The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1643
  • Good morning/afternoon @all
    @lisko you're making my Monday feel much better! Sorry! Sounds awful but as Kathy said at least you laughed....albeit probably hysterically;) I may have missed it as I've been doing my popping in here but I take it you didn't get the kitty?:( Prob a good idea as your life seems to have enough drama in it! Btw you didn't offend me lol!! It would take a heck of a lot more than that ;)
    Page one looks great guys! Although I have to say WOW! @sunshine! You know I'm a huge meat eater but that menu is incredible! I'm skipping real lunch today but OB could I please have some avacado quesadillas and a mushroom burger? I'll take it to go as I'm knee deep in housework :(
    Have a great day everyone!
  • @JLZ666 - Haha, actually the kitty is still coming, but not until we find out who brings him! We were supposed to get him, but when we were going there the owner called that they all are sick and they didn't want to spread it around so we turned back home. Then the cat had problems with biliary calculus and now he's under medication which should heal it. Though I definately agree with you, at least today has been way too much over my drama intake so maybe it's better that the kitty stays away from me until he's totally healed :D
  • HaaHaa! That sounds like a math test! What on earth is it? Some sort of stomach problem? Hope he gets better soon and he can join your mad house! I wonder what colour the little monster plans to paint him lol!
  • Hi everyone!
    The new menu looks delicious... so OB, could I get some crispy pig ears?
    I'm happy today - the weather is hot and sunny, just four more days of school before summer holidays, and I'm currently #10 in Tatooine :D
    BTW, I made myself a new Cloud City themed avatar ;)
  • @JLZ666 - If I got it right he's got stones in his gall? Not sure at all, but it shouldn't be anything serious :) Oh, and hopefully the color won't be pink :D

    @Annifrid - Your new ava is great, I can bet that someone nominates it :D
  • Good afternoon @Annifrid :) I don't think we've met before but have to say I just love your beautiful name! It's been a long time since I was in school but I'll never forget the feeling of approaching summer holidays! Well done on 10th place wow! That's an impressive achievement :D sorry I'm going to have to get back to real life. Once I'm in here it's hard to get out! Enjoy your last few days of school
    @lisko yikes...gallstones? Poor baby:( you may have to keep an eye on that,it might reoccur. Yeah,let's hope he doesn't end up pink to add to his misery!!
    Gotta scoot :)
  • @Annifrid, congrats on #10 in Tatooine, my friend :) Your avatars looks great, and I will be the one who nominates it for July ;)
  • Hi to @all! I hope you all had great weekend and enjoyed ABSW update. I guess that I managed to get above avarage on all levels, except 4-23 , which was my goal.
    I finished AB Friends tournement for this week in less then 30 minutes during my lunch break. I will look for some PUPs videos on Youtube after I come home, hoping that I can improve some of my scores. So far I am below average only on level 6 and that's without Power-ups.
    @lisko I noticed you started discussion about your book collection and lliteratur in general. Do you like Scandinavian authors? How about Steig Larsson and Jo Nesbo?
  • @JLZ666 I'm really enjoying school now, we don't learn anymore so most teachers just come in the classroom and tell us to do whatever we want if we're quiet. So I'm playing AB :D
  • @JLZ666 - Yep, I think that it can reoccur mostly 'cause he's a castrated male, what I've heard it's not too rare for them :/

    @cosmo2503 - Haha, I'm a huge fan of books :D I've read Stieg Larssons's "Millennium trilogy", but nothing else from him. Jo Nesbo, haven't gotten into those so much (at least not yet) :D From Scandinavian writers I just love Anna Jansson and Henning Mankell (oh, how I love the Wallander -series) :D And from tv I just love the Beck -series :D
  • Good morning @all I hope the week goes well for you.

    Out of curiosity, does anyone else find it a bit suspicious that a new member joined less than 3 days ago and is now at the top of the leaderboards in every single ABSW episode? Really? How does one flag that?
  • @ABcrazy I find it more suspicious than just a bit. I'd like to see some screenshots from him/her.
  • @ABcrazy - I really would flag that! Just flag it like you would do on any other suspicios score! If you need help, just send me a PM and I'll help you out :)
  • @annifrid The member has episode score screenshots uploaded to their profile. All uploaded at the same time..... Shortly after creating the profile. S/he must have spent the weekend inputting scores on the leaderboards.

