The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1634
  • I've done the page 1 in TorT, 2 levels left in page 2 and couple levels in page 3
  • Season Greedings will be a nightmare for me if I compelete TorT
  • Hello @everyone!

    Sorry I haven't been here in a while; work and life have been interfering with more important matters. We're leaving on vacation tomorrow (yay!) but it's been completely insane getting ready to leave, between work and physical therapy appointments for my injured hip. Still bringing my kayak though. Because, darn it.

    Happy to report that our bluebird family has started another nest! Mama will probably have all her eggs laid while I'm gone. I've shown our house sitter how to enter the data on the special record sheet for the Cornell Ornithology Lab Nest Watch program. Need to have official data to prove that "our" bluebirds are extra, super special.

    Glad to see so much flinging activity, and congrats to everyone!

    I'll have my iPad with me while we're traveling from Lake George in New York to Lake Champlain in Vermont to Lake Winnipesaukee in New Hampshire, so I'll try to check in from time to time to see how you all are behaving while I'm away. We'll be gone for 10 days, and after getting ready for this trip, boy do I need a vacation! :D

    I'll try to post a couple of photos I think would be particularly good spots to fling birdies from...

    Meanwhile, happy flinging, and get them pesky pigs!
  • Happy holidays @Junkenmetel we're off on Saturday too, although I think my chances of finding wifi and posting good flinging spots are slim when exploring Norwegian glaciers and Icelandic geysers ;-)
  • Sis and family have left. Peace at last!
    Now to clean the house, ugh :-(
  • @JunkenMetel - Wow! Your vacation sounds great! Have fun and enjoy!!

    @Hunnybunny - I would really love to go to the zoo in Jersey! And in the end, it's not so far away, though I just need to figure out where I could get the money for the trip :P Maybe some day... :D
  • @Lisko all that talk of frogs (on the favourite avatar thread) prompted a rather nice Maranon Poison Frog avatar
  • @Hunnybunny - Wow, that's a great avatar! :D I hope that someone will nominate it, and if doesn't I will do that nnext month :D
  • It's quite quiet in here
  • Very quiet...
  • That made me jump!
  • Ohh!! @firebombbird you scared me!!!
    Lol good morning all:) have a great day flinging..can't stay I'm off to work;)
  • And I'm back to housework :-(
  • @JunkenMetel, have fun on the vacation
    @Hunnybunny, nice frog avatar but how long will you keep it because it's not a bunny :D
    @any_lurkers_arround_here, I have to fling now, only have page 3 of TorT to complete, so see ya later
  • @fbb your probably right. However much I love frogs, I'm bound to return to one of my lovely bunnies :-)
  • Ahhhh..... The joy of whine Tues, works like a charm!
  • Whooo hoooo, I've completed Trick or treat, 3-starred in all levels. When I saw 99/135, I thought I will never done it but I kept trying and trying, and today I'm finally beat that episode. But my nightmare is come- Season greedings, it's purely EVIL, 45/75 stars
  • Hi everyone. Whats New?
  • For those playing in ABSW and struggling with ObiWan and his force, I think the strength of the force varies with the direction he is facing relative to where you target the force. It seems to be stronger (at least when blasting things to bits) when he is looking directly at where you target the force, or when you target directly above/below him. I don't know if behind would work as well, haven't tried that yet.
    Thanks @tienshenlong for pointing that out in 1-5. It didn't make much sense to me on that level, but I am seeing it work on others.
  • @FBB Good Luck in SG! Took a quick look back at it; can't remember which level was the hardest for me. Hated lots of them. I'm still below average on a few.
    @TheAnonymoussomeone -- Great flinging.
    @Both -- If you really want a challenge, try for a feather (total destruction) using the Mighty Eagle on 1-16. Used to be a badge available for that before it was made easier. There is a great video somewhere, I think by FujiToast. I never could get the badge, despite hours of trying.
  • Hi @all
    Rovio will annouce something BIG shortly in E3!

  • @aman where do ya get the Info?
  • I've decided I want to start leaderboarding in ABS.
    Where should I start and what goals should I set (top 100, 50, etc.)?
  • @hunnybunny- not crazy about the frog. I used to have one as a pet, but she might as well have just been wild.
  • anyone lurking?
  • Hello @all--I threw a few eggs at the daily challenge today. With that top score it seemed like an exercise in futility. That was until, while in Utopia, I ran across 4-11. I'm trying to clean up Space and this seemed like a good place to pick up the odd point or two. However, it finished defining "futility" for me. Futility-the quality of having no useful result. Now, don't get me wrong, I liked 4-11 and was shooting scores within 100/200 of the top score. But, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't best that top score. I finally admitted defeat and on the way out I looked to see who was that better shooter. I appreciated good shooting even when it's not me. So imagine my surprise when, low and behold, that top score holder "was" me.

