The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1641
  • @Firebombbirdmadethe82000thcommentinBloatedPigandpagechanger
  • This is so ridiculous, the text didn't even turn into a link
  • @Theanonymoussomeone -- It's not as bad on the map as you say. However, the best way to get more friends on the map near you is to recruit them. Don't you have any friends / neighbors / relatives of any age who play AB? Even with one other person near you, you would get a big purple pin. Let's see, you know Kimmie, who is directly west of you in Monterrey, CA, BirdLeader in Newport Beach, and me in LA. Granted, that's quite a ways, but you did mention CA. Brave1966 lives in CO. (Did you ever find out what happened to him?) Rd lives in IL, and Surfcow lives in KS
  • Yes @tas, it's not bad as on the map as you say, because there some states that don't have anyone join ABN like Louisiana, Nevada, Arizona, etc and it's totally beter if we have a Nester in Mississipi than no one. Now I'm the one who really alone because I'm an only person that plays AB in Vietnam but I guess there will be some AB fans in Vietnam but they don't join the Nest because most of Vietnamese are bad at English :P
  • I now know how you feel, @rat, I just got the notification saying "Your highscore was beaten" :( The person who beat it is number 1 in both the BFM and CC :/
  • My neighbor likes AB, but..... he's 8.
  • Tell him to join in 5 years time;D
  • @mvnla2--Just how young are you??? Give me the decade or century that applies. Hehe "Due to" limitations caused by my cervical spinal issues, I haven't even played recreational golf in 23 years. Liked the game. Never any good at keeping those long drives out of the bushes, water, trees, ditches, or water. Good distance though.
  • Oh well, at least I'm not @waimea in Hawaii. Wonder how he/she feels, knowing that the only others here are at least 1000 miles away.
  • @tas--I grew up in MS, so your not virtually alone.
  • Of course I'm not virtually alone, I'm in a virtual pub with at least 2 others. ;D
  • @tas-- Exactly.
  • Hey, @rat...I love to play mini-golf, but I am genuinely terrible at proper golf...I don't know why I am so bad, I am good at snooker, so I have good aim and know how to hold a stick, I am good at cricket, which is kind of the same and I am not bad at sports in general, it has always been a mystery and an annoyance to me at why I am so bad at golf:/
  • @AM--Firstly, 23k to go. I'm, or at least was, very good at darts.
  • I'm average at darts, I got my first 180 about 10 months ago, and I haven't played much since:] 23k, well done buddy, which episode are you working on, or are you mixing and matching? Also, have you blew away the storm clouds in your living room?
  • @rat -- Mumsie and I are both members in good standing of the seniors' forum, and we both still play golf. Played with 2 gentlemen a couple of months ago who were in their 90's. I'm sorry you're no longer able to play. I rarely lose balls, because I don't hit them far enough for the same angle as longer hitters to reach the bad rough; water is a totally different matter. : D
    @angermanagement -- Golf is not easy no matter what other sports you've played. If the cricket swing (or whatever it's called) is similar to baseball as opposed to tennis, that should help.
  • Oh, that's right, they don't have cricket in America, @mvnla2, I visited the museum at Lord's cricket ground (one of the main one's, and it's in London), and it had a piece detailing that Baseball is a derivative of Cricket, but I think it's more like Rounders, as they are basically the same sport, but you hold the bat with one hand (I know ;) in Rounders... Golf seems like a sport where, unless you have natural talent, then you have to work for years on end just to become better than average, I'm glad I chose snooker:D
  • Whine for level 4-28 in CC ABSW...wwhhhhhhiiiiiiiiinnnnnnneeeeeee!!!
  • Eerrrmm..its not Tuesday ¿
  • @mvnla2 my friend at work told me of a new game its calLed 'geoguess'
    It gives you a landscape and your to guess which part of the wOrld it is:)
    I thought of you sounded like something you'd enjoy:)
  • @firebombbirdmadethe82000commentinthebloatedpigangrypagechanger
  • Nope sorry i tried.