    @lisko I can see how to flag individual level scores, but not how to flag episode or game total scores. Any suggestions?
  • @ABcrazy Perhaps a PM to Slim or Sal. I would mention E-Star but I am not sure if she handles LB issues.
  • @ABCrazy -- I sent an e-mail to the admins (About / Contact) a day or 2 ago. So far no answer. Perhaps a post on the Leaderboard page? I imagine it will take them a while given that "screenshots" are posted. We do know that they can be faked.
  • Thanks @mvnla2 I thought I wouldn't be the only one to flag it. Even among the top several players there is some variation in position. That one shows up and overnight is #1 in everything but bonus? Hmmmmm......
  • Angry Birds (@AngryBirds) tweeted at 9:00 AM on Mon, Jun 17, 2013:
    This just in: Red Bird will have a special power soon. #BeakingNews #NewSquawkTimes #DailyQuail
  • ABO update coming soon.
  • what!?!? noo!!!!! *collapses on floor*
  • What? Did I forget to take off my clown costume?
  • @abcrazy, I noticed that straight away, because he/she beat my highscore on BFM level 8...Maybe he has been a by-passing member ever since the 8th of November, because of the new ABSW, but he/she noticed there high ranking in the leaderboards, so they decided to join, so he can be Top...also, he/she has posted screenshots, but, although they are top of the Death Star, they have no high scores there, so, unless they are really good at covering their cheating, it seems to me as though they are telling the truth:]
  • no not that, the red bird getting a power, it's... not right
  • I wonder what the episode etcetera is called?
  • I tried to zoom in on the pic, but the episode name seems a little more blurred than the others.
  • I, for one, get annoyed with Red's lack of...umphhh.
  • I like the way he has no power, yet he is the main character, the leader of the birds and the most aggressive combined, though:] Love your new avatar, @annfirid:D
  • @rd it does get annoying from time to time, but they waited WWAAYY too long to give him power, also, it's kinda nice to have 1 regular bird
  • @AM I agree, it would seem to be an aweful lot of effort to make up a bunch of not quite top scores, add them up, and post screenshots, etc. OTOH not even @rat is #1 in every single episode of Space. I'm just sayin.... I don't know much about hacking, but that also seems plausible.
  • Yay, an ABO update and the Red bird new power :D
  • Technically speaking, Big T would become the.normal bird.of the bunch. Being huge isn't really a special power.
  • Because I am huge and it's not a special power.
  • So I am really surprised we have no.guesses on the Brain Buster yet. Did I.make it.too hard?
  • Alrighty. I will be flirking in ABF this.morning
  • @rdnzlrips82 I thought Terence WAS the red bird with bloated power. I dunno why red would need any special powers. I found that he was the perfect bird on certain levels early on, but I guess now that the game has evolved into more PU oriented play, every character needs a special power.
  • @ripsy I haven't tried the Brain Buster so far. Are you looking for answers to all 8 questions?
  • In order to be in contention for free drinks for a week, one must answer all questions in a Forum PM.
  • @ABCrazy -- I posted question about Wicket on leaderboard. Both Sal and Slim say he / she checks out so far, but they are asking for more info.
  • @team -- Great job on p1! Noticed that you actually included some classical music in jukebox! Menu is fantastic! @Sunshine -- Princess cake is the one remotely Finnish pastry I was able to find in LA! (The bakery claims it is very popular in Finland, even if originated in Sweden.)
    @rdnzlrips -- Is it fair to search for answers by looking through games? What about looking on ABN?
  • Thanks @mvnla2 I have to admit the pattern & screen shots look legit, just the abruptness & domination seem unusual. Impressive. Perhaps s/he will join in on more tan just leaderboards.
  • @mvnla2 thanks!!! I hope you and everyone enjoys the food!!!! :D I included the classical just for you!! Enjoy!! :D
  • Mumsie comes in, settles herself down for a pleasant evening with friends but decides that before she takes her knitting out she'll have a bowl of Dutch brown bean soup as she needs something tasty and filling having just beaten her opponents in a foursomes semi final ! Oh and a glass of Pinot grigot !
  • @Congrats Mumsie! Been meaning to ask you how you were doing in your tournament(s). Is this the same one you were talking about a week or so ago?
  • Yay new Red power in ABO coming up!
  • Hi @mvlna - No another one! My purple patch is still continuing! That's 2 finals I"m in now and hubby and me are in the mixed foursomes semi too!
    That soup was delicious! Great page one @admin!
  • Hunnybunny pops in, direct from the cruise ship. Halfway between Stavanger and Bergen. The sun set at 23.05 tonight. On Friday, midsummer, the longest day, we cross the arctic circle. Sun for 24 hours!
    Back to cruising now, I'll report again on the midnight sun

    May all your piggies meet their maker, and all the wood, stone and ice collapse into little piles of dust!
  • Don't stay up to check that there really is sun for 24 hrs! Just believe them!
  • @Lisko -- Do you have any special celebrations in Finland for the Summer Solstice? Mumsie -- I would think just staying up to see the sun doesn't set would be sufficient.
  • @lisko sorry but your story also had me laughing!! :D I know it's not funny on your end but a drunk trying to get in your car while another drunk (likely) was LHAO watching was just enough to throw it over the edge!! LOL ;D
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