The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1662
  • Yup @tas, That's the way those shuttle launches went. I was very fortunate to have seen several shuttle launches, and all of them went eventually within the timeframe I was there for. Not always the first attempt, but I usually planned to stay a few extra days just in case.
  • Hi @grammyk. My apologies for thinking you were older than me. I was fourteen when I watched the moon landing. I've seen numerous shuttle landings but only one launch. Spent some time with the real spacey stuff at Area 51. All fun.
  • No need to apologize, i am happy with my age. I was a very young mum and my daughter even younger :-)
  • @grammykpagechanger:) You visited Area 51, @rat? :D
  • @grammyk--Me too. I've had a lot of fun. Expect to have a lot more before I take the long nap.
  • @AM Yea, but before you ask, most of the green alien stuff I saw on my plate at the cafeteria.
  • @rat, yes, and i have been a gramma for 14 years now, it is so much more fun than being a parent was as you get to skip the heavy responsibilities. Even my dogs know me as gramma rather than mum as most dog owners i have met use.
  • @grammyk No dogs. Have two cats though. Lost my wonderful dog of 15 years in 2005. Too painful. I haven't had the heart to replace her.
  • @am, you are too cute with your page changer obsession, *pinch cheek* :-). Actually i have never pinched a cheek. I do things with my grandkids like play in mud and other stuff that shocks their parents :-)
  • @rat, i know how you feel, even the thought of parting with mine hurts and i have only had them three years. They are my first dogs. I had never even held a puppy until i picked up my Furball when he was eight weeks old. I still cant believe what i was missing :-)
  • @all, I'm in a sullen mood today. I haven't played AB for five days. Spinal pain levels have been too high. Withdrawls are gettin' bad. I'm within 10k of first place in Space but haven't scored a single point for almost a week now. Whaaaaa!!
  • @grammyk, Never lucky enough to have kids, so our pets took their place. I can't imagine being without them. Plus, we get to spend the college funds we saved over the years. Pets may be expensive, but nothing like children.
  • @all, Thanks for the badges. Not deserved, but appreciated.
  • Don't worry, @rat, you'll be back with a bang soon enough:]
  • @AM Nope... no, no, nu-uh...didn't see nuthin'.
  • @rat, i think my dogs fill a gap left when my youngest finally moved out twelve years ago. We are all still close but really, everyone is busy and we dont get together more than once a month or so. Now i no longer go home to an empty house and it is great !
  • Out of this world, two puppies, Truffle badge, Pleasant company badge, birthday and I've almost got first in Space. June is not a bad month!!!!!
  • @grammyk, No children to visit, but oodles of nephews and nieces. I keep hinting that they should suck up a little more often. I have to leave my pittance to someone.
  • I thought you didn't like Out of this World, @rat, are you becoming accustomed to it:)
  • @AM Nope. See a squid every time I look at it. Still an honor though.
  • It was my favourite rank on ABN, @rat:)
  • @hunnybunny was right! My head has gotten too big to fit through the hole in the wall. Might need to try "poofing" again.
  • @AngerManagement -- To avoid having everyone think I am the oldest person on the nest, I did not know people involved with the lunar descent engine in 1969, I met them much, much later. But I am obviously older than your father, who appears to be just a kid.
  • @rat congrats!!!!!! Cheers! :D
    Congrats to everyone with shiny new badges! Well done! :)
  • @mvnla2 Me thinks thou doth protest too much.
  • @Rat -- My age is classified, and I think you know what that means. : D
  • @mvnla2 Ha ha ha...What¿
  • Thanks from me too for the shiny new badges! What fun!
  • Hello everyone:) OB put a PigKiller on ice for me..looks like i better poof over to B&R..Brb:)
  • I'm back!! :) OB I'll take that PigKiller now:)
    @angermanagement if you didn't get an answer about your element it in our pm and I'll hit up the engineer tomorrow with both questions..he's been really really busy so he said he will take a look at the other question tomorrow so it'll be easier if they are both in the same place:)
    I'm hoping he will be able to talk to you himself through same you'll have it straight from him.i may not translate correctly you know all this scientific stuff
  • Congrats @rat & @abcrazy! Sorry your back is stopping you flinging Rat but sure when you get back to it you'll get there! Am I imagining things or did you say you used to play golf @rat? You may want to pop into the seniors forum for a chuckle! They say laughter is the best medicine!
    Off to bed for me - night all
  • Hi @mumsie! G'nite!
  • Hi everyone :)
    Thanks for the Pleasant company badge, I didn't expect I'll get it... now my Jedi addict doesn't feel lonely anymore :D
  • Hello all.
  • @Rat -- The definition of classified I was thinking of is that you (and others) don't have a need to know, and I prefer not to know. I'm sure you've heard of other definitions that are a little more cynical.
    Hope your back feels better soon. Did you mention what the problem is? Sounds like it is chronic.
  • Yay! I got a snowman face!
  • Okay, so I got The Non Sci Fi Mom to watch After Earth. Currently she can tolerate it.
  • @mvnla2-- About two dozen cervical spine surgeries since 1989. Most everything still works. Just not as well. Worst drawbacks are the inability to sleep and the constant pain. When the pain isn't too severe, I can use Angry Birds as a distraction. This week has been bad and flinging just aggravated it.
    @mumsie--Only recreational golf when I played. And I haven't played since the 80's.

    On the bright side, I haven't worked for 15 years. On the dark side, I enjoyed work. But I'm still a glass half full kinda guy. Singin'..."I get knocked down, but I get up again. You're never going to keep me down".
  • @all --Is anyone else having problems with the drop downs under the yellow header being covered up by the ad box?
  • Hi @Tas--Like your carrot nose on your badge.
  • @all @lostgreybird -- Just got all pars on Icebreaker. Have all coins except those on Gravity of the Gods, on which I have none. Grrrh! I find it very difficult.
    @Rat -- So what caused your back problems? I also have back problems, but thankfully not that bad. I fell off a horse maybe 15? yrs ago, and fractured a vertebrae; ever since my back has been very weak. Two years ago I seriously "tweaked" my back, and in Jan just played my first real round of golf.
  • @rat -- Had some problems earlier today with the ads. Take a screenshot and send it to the admins.
  • @mvnla2--*shrugs shoulders* I really don't know. I fell off a two story building once. I was rear ended once. Genetics? Play hard? ???????
  • @rat, on my tablet if i press community, then try to pick groups for example, it jumps to the ad 9 times out of 10. I was seriously frustrated. Visually for me it looks like the drop down is on top but pressing my choice actvates the ad underneath. This morning i discovered the links at the bottom of the page so it is not so bad, just a little annoying all the swipes to get down there :-)
  • @grammyk--Thanks, I didn't know about the links at the bottom.
  • @rat -- I guess sometimes it's never clear what really caused back problems. Like why was that "tweak" two years ago so serious?
    As I said, hope you feel better soon. Does physical therapy help? I'm a great proponent of physical therapy. I've been several times over the years, and I go until they throw me out.
  • I've tried, still trying, everything from bio-feedback to acupuncture.
  • @grammyk @rat -- If you want to go to groups, it is also listed under your name on the top right. Didn't really know about the links at the bottom.
    Still say if the ads are interfering with the drop-down menus, you should send a screenshot to the admins.
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