The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1632
  • Good morning @lisko way to go on finding the simple solution to remove the nail polish. Funny it just chips right off of my nails too. ;-) Your sofa fabric must have some pretty good stain repellant on it too.
  • @Kathy - Yep, I usually keep those in our bathroom shelf where the monster can't reach, but I think that he found that nail polish while he was going through my handbag (again). I was going to try the hair spray, but we didn't have any at that moment. I think I'll add it to the list what we need to buy :D

    @mvnla2, @Kimmiecv & @ABcrazy - Haha, that's right. I'm ssoooo happy that I got that stain off, 'cause the sofa was pretty expensive when we bought it and I really love it. We paid a little extra for that fabric, 'cause at that time we had four cats and we wanted a fabric that won't be torn apart the next day. Guess it was a good choise 'cause we've had that sofa now for 5 years and it's still like new :D
  • @lisko--Congrats on the nail polish chipping. Lucky for me, you get a second chance on some cushions. You can flip them over to hide the water? spot.
  • No More Nail Polish Yay!
  • @tas--Hello fellow rodent.
  • I'm sorry. I thought I saw theanonymous(e)someone in here.
  • I thought you hated me. I have Meo(w) in my name.
  • @tas-- you had to work hard for that one,
  • And that's why you're nominated for Truffle Shuffle.
  • @tas--You got some learnin' to do. Men are Rats, young men are Mice, but women are always catty. Uh oh, now I dun stuck my big foot in my mouth.
  • Mouse, rat, mice
  • @Rat - Hahaha :D
  • @tas--@hunnybunny said I couldn't have the truffle shuffle. It would give me a big head. I've already told everyone I'm 6'5". I've got big fat fingers and swollen feet. I need a big head to go with everything else so that I don't look funnier than I do already. Har dee har har As you can see in my avatar, I also have big ears and an even bigger mouth, but my head is tiny.
  • I see your logic in the things you have said @rat.

    lo~gic n.- The act of being wrong with confidence. (lo~gic~al)
  • @all this bar is infested with rodents
  • @tas Hahahahaha he he he heeee
  • @tas- as I've mention before, one of my favorite movie quotes is "Bad'ges, we don't need no stinkin' Bad'ges. Actually, that's not quite true. I'd love to have a badge for my accomplishments in Pig Dipper. I was able to get the scores on all thirty-three levels in the top eight. A top twenty or top ten badge is one I would covet.
  • Are you bionic like @manu_mali----- AAH, I almost summoned him! D:
  • @Rat - It would be great if there was a badge for all the score addicts. I mean like there is/was for the path of the jedi and danger zone addict badges :D
  • @lisko-- I fully agree. Let's do a sit-in at the BP in protest. LOL
  • As compensation for the terrible start of your forum @fbb, all your drinks+food are on me for the next 3 days. Put it on my bill, said the duck.
  • @tas--I ain't scared of the Mighty Manu. I already called him out once and he didn't show up. Nobody told him where I live did they?
  • @tas--Someone in VBS in a bar buying drinks...Tsk tsk tsk
  • VBS Ended 3 days ago, and I was a volunteer there.
  • @theanonymoussomeone--I also thought you were too young. I never went to VBS, kindergarten, or even the Boy Scouts. My older brother ruined the chances of his younger siblings by getting in trouble in all of these activities,
  • @tas, you don't need to do that, it's just a small confusion ;)
  • I'm assuming WWII ended by the time you WOULD have gone? Hitler invented kindergarten after all. | :|
  • @tas--Ha ha I was in the military during the Vietnam fiasco. Yeah, I'm wanna to make sumin' of it.
  • @Rat, you was in the millitary during the Vietnam fiasco ? I'm a Vietnamse
  • @Rat - Were you in Vietnam? I'm so glad that we haven't had any wars since 40's.
  • @Fbb I know and no I didn't go to Vietnam. Thank goodness
  • @lisko--maybe not in Finland. I wish we could say that. World Peace, I love the sound of it.
  • @fire_bomb_bird-- I learned something tonight. I've been spelling Vietnamese wrong for years. But I'm sure your way must be correct. You live there.
  • @Rat - That's a good thing. What I've been reading about it (and seen in the movies), it seems that it was really a fiasco.

    Btw. Do you have to go to the military in US? In Finland you can go to the army or you can serve as a civil which usually mean that you have to work in a library or something like that.
  • I'm gonna fing for a while, see ya'll later
  • Yep @rat, and my English is good as Vietnamese
  • @lisko--No, time in the military is not compulsory here. I was young, stupid, and broke. I joined the Air Force for the educational opportunities, such as free college. BTW, no free college anymore.
  • In US It's THE AMERICAN DREAM!!!!!! and all.... and no you don't actually HAVE to. But with our current ruler being as bad as he is, he could start so many wars that it might just end up that way.
  • @Fbb-- Now you went and changed the spelling back by putting that "e" back in there. Which is it?
  • @all--OK, someone needs to reread the rules on page one. No politics, religion, etc. My bad for mentioning Vietnam. That's a red flag word here
  • @Rat - Haha, I didn't mean to talk about politics, just asked 'cause I'm interested how it works in different countries :D I worked in Finnish defence forces (as a civilian) for about 3 years some time ago :D

    Oh, and it is VietnamEse :)
  • Hello everyone :)
  • Hi @Harry! How are you? :D Gah, I should re-organize my book shelf, get all my precious little babies back in order, haha :D
  • Hey @lisko I am pretty good just watching tv :), how are you?
  • Hey @tas how are you?
  • Hello @Harry, Bye Harry. I need to go do some serious flingin'.
  • Hello @rat9 good luck flinging :)
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