The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1629
  • Good luck with that @Annifrid, there are some level hard to get 3 stars like 1-15, 2-8, 2-12. And I've already 3-starred in all level for a couple weeks ago :)
  • @Aman Yes I'm a PC user - the bigger the screen is, the better! ;D
    @Kathy I just updated Seasons, AbraCaBacon - but I still play SW.
    @fbb I've heard about 2-12...
    OB, a bacon ice cream?
  • Looking great, @estar, I just wanted to say I have featured you in my Best channels ever! list, after my real life friends and ABN:) Also, I gave a shout out to you in my About section, nobody will read it, as I don't post videos, but I have 1 subscriber, wooo;D
  • You have a YouTube AM? Didn't know that! Thanks for the cheers and the "Best channel" placement, haven't checked out that feature I think. I do have recommended channels... I think hahahah... I can add to them, but didn't see the button for best channel though. And one subscriber huh? Cheers for that LOL... I started out with a couple but now, 339 subscribers AND I don't have any adds or companies boosting my channel (just don't wanna, been asked many times before, but I just don't like to read fine print and adds). What kind of videos do you post?
  • @E-Star congrats on the you tube do i find ?
    Oh and Hi ((((( hugs)))))
  • Kathy You never visited hahahahs, sure you have, every video of me is hosted on my channel! And the link in my previos message takes you to the mainpage, which hold a banner on top. It used to be only YouTube, but Google butted in and made me change the size and shape of the header. So I needed to make a new header just cause Google said so. and Hugggggssss back my friend!
  • Haha i know I've been there must not your main page sorry typing in sunlight I'll check the link:)
  • Cool It looks great:) I am on my new tablet (3rd new one) tryijg toget used to the keyboard it doesnt have swipe:( but it iis aos Samsung gotta figure how to get my game here its ics not enot jellybean so ishould be able to .
  • I don't post videos, @estar, the only subscriber I have is one of my friends at school;)
    Oh, and to get the Featured Channels list (and you can change the title) you just click 'About', and on there you will have the option to write up to 1000 characters about whatever, probably Angry Birds, add channels to the list I mentioned (don't feel pressured to add me or anything, if anything, don't, as I don't have any sort of content that people would want to see) add channels such as ABN or your friends etc.
  • Oh, just clicked on your link for @kathy, to your profile and noticed you have found it out for yourself:) I appreciate that you don't want any ads, that's the only way one would be able to make money on YouTube, I think, so I'm glad you have decided that you don't need any extra revenue;D
  • @all the family visit is going really well. Against all expectations. Wonderful day today. Drove out to Monmouthshire, really good, surprisingly cheap, lunch in a country pub. Walked around the village, did a kids quiz in the local church, my niece loves that sort of thing, and then visited an amazing garden, which 25 years ago was two fields, and has been tended by just two people, who have full time jobs as well! A perfect Sunday, with perfect weather.
    And Sis donated six good bottles of wine to the rack!
  • @EStar also clicked the link, very impressive. Although I watch, and indeed very much appreciate, your videos, I only ever access through the walk throughs and then shut down
  • I'm glad you had a great day, @hunnybunny:D
  • @AM Yup I already had the about page filled out and already had the link to the nest... just added the Nest to the right hand side featured channels, which I found searching for the stuff you mentioned. What sort of content do you have if I may ask? Or do you want to keep it apart from the AB world, cause no worries if you don't want to tell us. tried searching for yours, but there are a lot of AngerManagement channels hahahaha
    And yes that is the only way to make money on YouTube. As for the extra revenue... welllll I could always use it, just the price for getting it isn't worth it to me. (torturing my viewers with obnoxious adds and reading and dealing with the fine print and tax systems over here for making extra money)
  • @AM finished the end of year tests yet? Or am I going to have to guess which one you've got tomorrow?
  • I know HunnyBunny, I think most people come in and leave that way, which is logical. Just wanted to make sure the front door visitors are welcomed with a bright and happy face. And happy to read the family visit is going better than you expected.
  • How do you add the link to ABN on your homepage picture, @estar?
  • @EStar well, the video ain't working for TorT 1-12. How BPC got 94k on that level I'll never know:-(
    @AM what work experience are you doing?
  • Not sure what you mean by "don't post any videos yet"... you mean me? posting videos of your YouTube? I don't even know where yours is. Me confused... Never mind, not important as you say, you don't have videos that would be suited for sharing in here.
