The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1633
  • @Lisko-- No need to apologise. My comment was not directed at you.
  • How is everyone going in flinging? :)
  • @Harry - I'm pretty much fine. Waiting for the rain again :D Yesterday my hubby called when he got out of work and told that in the city streets were flooding.! And what are Finns doing? Well, some younger girls went to swim :D

    @Rat - Ah, okay :) Have fun with the flinging! I think I need to start the Book shelf project :D
  • @lisko that's good, I am sure the rain will be coming soon for you :), I haven't really seen a flood before only on tv when Queensland (a state in Australia) had a flood it was was quite flooded this was a while ago as well.
  • @Harry - Fortunately we don't get floods so often :D
  • @lisko we don't get floods that often either :)
  • @lisko going flinging now see ya later :)
  • Hey I'm back after having a flinging time with Trick or treat, and got 123/135 stars, just need few more stars to compelete the level.
    Are everyone still finging ? @rat9, @harrystar6, @lisko ?
  • @fbb - I'm trying to organize my books shelf, but with way over 100 books, it's not so easy :D

  • What kind of book do you have ? @lisko
  • @fbb - I'm a Stephen King collector and I also read Dean Koontz, Michael Connelly (have to admit that I'm a Conelly collector too), James Patterson (well, yeah I collect his books too) and then there's some others like Anna Jansson, Tess Gerritsen, Patricia Cornwell etc.

    I love horror books and also police/court books. Pretty much the same as my movie taste :D Just love the horror etc. but then again my favourite movies are Braveheart and Dances with wolves :D I'm a very complicated person :D

