The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1642
  • Aaaack!!!
  • You didn't hit a wall did you @rat???? I've heard of amateur poofers getting stuck IN the walls! Heard tell they had to take a wall down to get a peep out of it, I think it was after that they made the no amateur poofing law!! :O
  • OMG!!! @RAT CAN YOU HEAR MEEEE???? Hello??? Awww geez did you knock yourself out??
    OB get some cookies will you! Maybe the smell of goodies will bring him back to life!!!
  • Good luck bringing @rat back too OB! I'm for my pillow walk, I sure hope he didn't get stuck in the wall! Only saving grace is if he did he's a rat and he'd likely be able to gnaw his way out, and let's face it, it's probably warmer there than at his leaking house!! Heck that may become his new getaway home!! ;)
    Good night @all, have a great day/night :)
  • Oh once again HAPPY FATHERS DAY!!!!! :D
  • And there's me done talking to myself.................::............
  • Squeek...
  • Happy Father's Day!
  • @Kathy @AngerManagement -- There is also a game called Geoguessr, which uses the Google street scenes and map of the world. It is on the internet for free. Because you can pan and zoom on images, it is somewhat easier to guess. Still haven't tried Geoguess, but people can upload their own photos, so I suspect some will be exceedingly difficult.
  • @Rat -- I'm not part of the @team, so I won't report you for poofing, and I generally only correct teens who are native English speakers for poor grammar, since I figure the rest of us know better, or are too old to change our ways.
    Yes, I was up later than normal for me 'cause we went out for dinner last night, but not that late. It was a very quiet night, since there was a gap of several hours between my post and the first one today.
  • Hmmm... I heard a squeek sound
  • Morning everyone - just popping in to wish all the Dads out there a very Happy Father's Day! :)
  • @rat -- Please don't ask for a dream house in a wall, I don't think I can do that, unless it is the Wall of China!
    @allfathers -- Happy Fathers' Day!
    Imagine the BP will be pretty quiet today.
  • Oh @mvnla2 that's probably the one i meant wIth the street views and the ability to zoom and pan arOund the screen:) its with the google and yes free on internet;)
    Its kinda hard but fun to see how close you can get..
    *places some cheese near the hole in the baseboard..for @rat,*
    Hope you've learned a MUST follow the rules!!!
    Absolutely NO amatuer poofing!!
  • @kimmiecv @Mvnla2 @Kathy--I'm OK. It took a little while to find my way around in the walls of this place. I found where OB has been sweeping the trash. Not a bad setup. I'm a rat of simple needs. Four walls, hehe, plenty of food and drink, peek holes for entertainment, and you don't need to go far to find a toilet. I'd move in if she who does not fling didn't want a living room large enough to have it's own atmosphere.
    So if your in the BP late and all alone, don't get scared if you hear the odd noise. It's probably me or one of the 1,264 kids I brought back with me this morning.
  • Im back, Earthlings.... Somebody missed me?... ;)

  • Why do some new members, before entering a single score or make a single comment, send out a multitude of friendship requests? Even more puzzling, why do so many existing members accept those requests? I received one today from someone who just signed up today and already had over 50 "friends". Perhaps there is no harm in accepting, but personally I find those requests annoying, and even a little creepy.
  • Agreed with you BPC
  • maybe they think this is a social-interactive-game version... lol
  • Long-time-no-see, @tienshenlong, how are you going in real life and in your flinging:]
  • OB an extra large PigKiller please I've a few more clean ups on DS and its making me crazy!!!!
    @tienshenlong sorry i missed you.welcome back:)
  • @tienshenLong --Glad to see you back. Why so long away from ABN or the BP? It's Fathers' Day in the US, so I think most people in the US have been occupied with real life.
  • @all -- I've been trying to get my scores above average in Cloud City. Still have 2 levels to go 4-40 (Aaack!) and one other. Seems that no matter how much I increase my score on any level, I am still at the same place on the leaderboard.
  • Ahhh @mvnla2 good luck..i haven't even tried in cloud city just skimmed through it now you got the new levels right? OB another PigKiller and one for mvnla2:) thanks!!
  • @kathy -- Thanks. I think I'm done with Cloud City for tonight, but a PigKiller sounds good. Will have to check out the Challenge.
  • @fleshyskeleton -- Glad to see you're still playing and posting!
  • P.S. I like the way they have the scores in the new SW update. Regular score and Power Up Score on the same screen. So much better.
  • @rdnzlrips82 -- We've missed you! So sorry you had such a terrible time with your phone. Gaah! I hope I never experience that. Glad to hear that everything is back to normal. You have enough problems with your kids, don't need more problems with AB. Hope you had a nice Fathers' Day otherwise.
  • Soo @rdnzlripsz82 you got your progress back,¿ !yiipppe uahoo hooray!!!8)
  • I'm off to bed not even gonna fix my above typing errors lol..
    *places flashlight on @Kimmiecv booth nighty night all:)
  • Sorry @mvnla & @kathy I was off working on the new header.

