costello one. Any ideas?
  • Good work @brianN. JD has been keeping a low profile lately.
  • Vaguely remember Tienshienlong I think he was booted out just as I arrived. One in one out. Something to do with long rambling political posts having an anti-American flavour as I recall. Although long rambling political posts having a pro-American flavour are acceptable I believe.
  • Hello @desperatedan enjoying a quiet lunch in Montreathmont woods where I often see the red squirrels though not so far today.
  • Oops... G'night all
    Turns out you have to write something, you can't just leave a smiley or you get admonished. At least you don't get extricated , this was from yesterday, guess I forgot to hit post lol
  • Oh yeah , Good ole J.D Button, when he speaks Everyone listens !
  • Against my will, went to see Mission Impossible, something, something, part one, this afternoon
    Somebody took the credit for writing a film that had little plot, no character development - God only who some of them were - and showed off Tom Cruise’s mediocre acting ability
    Guess I’ll miss part two
    Bunnyman can go on his own
  • @DesperateDan having finished About a Boy, downloaded A Short History of Everything on to Kindle. Hooked, already, about little atoms…
    Hate Kindle, but downsizing means no expansive bookcases, so just a few chosen, reread, books, and cook books. I love cooking…
  • J D Button says "You'd actually watch a M Impossible film expecting plot and character development @hunnybunny?! You really are crazy, it'd be like watching the first night of the Proms expecting the stage to be stormed by eco terrorists... Er hang on a minute..."
  • Finlandia was good though.
  • Knock us up a quick snack then will you @hunnybunny, before bedtime. Thanks.

    Yes, the little atoms are incredible but the things that really blew my mind were the human cells. Beyond comprehension.

    And having just said Birdday 5 was tumbleweed, look who comes rolling into town but the whole Daily Challenge gang, trashing the place for 24 hours then gone as quickly as they came, leaving me to tidy up. Thanks guys!
  • Perverted by Language is correct! But was there a later extended studio version? You're the expert. I just thought up two of the original 3 then had to Google to get a third. Happened to see The Fall mentioned. Can't see any more Elvis Costello though.
  • You do things against your will @hunnybunny? This doesn't ring true. Perhaps it actually is a Tom Cruise thing.
    I remember when someone described Pierce Brosnan as being "pointlessly good looking". Long time ago, mind.
  • Oh no, look at the time. Gotta work in the morning. From home mind. Just involves moving from the part of the bed I sleep in to the part of the bed I work in.
  • You brought it up @DesperateDan … Back in the 1990’s I saw Pierce Brosnan as he and his family and my sister and I were waiting to be seated in restaurants at the Sundance Ski Resort. Both my sister and I still agree that he was the most attractive person we’ve ever seen - more attractive in person than on the screen.
  • Good morning all. ! Hope everyone lt slept well, we'll have Naptime later, gonna read my book for a bit :)
  • Thought you were a lady of leisure @desperatedan?

    Do know a lot of stuff about The Fall, more than is normal, but not everything. The song Perverted by Language was written at the same time as the album and I know it appeared on Live at The Electric Ballroom. Never really had the collectors mentality as regards records or anything else so when music became readily available for free on the Internet I stopped buying them. In fact I gave most of them away. Given that even the most obscure Fall track is readily accessible on t't web why bother?
    Certainly was never one of these mugs who bought expensively wrapped reissues just because it contained an extra track or an extended bongo solo. Thus I don't know if said song appears on such an album. Maybe one of The Peel sessions.

    I know quite a lot about EC as well(no not Eric Clapton). The album and song in question is North from his crooner period. Again written at the same time but I think Elvis had a thing about not having a title track on an album as it drew too much attention to one song. (Ah, these artistic types).

    But seeing Fall and Elvis mentioned together reminds me that M E S once called Costello "A bland bastard".Mind you I don't think there are many artists he didn't slag off.
    Harsh. I suppose anyone from the world of music might be considered bland when considered against Smithy. One of the few he admitted to liking was Capt. Beefheart. Can you name one of his songs that didn't appear on the album of the same name but did on the next one.
  • Without looking it up I think it might be Safe As Milk. But I have never listened to it. Capt. Beefheart is a bit too far out there for my taste. Likewise Zappa. I may be missing something, I guess

    No leisure. I work doing stuff for Rolls-Royce. If you ever fly anywhere, those engines might just be ones I have analysed data from.
  • Ah yes, another theme bubbling under. Artists referencing other artists in song titles. The Boo Radleys (one of my absolute favourite bands) did Jimmy Webb is God. The House of Love did The Beatles and the Stones (2 in 1 there). I am sure there are millions.
  • What are you reading @kathy? Hope it's a real one, not Kindle.
  • Based on previous conversations I had you down as a fan of The Don's music. Anyway you are correct with Safe ss Milk.

    The Fall reference Dolly Parton in Mountain Energei rather strangely. Yes there are many others.