    OB a PigKiller please..:)
  • Hey, @kathy, how's your flinging going?
  • Hi @angermanagement b :( not well sorry to say DS 2-37 Giving me a rough time:(
  • Same here, @kathy, 4-28 not happening for me:(
  • @kathy -- Thanks, that game does sound interesting. Probably something @AngerManagement would enjoy also.
    @AM -- You can enjoy golf and even compete with (and sometimes beat) golfers much better than you even if you are below average, because you always compete with a handicap. If my handicap is 10 higher than yours, you have to give me a 10-stroke advantage.
    @Mumsie -- Someone told me that in Europe, when people play golf they usually use match-play competition instead of stroke-play. Is that what you do most of the time? I'm playing in a match-play tournament for the first time next week.
  • Hey everyone, happy Sunday to all :)
  • @kathy -- Geoguess sounds like it might be fun, but the reviews indicate that it isn't well debugged. Will think about trying it, but it's on iPhone, not iPad.
    @ffd -- Happy Sat. night to you too!
  • I finished and 3-starred the whole Cloud City, and didn't need a single walkthrough :D The hardest level was probably 4-40.
    OB, a big bacon ice cream!
  • Congrats @Annifrid, you're good, nicely done !!! :) So what you gonna do next ?
  • @fbb I have to finish improving my scores in Tatooine, then I'll move on to another planet, maybe Death Star :)
  • Or back to Cloud City, I'm below average in most levels of it.
  • HaPpY FatHeRsDaY to all the Daddy's!!!!! :)
  • Hi @mvlna - stroke play versus matchplay! Generally speaking in the UK stroke play is used in all competitions where handicap can be adjusted. I find Match play more suited to my game, because I'm inconsistent, as I can have a really bad hole e.g. 10 shots but if my opponent also has a bad hole and I've got a 'shot' I can still win or halve the hole! Or if I lose it it's only one hole and I can try and make it up at the next! Having said that its amazing how the handicap system is proven to do what it is designed to do by so many matches going to the 18th hole.
    So most of my competitions are stroke play either medal play where you have to hole out on every hole or Stableford when you pick up if you cannot score.
    @am - the great thing about golf is that you can play with others no matter their ability whereas with darts, cricket and other sports it is usual to play with others of a similar ability.
  • @Kimmiecv--Go to bed. You can finish Cloud City tomorrow, tomorrow, there's always tomorrow. Tomorrow's a'nother day.
  • @allinLA--Is there a party going on in LA? Everyone is up awful late.
  • All levels on cloud city complete! Now to the walkthroughs to get 3*!
  • Lol hey @rat :) I'm in DS, haven't touched the new stuff in CC yet, to busy trying to best my old scores with the new Powah!! ;)
  • Nope @rat I'm a serious night owl so while the sane peeps are sleeping I'm flinging! :)
  • Good going @mumsie!! You'll have 3*s in no time!! :)
  • @kimmie--It's even later here.
    @Mumsie--I couldn't find you on the map. Where ya from?
  • @rat I know it's almost 6am on your side of the planet isn't it? Anything special planned for tomorrow or just taking it easy?
  • @kimmie--Just panhandling for storm repairs.
  • Ack that's right you've got rain in your house!! :O has it stopped raining? Geez nothing worse than having rain drops hitting you while your trying to well stay Dry!!!
  • @kimmie--I see a lot of rice and beans in my future? Get the estimate for damage Monday. Mumsie's not talking. Do you know what part of the globe she resides?
  • Oh boy! @rat I hope you have some good insurance that'll cover this fix up! Mumsie lives in the UK :)
  • @kimmie--I'm mad at you. I see you "poofing" in and out all the time. I tried it and they put me up on charges of "Amateur Poofing".
  • @Mvnla2 will surely get me again but here goes nothin'....POOF
  • LOL @rat it took a while before I got the privilege of poofing Powah! They don't hand it out easily, stick around long enough and you'll get it too!! ;) Although occasionally they will let you have it for a limited time! Heehee
  • Doh!!!! I did Not see that! Nope I saw Nothin!!!
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