    Yeah. Progress fully restored. Life is good now. The day was a little edgy for me for a few reasons. But I think tomorrow will be better.
  • Alright folks! Page 1 is updated. There is a new Brain Buster. A full Vegan Menu and a new section of the menu for Tea Time. Check it out and enjoy!
  • Hey everyone and welcome back @tienshenlong
  • I agree with you @BPC, I don't understand why are they want to sign up to send a bunch of friendship request, there is no reason to do that
  • Wow @ripsy that was a close one! :€
    @tiensenlong welcome back!
  • I just need 3 more Koi in YoTD to finish ABS and they are in 1-1, 1-4, 1-5, any tips ?
  • Hey everyone! :)
  • Ga' morn buddies, see y'all in 10 and a half hours:D
  • See ya later @angermanagement have a good day :)
  • Mumsie is just off for a swim! No progress last night flinging cos was playing on the Wii with two of her offspring! (Good grief @rat how do remember all their names? I have enought difficulty with 5!)
  • *poofs in with a Huge bag of cheese for OMG!!!! 1,264 kiddies and @rat, sets them by the mouse hole for him to dole out (exhausted just thinking about keeping that many kids in line!) *
    @rat I had an awful feeling you ended up IN the wall, but I'm happy to hear you've made it a comfy place for you and your erm tribe! Hahahaa :D

    I hope everyone had a Fab Father's Day!! :)

    *shines KitKats flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out candles to see her safely to Dreamland *

    @Ripsy I'm glad you were able to get your scores back!!

    @ateam great page 1! @Kathy especially like the Big Pine Puss drink!! LOL ;D In light if all the AB pus being shoved down our throats that drink fits very well IMO! Heehee

    Hope everyone is having a nice Day/night!! See ya later!! :)
  • Well I know Brain Buster 7:
    March 22.
    Also @birdleader's birdday.
  • @rat - sorry meant to say before - I live in Liverpool UK but I am on the map
  • Hi @all! I'm not sure if I should laugh or cry...This morning has been so awful.

    I woke up at 6am when hubby left to work. I got dressed and came to check Nest etc. Suddenly our neighbour started his car and the music was sssooooo loud that it's a miracle that we didn't have stuff falling from the shelves. Surprise, surprise! The little monster woke up 'cause of the noise and he was so angry. I made he breakfast and put on the cartoons and he calmed down a bit so I went to do the laundry. Well, the calming down didn't last too long, 'cause the next I heard was that he threw his toasts and sup of milk to the floor. Ok, cleaning up.

    Then he decided to draw which is nice. Too bad that instead of paper he decided to draw to the floor. Ok, cleaning up.

    Then he wanted to play with legos. He took the box into our livingroom and started playing. Suddenly the blocks were flying all over the house. Ok, cleaning up.

    At that point my nerves were so wrecked that I wanted to get out so we left home and went to the supermarket. We were in the line for checkout and right in front of us was a guy (totally drunk) who had 10 cases of beer (24 beers in each) he paid and left and when we got out from the market I saw the same guy doing something to the trunk of my car. I took the little monster and ran to him and asked "What the H*** are you doing". The guy freaked out and then his phone rang. He answered and turned around. I also turned and saw that in another car a guy was sitting phone in his hand and laughing. Well, this guy started to apologize and told that he had mixed up the cars.

    Yep, my car is a green Nissan Micra and the car that he was supposed to go was a black Volvo-minivan...Oh yeah, when you're drunk, it's so easy to mix up those two xD And when you add the little monster shouting "Mama! Daddy! Car!" and copying the sound of the sirens, I almost died 'cause of laughing so hard xD
  • * presses B2 on the jukebox*
    Good morning OB:) I'd like some pork waffles and a bucket of bacon please:)
    @sunshine and@angryboy have outdone themselves with the menu I'll be sure to gain a few pounds this month:)
    @lisko sorry youhad such a bad morning but at least you ended up laughing
    Sorry to say please watch the language even though you starred the word its still not allowed:(
    Have a great day everyone..happy flinging:)
    Hmm i hear the rat babies stirring..I'm
  • @Kathy - Haha, I promise that I'll at least try to keep my mouth! Sorry for that, it's just a bit hard to make a difference what counts as cursing 'cause in Finland it isn't so precise. For example when we use the word "Perkele" some people count it as cursing (people who think that it means Devil), but then again for some nationalities it means the god of thunder. So I thought that it's okay if I do some censoration with it, but if it's not then I won't do that again. Sorry again, didn't mean to hurt anyone :)
  • Morning everyone :) It's another boring Monday
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