    Good luck on your tests and your Work experience. Which is great for exploring the world of jobs. I actually work where I did my 6 months work experience.... almost 14 years now :D
  • @AM if you go to your main page and hover over the right side to change you picture and click on the pencil mark, you get the option to edit your picture, but also your "links"
  • You'll get there eventually, @hunnybunny, I'm working in a local museum for a week, a lot of fossils in there to interest my paleontological side;D
  • I will check it out HunnyBunny
  • @HunnyBunny Just checked it and it works on my end, it did take a second or two to load, so maybe wait a couple of seconds for it to load properly?
  • Thanks, @estar:) I mean that I haven't uploaded any videos at all, I just use the account so I can watch things every now and again. I wouldn't mind working in a museum for 14 years of my life;]
  • @AM I have a friend who did palaeontology in university. Probably the cleverest man I've ever met. You seem to have some similarities....
  • @EStar you misunderstood. The video link works, it's just that the video isn't working for me, i.e. I'm rather inept on that level. stupid English idioms making me hard to understand ;-)
  • He did paleontology in university, wow, that sounds amazing, which university did he go to?
  • Don't know, sorry.
  • Ahhh okay AM, well thanks for the featured link anyway! And hope you will have a great time at the museum and learn a lot. Sounds exciting! And I hope you will find a job that you really like when you are all done with getting your diploma's. It is a great gift to be able to work in a place where you can imagine your self being in 15 years. Hope you find it!
  • That's fine, @hunnybunny, it's just I live in a town that doesn't really have much in terms of scientific opportunities in the university, so I'll probably have to go to one of the near-by cities universities in order to get a course that I'm happy with:/ I suppose I'll be getting on my travelling boots that way though. Also, paleontologists travel everywhere and get the credit for fossil finds, maybe I could find a therapod and call it hunnybunnyosaurus! (Ha, I just made my first paleo-joke;D)
  • Hahahahahah OWwwwwwwwwwww I see HunnyBunny!! Sorry it isn't "working" for you. Maybe give the level a rest and come back fresh in the morning? And don't worry about the mix up, keeps me on my toes :D Also I So know what you mean, it has caused me some mix ups myself as well LOL
  • I would take working in a museum, but I would rather be out in the depths of Tanzania finding the biggest Suropod ever still walking the Earth;D I'm Still not sure whether I would rather be an astronomist or a paleontologist:|
  • Good night ladies and lurkers, time to nod off to the sweet sounds of the Griffan family:D
  • Looking forward to HunnyBunnyosaurus lol
  • Good night AM I was heading out as well. Midnight, so need to start to turn in. Always takes me at least an hour to close up shop and turn out the lights. So better get started right? Night night all!
  • Hey everyone:) OB an extra large PigKiller please
    I just had the SCARE i put sd card from my phone into tablet..didn't work although i now have my draw , words, and angry bird:(
    But when i put sd card back in my phone it said no angry birds installed!!!
    Phew° wipes brow* i took it back out re inserted it shut off phone and voila there back!!!
  • Good night angermanagement have a good day at school:)
  • @Kathy NO ANGRY BIRDS can't imagine such a catastrophe
    Lol another good spell checker there!
  • Night also@E* i don't know where you get the patience or time for all this technical mumbo jumbo...guess I'll be staring new on tablet...oh well not the first time and I'm not very far along in seasons so I'll start there after this quest..
  • Phewww indeed, that can give you a heart attack for sure. Sorry to leave when you just arrived, darn timezones!!! Sorry to hear your AngryBirds didn't get transferred to the tablet! Maybe some wizzkid at work can help you out?
  • Yep @Hunnybunny i almost that wood be the third time i lost it..luckily it o.k
    *takes big gulp of PigKiller*
  • That's what I'm hopping E* (((((hugs)))) sweet dreams:)
  • I think my brain is just wired that way... have to know, need to know... don't stop until I do hahahahaha... and over the 35 years it has gotten used to the technical mumbo jumbo, so it becomes less time consuming hee hee
  • [[[[huggggssss]]]]] kathy!! enjoy the rest of your Sunday as I head into my Monday!
  • Introducing whine Sunday TorT 1-12, just to see if it works......
  • @HunnyBunnyTorT1-12needshelppagerchanger
  • Anyone lurking?
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