The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1453
  • Looks like I'm incognito too. I'm trick or treating as a big nothing...sniff
  • Looks like I'm incognito too. I'm trick or treating as a big nothing...sniff
  • stuttering again...
  • Very good to hear surfcow!!! I'm glad your back among the erm semi living!! ;)
  • Darn error box
  • Bird Addict strikes again! That's twice in a row!!
  • My dear Kim 'N' Go was most likely referring to my week-long hiatus from reality that led to a five-day shadow of sorts.
  • Eh WTH are you two drinking SunUppers?? Surfcow yes those boxes pop up and muck up my post box quite often just try to ignore them sometimes they go away!
  • What DID YOU DO TO YOUR AVY @Bird-addict?? How the hell could you erase it completely?? LOL
  • I saw @birdaddict avatar on other parts of the site just now....
  • Yep it's just disappeared in the forums which means she did something wonky in gravatar!! Leave it to Bird-addict Hahahaa heh heh
  • Are you completely up and running @surfcow or not quite yet?? How's the weather in your neck o the woods??
  • Don't know @kimmiecv but I'm having a lot of Internet connection issues tonight. Just got bumped out again and it took a long time to convince the guy at the door to let me back in. So I'm going to call it. Sorry I can't hang around and chat longer. Good seeing you @surfcow...even if I can't really see you throughs that mask you have on. Course you can't see me either haha! Nighty night all *poof*
  • @kimmiecv @bird-addict Guys! how much time you will stay on B/W avatar ?
  • I'm thinking a good while @aman why?
  • @kimmiecv No reason just want to know.
  • @bird%20addict - sorry I dozed off. Kim Kim - you were in charge of keeping me upright, no?
  • I wanted to be like pie ah la mode so I grayed out mine too. Whaddya think?
  • Lol not a great idea to keep me in charge surfcow can't keep myself upright!! ;D
    Your a bit blurry round the edges there......
  • I'm a Rebel Without A Cause, I'm afraid. What's the washed-out avvy supposed to be protestin'?
  • Are you thinking of joining us @aman? The more the merrier!! :)
  • Pus!!! :D
  • Lemme guess... Those dreadful Bird Viagra pills?
  • Yep the pus!! Hahahahaaaa
  • Pus? Pus is just plain gross. How could anyone be supportin' of zit juice?
  • OHhhh P-U (plural)
  • We are Unsupporting the pus juice my pretty blue eyed cow!!
  • PUs stink.
  • Get it? P... U....
  • Yep!! So we've all gone gray with sadness!! :( stupid greedy Rovio!!!!
  • Uh huh!! It's as funny bad as pus!! LOL
  • I should get a Trifle Rifle for that one!
  • Yes you should!! Double or nothing!!!
  • I'd better sleep my sweet princess. Must be up in 3 hours to drive shuttle bus.
  • Au Renoir! Or something artsy fartsy like that!
  • Yikes!! Okey dokey super happy made my day you popped in to chat!! Have a safe trip, drive safe! Mwaaah butterfly kisses to you ;D
  • Oops, I meant... Alohahahahaha
  • Thank ya, thank ya... Don't forget to spa... Guten Nacht!
  • WAHAHAHAAAHA love ya my blue eyed cow!!!! Sleep well!
  • @kimmiecv I want to join the protest but how to make a NO PUs' sign on avatar.
  • @amen e-star will do it for you, she can also make your avatar B&W if you want, I don't know how she does it but she said she's happy to do it for anyone that wants it done. :) just leave a post here asking her to do it for you and when she's off work today she'll get it done for you. :)
  • Good morning. I really hate everything about the new seasons update.
    -They added power ups.
    -They made the Winter Wonderham background look awful.
    -They added eight bonus levels in the worst locations possible. UGH.
  • Edit: Bad morning. Must've woken up on the wrong side of the bed or something.
  • LOL @absm! :D
    Well good morning to you, I'm off for my pillow walk! :) everyone have a great day!!

    @aman I answered your question in the avatar contest forum. And as I said just post what you need done for our e-star and she'll take good care of you! :)

    Good night / day @all
  • Thanks, @Kimmiecv! I tried to beat my own score, but it would take an awfully long time and quite a bit of luck to do it...

    I've got about another 74K points to go for the badge, but that's better than the 125K points I needed when I started this morning!
  • @e_star Okay, I am now joining the protest against power-ups. If you have time, please change my avatar to B/W with no power-ups sign. :-)
  • Good morning all!! No time to chat today running late
    Have a Fantabulous Flingin Friday all:)!!!
  • @kathy Good Morning
Post in the New Forum!