    Edit: About books, I forgot to mention that I'm also a big fan of fantasy written by Margaret Weis & Tracy Hickman :D
  • Good morning morning all Ob could I have a large coffee please:)
    @lisko I also read a lot of Stephen King and Dean Koontz I love them both
    although I am far behind on my reading.
  • @Kimmiecv why are you still awake get to bed Missy!!!
  • Doh!!! Busted!!! :O ummmm last ciggy and ohhh just a few more flings and I'm going I swear @KitKat!! Eh have a nice day :) geez I saw you off to bed and saw you off to work! Something's wrong with this picture!! LOL ;D
  • Roflmao @Kimmiecv ya you think!!! , Sweet dreams (((( hugs))))
    I'm off a little flinging before work:)
  • :D yep I think so @KitKat LOL good luck with the flinging! I'm off for my pillow walk!! Heehee talk later tonight ;)
  • @Kathy - REALLY? I just love King! I've got almost all the versions that has been translated in finnish :D Too bad that they aren't so activate in Finland on translating the older books even when there would really be a market for it. I've also got almost all of the movies which are based on King's novels and books. :D I also love Kevin Costner (on saturday I watched The Guardian and cried...a lot), Mel Gibson, Bruce Willis...I love all of them :D
  • Haven't seen @Angryboy and @iamMighty for a while
  • Hi @fbb how u doing? Doing well on TorT I see
  • And @Annifrid is must be having fun with the portals or still playing Star wars
  • Yep, just need 12 stars to compelete the episode
  • Any u finding particularly hard? I hated 1-9 but cracked it in the end
  • Well, have to get back to fling again, see ya later
  • And me too
  • @firebombbird you know who else hasn't been here in a while? @penguinlover!
    She hasn't been in 3 1/2 months, that's longer than the time you've been a member here!
  • @brave1966 hasn't been here in while, I was hoping the recent PC updates would lure him back, but no such luck :(
  • @am I think @brave1966 quit coming in after the noPU protests. Seems like a handful of players left around then. I had just started becoming more involved at that time & it seemed like there was quite a bit of upsetness happening then.
  • @fbb & everyone else - I'm on my school's sports course, without any possibility to play AB until Friday :(
    But it's quite fun although I had to go there (not voluntarily) and I'm horrible at any sport you can think of. At least I have connection to internet ;)
  • Hi @am I think I may have seen @penguinlover once or twice since I started hanging around here. I guess real life takes over some times.
  • @annifrid just do your best &have fun. The best thing about sports is the friends and staying in good shape.
  • @all just showed my ten year old niece how to play angry birds (although she tells me moshling boshling, or some such, is much the same). Couldn't bear to have her beating my seasons scores, so off to Rio we went. I was soundly thrashed. Look forward to seeing a new top scorer around soon :-)
  • Any lurkers?
  • @rat -- Manu is actually a nice guy, as are all the great flingers I've met, and they will help you if you ask. However, it helps to have the correct name. Manu's name doesn't work in the forum, as far as I know, and on the walkthroughs he has a different @name. Check his profile or notice what the @name is in his comments.
  • @mvnla @rat I agree with mvnla
    Sent a few messages to some of the great Seasons players, and although they don't normally post their strategies, a polite request often gets a screenshot, a detailed strat, or on one occasion, a curt it's a no birder. Which it was!
  • @Rat -- Maybe you've forgotten since you joined the military voluntarily, but during the Viet Nam War, we had a draft. Lots of young men went to Canada or other foreign countries to avoid it. There was a lottery to determine when and whether you would be called. So there lots of people celebrated when they got a high lottery number.
    I think this statement is not political, just historical fact.
  • Just checked out Manu. What a great player. Hope he doesn't come to Seasons :-/
  • Whiiiiinnnneeee. Tat 1-16
  • @ABCrazy Star Wars is calling, but rather hooked on Seasons.
    However, my phone is about to die, it seems to be committing suicide a little every day, as each feature stops working, and it suddenly fades out during calls and messages...
    So iPhone perhaps?
    Seasons on the pad
    SW on the phone
    Off to AB anonymous now, just the thought of two platforms, two games, it's taking over my life
  • @hunnybunny I'm a sick whiner. I'm just trying to squeeze (SQUEEZE) a few more points out of each level that still has some apparent wiggle room. Some levels I finally get, some .... I just don't. My paranoia to pad my episode total score to at least slow down those who will overcome keeps me going.
    OB, PigKiller, please.
  • Just the same with Seasons. Having got #1 on the bonus levels, kept posting that who ever overtook me could keep their place. And i wouldnt go back. Yeah, I really meant that didn't I? So hang onto that, and revisit old episodes to get me higher up the leader boards. And I'm really far behind in some of them
    Off to bed now. Last day of the five day visit of sis and family (and only one row so far!) make breakfast, wave goodbye, but then preparing for 15 night cruise (all those ballgowns and cocktail dresses that a girl really needs, have to sorted, ironed, accessories chosen). Little flinging time ahead, further slip down those leader boards. Help. Off to AB anonymous again :-)
  • Goodnight / afternoon / morning all
    Happy pig killing.....
  • @hunnybunny--If I got "He who's name is not said aloud" correct, he might respond and I don't want that to happen. I scared.
  • Sleep well @hunnybunny. Enjoy the cruise!
  • @mvnla2--I was referring to the Obama comment. And I'm not positive, but I think the draft ended before the conflict end date. Conflict ended 30 April 1975. Draft ended 17 Jan 1973. I kinda know this because I enlisted after the draft, but before the end of the conflict. Inquiring minds wanted to know and now you do.
  • I'm almost done with SG! I know that my missing stars will eventually boil down to level 1-17 though.
  • @Rat -- Thanks for the info about the draft. Didn't remember that, but the war did drag on. Guess you're not as old as me (have to check seniors' forum.
    I did know you were referring to the Obama comment, but the first version of the post I wrote was a little more biased, so I tried to make it totally factual.
  • @theanonymoussomeone -- Ah, yes 1-17 is a bear. Not sure I found it the hardest to 3*, 'cause that was a while ago. I am still below average on 1-1, 1-19, and 1-24.
  • @mvnla23*pagechanger
  • Whiiiiiii.......aaaaahhhhhiiiiiiiaaaaahhhh........iiine. Hhhhhmmmmm..... Snort. ..... Lame whine Tues.
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