    One for everyone :
    What links Bowie - Life on Mars
    And The Kinks - Village Green Appreciation Society
  • Yes Dan, it you consider 'Dog-eared' paperback 'real'
    It's not Dod-eared yet but probably will be when I'm done lol.
    It's a Stephen King Novel 'The Outsider'
  • Hey @kathy I relate to that book, well the title anyway.

    Sorry @desperatedan didn't read your question properly. Artist in Title of song. Not so many of those come to mind although Dexy's M R came up with a couple. Geno and Jackie Wilson Said.
    Sparks-Lighten up Morissey (which he apparently loved)
  • There's a Fall song for every occasion. I am Damo Suzuki.
  • I suppose She Comes in The Fall by the Inspiral Carpets shouldn't really qualify.
    Jackie Wilson Said should really be credited to Van Morrison, I guess.

    Think I ought to read some Stephen King. Twiggy's dog ears are really sweet.
  • Working on your question @brianN (without cheating, that is). Also trying to work out who is ahead in the Test. Kind of the same question all summer.
  • Aha, got the Disney connection (Mickey and Donald). I had to check but I was right. And Desperate Dan gets a mention in the second song. Bet BrianN doesn't get a name check anywhere.
  • I’m completely lost, with The Fall, songs, etc, other than The Test
    Puppy Challenge today was dire
    Off to watch RuPaul’s Drag Race
    Roast me for that, if you wish…
  • Finally got the Disney!
    Once got three pointless answers in the final round of Pointless:
    Ibiza, Norfolk, Broads

    Next clue on Only Connect question
    We have pink circle, black cylinder already
    Black and white stripes…
  • Okay What is the Disney, y'all are talking about?
  • @hunnybunny, got to be words in Life on Mars? with 4 or more letters?

    Hang on, you said pink circle, black circle to start with. Now you are saying pink circle, black cylinder. That's half an hour of my life I want back! Still can't do it.
  • Songs with Disney characters mentioned in them @kathy. We have Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck covered. Probably loads in the cartoons and films themselves.
  • Well done @desperatedan knew it would be too easy if I mentioned Desperate Dan. The Kinks also mention a couple of American comic book heroes.
    (Wish I could fly like) Superman
    In Catch me now I'm falling they mention Captain America.
  • Oh I see, Thanks Dan, I wanna play?
  • No fair , You lot are always going to bed by the time I get here, but not really I guess, now that I no longer have a job 8 can actually be here in your time zone!
  • I'll play tomorrow, I wanna read my book, g'night all I'll probably y fall asleep. Did I mention I don't get any sleep last night? Woke up at 1:45a.m and haven't really slept since ahh well
  • Liquorice allsorts keep coming into my mind but that's not a sequence.
  • You've got a lot of stuff going on there @kathy. Nothing worse than sleepless nights, I'm assuming that's mainly down to your poor health? We've been protected from the extreme heat being experienced in the rest of Europe by the position of the jet stream. How is it where you are? Are you still in that bijou appartment by the sea in Hull?
    Here in the UK we have the NHS(Although it's on the brink) whereas Stateside medical treatment can be costly how are you managing without work? Bunny was saying Dave has a painting business, is that enough to keep the wolf from the door?
    Feel free to tell me to myob. Hope today is a better day for you. Hugs.
  • Well peeps I may be incommunicado for a while as we're off on a family tour starting this afternoon. You may never hear from me again. Though I may do a spot of lurking. Parting shot @hunnybunny - Ru Paul's Drag Race- Is that where you get your dress and makeup sense from? Love you all xx
  • Enjoy your family day @BrianN, try not to get lost! We'll invite JD Button in to keep your stool warm ;)
  • @brianN enjoy your paradise holiday. (Now death in paradise springs to mind.) Remember @HunnyBunny was in control of a 10m forensic outfit I'm sure the perfect outcome would be no problem to her.
    Great that you are back regularly @Kathy best wishes for everything to you.
  • Thanks @Ixan57 It's nice to be back, even though I'm just letting alot, mom later, I see Everything;) that means you @BrianN .
  • You may not always know what we are going on about @kathy, and I sure don't know what you are going on about half the time, thanks to the kathyboard.
  • Lol @DesperateDan :) but we understand each other so well :)
  • Well @hunnybunny, hope you enjoyed the cricket today. I was trying to write a report but got a little distracted. Wish my mum was still around to hear it, she was a big TMS fan.
  • Yes @kathy, you are right, let's not let a little IT get in the way.
  • But you will never understand cricket. Sometimes, I'm not sure I do,
  • Huh ? Dan what 'it's' huh ¿ Now I'm confused which I believe was your original intention? Huh? :/
  • @BrianN enjoy your holiday, we love you too, even if we don’t show it
    @DesperateDan Liquorice Allsorts is the right answer, and loving the cricket
    @Kathy I, too, love to see you back, even if your Kathy Keyboard keeps messing up your posts!
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