The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1664
  • @mumsie is today your golf day? I always get it mixed up! And is it the big one??
  • Good @harrystar6 - have you started you school hols yet - or do you only get short one now cos its your winter?
    @tas see you're wishing your life away - saw you snook into the Seniors forum again!!
  • @kimmie I am pretty good today was the last day of term 2 for school I get two weeks off now :)
  • Well there you go! Had I waited a moment I'd have had my answer before I asked!! LOL Good luck @mumsie but sorry to hear its pouring rain! That can't be a fun thing at all! :/
    IKR but they aren't that big a deal most times! It's the 5 to 6es that'll really wake you up!! LOL
  • @kimmiepagechanger- no! Not the final! Just a Charity day - pay a fee for playing on own course then later there's dinner and raffles where they squeeze more money out of me! But all for a good cause.
  • @mumsie yes they just started today we get two weeks off now :)
  • AARGH for once when it's active, I can't keep up!
    Well, I guess goodbye. *takes addictive pig ears with*
  • Heehee to cute!! Good for you @mumsie!! Have a great time, as best you can in the rain!!

    @Harrystar6 that's awesome!! :)

    I have to say good night to the parentage, I'll be back in a bit!! :)
  • @anonymousomeone may have left, but he has eyes everywhere.

    We are lurking.
  • How's everyone going in flinging?
  • Happy Birdday @rat have a really good day :)
  • Good morning all! Awww I see I missed my two girl JLZ and Kimmie :/
    Needed to buy some groceries and wanted to get it done so I can enjoy the rest of the rainy day we are having here. Sleep tight Kimmie, hope you have found your pillow by now!
    Hey @harrystar6 for the part of Europe the day just started and people are at work. On the other side of the pond it is sleepy time, guess that is why everybody is elsewhere.
  • Have fun then @harrystar6!
  • @estar--So who sleeps?
  • Hahahahah ehhh apparently not you hihi
    Okay close your eyes and no peeking!!

    Are they closed??
  • Heehee like I am Ever smart enough to go to sleep at a decent hour @e-star!! LOL riiight!!! ;)
    Awesome banner!!!
    HaPpY BiRtHDaY @rat!!!!!!!!!!! :)
  • @rat Hurry Up and CLOSE YOUR EYES!!!!
  • @estar Love the banner!!!!! I've been busy this morning. Do you have any idea how hard it is to open present #1800, and still have a look of amazement at another tie. Boy does it take it out of ya.
  • closed
  • Ya sure?? Okay...

    *E-Star tries to quietly go to the hiding place, but sure enough knock over the ladder underneath the banner* *CLASH BAM BOOM!* Whoops O boy sorry OB!! tut tut tut... Rat keep those eyes closed!!
  • Yeahhhhh come on @e-star!! Hurry hurry HURRY!!!!
  • I'm just enjoying the cheesecake @Kathy. thanks
  • *Stumbles down* there all done :D
    Not sure you will actually love my ever so thoughtful idea of your wish to be scary and fearsome (O dear I can not stop from smirking)! But try a refresh and ermmm go and look up :D
  • Ouch that Had to hurt!! :(
  • *Blushed she straightens her hair and clothes* nahhh kimmie I am fine hee hee
  • WAHAHAHAAAHA :D Too cute erm uhhh I mean FIERCE!! SCARY!!! Brings fear to the heart!!! *snicker*
  • @estar go and look up where?
  • btw Kimmie Kisses my friend, I should have known you where still up and about! 3AM is still a normal hour of the day for us night owls right LOL
  • Ooooohhhh, I'm not sure that's scary enough. Love it
  • Ow dear... hahahahahah I should have known to hide it in plain sight!! Up this page a bit... hint was ladder, banners usually are hung up high? ring a bell?
  • LOL Yep! For us it is e-star! :D
    At the banner @rat!
    @e-star can you make a clicky thingy so the pic is bigger, I'm guessing Mr@rat will see it much better that way!
  • Just the rat part......
  • @estar Your going to need to help me get it off the banner.
  • Well it scares maybe ermmmmm hahahah I don't know who... maybe you yourself?
    Did you find the bigger version?? or do I have to get it down for you?
  • I was slow. But I found it before you had to tell me.
  • if you click on the banner you can click again!! there is the bigger version, but not to worry, I will climb up the stairs and get it down so you can see it much clearer. Don't want you to hurt your back any more than it already does right....
  • That should scare those young whipper-snappers.
  • @estar That beats another tie hands down. It's like you took a picture out of the family album.
  • I love the way you have all the Heyyou's around me. Hard to get away from them.
  • Whoo Hooo!!! @rats got an e-star creation and it's a really wicked one!!!! :D That is SWEEET!!!
  • Almost had another accident. And it's a while till laundry day.
  • LOL once again rats got me doing the @Kathy Rthingy!!! :D
  • Hahahah LOL, so I don't have to do a facelift and a kung fu lesson for this? Glad you are happy, cause normally it takes me more time (and get to know another person) to see the image I want to create in my head. So I was afraid I jumped the gun a bit with the funny old... and I couldn't get all the kids in one place at the same time when I took the snapshot. But figured everyone would see the resemblance in the kids and can image the others right?
  • @all Thank's for all the B-Day wishes everyone. It's been a good day except for the rain in the living room again.
  • Almost, but not quiet right? cause OB just scrubbed the floor and polished everything for you birthday! And Kathy the cheesecake is delicious!
  • Thanks Kimmie... you are my number one fan for sure :D Love ya!
  • LOVE IT!!!! An @estar original. Now don't tell @hunnybunny. She already knew how big my head was getting.
  • Mr Rat Raining inside again? Noooo way, hoped it was fixed by now!
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