    Someone told me yesterday I had too many top scores in Space. I laughed hard and replied that you can't have too many. I'm rethinking my answer of yesterday.
  • @TAS - Probably the best place to start on the leaderboards, after achieving three stars on all levels, would be to shoot to beat average on all levels. My next goal after that is to be closer to top score than average score on each level, but there is no single correct answer, just work to be the best you can be.
  • Mega Congrats @Rats! That had to be quite a pleasant surprise (an under statement, of course). I admire your persistence.
  • Hi @Burbman, long time no see! How you doing at Seasons? Catching me up? I haven't looked recently.
    @TAS I'm on TorT, a good place to start your revisit. Its challenging but rewarding, and most episodes seem easy after that. I'm trying to get into the top 100/200 in each level, dependent on whether I like it or not. After completing a third of the levels I've gone from 352 to 148 on the leader board. Which bodes well for my final score after doing them all.
    @Rat sorry about the refusal to vote for your truffle shuffle badge. Just sour grapes that you got a puppy and I didn't. But no worries about getting big headed, you just achieved that lol
  • @TAS also, remember playing TorT, an really old episode, is completely different from playing a new one. There are thousands of scores, so really difficult to break into the top 50.
    And about the frog....
    There was a thread on the avatar forum about frogs. I mentioned a conservation zoo on a small island about a 45 minute flight from here, and the amazing frogs I had seen. Looked at their website, and there was a fab white spotted brown frog, the maranon poison frog. The resolution was so poor I had to find another picture for my avatar, but he's in his other colour way. As @fbb said, I won't keep him long, he's not a bunny:-)
  • If you want check out the zoo, and it's worth a look, google Gerald Durrell
    I can't do links on iPad for some reason relating to me being 53 and not 12 years old :-/
  • Ah well, fed up with talking to myself, and OB can sense my agitation over the recent sis visit (that's another post, once I've calmed down) so off to fling
    TorT here I come
  • @hunnybunny--It's OK, I can't imagine the stress you've been under...and no puppy to pet. If a few sour grapes are the worst thing to happen to me today, I'll consider it a wonderful day. You can borrow Wolfie now that those smelly houseguests are gone. Even the best of friends start to get an aroma about them after a few days of constant, in your face. Five days are, at least two, too many. Get it...Too Too many.
  • @rat yeah, I speak English, and lived thru the too, too, far too many
  • @hunnybunny Thanks for the info.
    @rat funny story!
  • We just finished our garden last night. We also put some parsley+cilantro in some big rectangular pots a few weeks before. Our parsley is sprouting up more quickly than the cilantro, mostly cause of the soil depth. But oh well. As long as it grows, lizards=happy.
  • Well, here's the story of the sis visit. Or rather, why I'm glad to see them go. I think I've calmed down enough to be rational. Although when we get to the last point, I may start cussing (not in the post of course, just in my head):
    1. Sis and her husband are both hypochondriacs. Every time he arrives he rushes off to the local store, claiming allergies to a new environment, to buy a nasal spray. She is permanently on antibiotics for some imagined infection. Free medical insurance helps of course!
    2. They are rich, but mean. Don't get me wrong, I'm comfortably off, but have a plan to spend every penny before I die. They certainly will leave loads of money, hopefully to my adorable niece who will blow the lot. Sis can make three cups of tea from one bag. The three of them use the same bath water for three baths. Yuk. Yuk. Yuk.
    3. They have 'staff' at their home in India. Staff! Good God! They obviously forget how real people live.
    I'm house proud. I have a beautiful house, I've spent loads of money on it. My reasoning is that you spend most of your life either in the house or waiting to get back to it. I keep it clean and tidy. I am a good host. Sis and husband get a double room with en suite bathroom. Niece gets a single room with en suite shower room. Clean, fresh bedding, flowers, hanging space for clothes, toiletries provided. In five days they never once made their beds or opened the blinds. Clothes everywhere. The place looked like a tip.
    4. They are Dirty. I think it's the 'staff' thing again. They drink tea, loads of it. They will use every cup and mug in the house before they think of washing one up. And the state of the bathroom when they left I can't even describe! Never again will I complain about He Who Does Not Fling leaving a few whiskers and a blob of shaving foam in the basin.
    5. Her husband is a jerk. He leans back on a dining room chair, all 14 stone / 196 pounds / 88 kilograms of him. The dining room chairs are old but loved. I spent good money having them recovered. As he leans back, the front legs of the chair leave the floor, the back ones screech across the tiles, and wobble. Oh he says, I think your chair is wobbling. He does it again, and again, and again. I'm asking, pleading, screaming, don't do that again. He carries on. I leave the room not wishing to use profane language in front if my niece. The chair is now waiting for the scrap heap. Not a word of apology
    I miss them, of course, but next time we meet in an hotel
    OB can now here me muttering obscenities, leads me to a quiet part of the BP and gives me a large whiskey
    Got that off my chest, sorry if I bored the patrons, but feel better now
  • Wow. And I thought my cousins were destructive!
  • @hunnybunny - I haven't checked recently to see how my pursuit is going. I think there are more people, but less points between us. Now that you have switched to a frog, not sure how my tortoise and hare approach is going to work out... Moving into a new house, so my flinging time has been limited as of late.
  • @tas about your gravatar. I find that when I try to change mine, I think I'm done when that final screen comes up, but no, I need to click on the chosen gravatar again, and then it appears all over the forums. We need to see your lizard, mask and whatever comes next.
    And do you check the right box to give it it's certification? The one on the left...
  • @Burbman I've gone up over 100 places on TorT but not moved one iota on the total seasons leader board. Odd....
  • ABS has the most chapters and consequently the most people who have better scores than you.
  • @hunnybunny--Did I say smelly earlier, I should have said stinky!!! Forget the wonderful day comment as well, the ceiling in the living room of my beautiful abode has sprung a massive leak. 100% humidity for the last four days was evidently too much for the AC. Pots everywhere.
  • Worst humidity I've ever seen, It's raining inside my house
  • @rat well at least my problem left this morning. As you lent me your patience, can I lend you some buckets
    @tas and also more people who have worse scores than me! Always look on the bright side of life
    Hunnybunny hums the Monty Python tune whilst sipping her whiskey. Feeling much better already :-)
  • @happyhunnybunnybucketlendinghummingalwayslookonthebrightsideoflifepagechanger
  • I think I'm getting ridiculous on my page changers now! It was so long it didn't even turn blue
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