The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1630
  • @Lamia-- Welcome back! Good Luck with the flinging!
    @FFB -- Trick or Treat and Seasons Greetings are two of the hardest levels in Seasons, in my opinion. Most of started out just trying to pass all levels, then graduated to getting 3*s. You're already ahead of where I was for the same amount of time playing AB. Actually, I think Seasons may be the hardest game overall. I recently went back to see if I could get above average on all levels, and still have several that are driving me nuts. Be sure to watch E-Star's videos. She makes them for higher than average scores, but they sometimes are easier for just 3*s.
    @Aman -- Sorry, I can't really help you. I'm waiting for @E-Star's video to try for above average again. Only advice I can give is to watch video very carefully and read and re-read all the strats posted.
  • I guess not.
    Off to bed. I'm on breakfast duty in the morning, as He Who Does Not Fling is in work.
    Got to keep the guests happy
  • Hey @mvnla mid afternoon for you?
  • Yea @E-star! -- There is hope for ACB 2-15 for me! Looked at your video already, will try in a few. Thank you!
  • Well midnight here. My little whine on TortT 1-12 failed to work, and although mvnla seems to be ignoring me (only joking) I remember her saying she flings better in the morning. I'll try that
  • Hi @hunnybunny & bye. I agree, I definitely fling better in the morning than at night.
  • @Hunnybunny -- Sorry, out most of the day 'till now (late afternoon), and writing posts while I got caught up, so missed yours.
    Went to a classic car show in San Marino (east of downtown LA); quite a bit warmer there. Not really my thing, and I've been to 3 classic car shows this year!
    Also had Dim Sum lunch in Monterey Park -- the new center of Chinese restaurants in LA. Very good; may not need any dinner.
  • @mvnla2--I do miss the food!!!! The ability to get any type of good food is one of only a few things I miss about that area. Driving...forget about it'. Too urban for us. We, she who does not fling and myself, like life a little more laid back, slower. Nothing against all you LA flingers, just different strokes for different folks.
  • @Rat -- Yes, the food choices (as long as we go out) are fantastic. Even the fruits and vegetables we eat at home are excellent; cooking is not fancy.
    Took us 25 min to get from the west side of LA to San Marino this morning; getting back was another story altogether!
  • @all -- Boy, do people come and go! Another quiet spell.
    Anyway it took me so long to catch up this afternoon, that I forgot to mention this:
    Two months ago a lot of people in the BP were wondering why they hadn't seen @ChaosTsar for a while. So I sent him a PM, and today he responded. He has totally quit playing AB. I think he got really upset at the introduction of PUs. A great loss for us.
  • @mvnla2--youuu are not aloooooone. It's a little odd about @ChaosTsar...his profile says he was active 6 hrs ago.
  • @mvnla2--You should have married a gourmet cook. In exchange for prep and clean up after, I eat like the king that I am. Haha
  • Hey @rat @mvnla2 why is it odd that chaostar is active?
  • *dope slap* read up up!!!
    OB another extra large PigKiller please:)
  • @Kathy--read three posts above.
  • Duhhh, Which way did he go George? Which way did he go? One of my favorite cartoon quotes.
  • @Kathy--Nice passing by you in the night. See ya in the funny papers.
  • @Rat @Kathy -- It was probably 6 hrs ago that ChaosTsar responded to my PM. He had stopped by ABN to turn all his notifications off.
  • @rat -- Actually, my hubby spends much more time cooking than I do. If either of us were a gourmet cook, we would have serious weight problems.
  • Sad, but I understand. I had a problem with anchors away. I can't imagine how Santa Hat would have affected me.
  • @mvnla2-- You both must be great in other areas or you wouldn't be together.
  • So sad to hear @ chaostar has given up never even stripped by for a drink:(
  • @mvnla2-- We celebrated 38th anniversary in May by going to Vegas to see the Rolling Stones. Actually, winning some money didn't hurt either.
  • @mvnla2--It's hard to say good bye to something you love.
  • Well nice to see you I'm back to flinging and trying to get tablet to work. ? I'll be lurking:)
  • @mvnla2--I would have come to the BP before now if I knew they allowed stripping.
  • @mvnla2--Hope third time's the charm.
  • Rat, seeing he's all alone, tippy toes out the back door. Hey! Where's the back door?
  • @rat You are not alone. I'm just lurking quietly.
  • Good. Just finished this boring reading summer camp "homework" for a class that I realized was boring at the first class. I should have chosen basketball summer camp instead.
  • Have you posted how you found out about the nest yet?
  • @tas uhmmmm.... No I haven't. That's a new forum discussion, isn't it?
  • Yeah..... My first actual successful one too!
  • I just posted my story in there.
  • Time for me to head for bed. G'nite @tas see ya around.
  • Good night all..OB thanks for everything:)
    *places flashlight on @Kimmiecv booth, with a white rose and a roll-on stick of icy hot..*
    Works wonders hope you feel better..I'm going to feel like crap tomorrow its to late...:( nighty night
    ((((((( hugs))))))
  • Good morning @everyone!

    The little monster managed to organize some not-so-nice activity yesterday. He was playing in our livingroom and suddenly the silence caught my attention. I went to check what he's doing and OMG I almost fainted when I saw what was happening. I've got no idea where he had found one of my nail polishes but there he was painting with it. Too bad that he was painting our SOFA! How on earth am I supposed to clean up the mess he made? First I thought that I'll just take nail polish remover and scrub it of but I'm pretty sure that if I do that, it will take off the color from the fabric too.

    If he continues doing tricks like this, I'm really going crazy. He's not a monster, he's a DESTROYER! ;(
  • @Kathy oy! You did a marathon fling tonight! I hope you sleep well tonight my friend, your going to be in the running with me as a very tired working person tomorrow!! Thank you for the pretty rose and I will use the icy hot tonight! I'll try Anything about now!!
    *shines KitKats flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out candles to see her safely to Dreamland, also places a bucket of ice with several different XS energy drinks to help her stay awake tomorrow! ;) *

    Oh man @lisko this is bad!! I don't know for sure if hairspray would work to get nail polish out of your sofa, you may want to goggle what works using household products to clean nail polish, just a thought. Yep the more I hear these stories the more I'm thinking not being able to bear children might not have been such a bad thing!! :O At least if my babies are naughty I don't get arrested for putting them in a locked and possibly padded room or a cage ( neither of which I own but sometimes wish I did! ) for a bit, they frown on that with kids but not cats and dogs! ;) Good luck!!
  • Hey everyone
  • @Kimmiecv - Yep, I'm trying to find some trick which could help getting the nail polish off without taking the color off too. ARGH! I don't even want to know what he'll come up next. The padded room or a cage doesn't sound too bad at this point. Though I'm not sure if it should be me who gets locked up :/
  • Reminds me of when I stuffed hundreds of things down the toilet that were meant to go elsewhere when I was his/her age.
  • @tas - Haha, he has done that too! :D
  • What about stuffing all the TV remotes in a vase?
  • @tas - Haha, he hasn't done that (yet), but he stuffed all four remotes to the toilet :D He also stole hubby's credit card which we finally found from the dish washer :P
  • Not a bad idea @lisko! A nice quiet padded room for the parents to escape to!! I like that idea even better than sending the bad one there! All the peace and serenity you want..:....,,..,,.. ;)
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