The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1666
  • I am trying to be somewhat productive right now, but I think I will take Kimmies advice and do ermmmm nothing much. Anything planned today for you Rat? Maybe a indoor poolparty with friends and family?
  • Happy Birdday @Rat!!
  • Happy Birthday @rat !
  • Dang it :( 6 hrs since I left Kimmie,finally get back in for a coffee break and I've missed @estar again! I need to talk to my boss about getting the occasional Friday off ;) Still haven't met the birthday boy yet so it would be rude to plunder the cake so OB could I have a large,very strong black coffee to go please? Thank you :D
  • Hey you :)!!! I'm hearing you BTW,just crazy busy work right now and I'm taking it while I can so I'll be in touch soon. How's your manic Friday morning so far? Or should I ask?
  • Not too awful. I have to be good.and not yell at the kids today. If im a good boy, I get my new phone.
  • But other than that I am living the dream. I guess. :/
  • Now I have to worry about transferring my progress. But am freshly backed up and ready for transfer. I am making 3 backup files of my progress for experiment sakes.
  • Sorry,had to answer that ringy thing that brings me business! mmm yeah...livin the too lol! A new phone? Fantastic......but only if you're a good boy? Will the kiddies tell on their daddy if you're not?! I should hope yore freshly backed up after what happened!
  • Oh it's such a beautiful day here! I'm dying to get out and drink my coffee in the sunshine. LOVE being busy but not on gorgeous days when I can visualise my garden lounger! Have your downpours eased any?
  • I backed up today. And the kids can't talk still, so they won't tattle. But if I.yell.loud enough at them, she can hear me upstairs over her fan. So my plan is to take them to their.rooms, close.the.door, then yell at them.
    And yes, finally getting my S3 today.
  • Hi @rdnzlrips, Sorry you missed me opening my presents this morning. Who ever heard of a B-Day party starting so early. Thanks for the best wishes.
  • We had yesterday and today off from.rain.'s hot and humid. Got.up to 94 yesterday. Today will be about.the.same.
  • @Rat Usually we start as soon as we can. With Sunshine.waking up early to get the worms every day, we get a good jump on things.
  • So 35°C for.those.metric.folks.
  • @ripsy No complaints from me, other than more rain in the living room last nite. The AC expert is here and working hard. Third times a charm, right?
  • That's the way to do it ;) yeah I've learned loads of sneaky ways of disciplining my nieces and nephews over the years!! HaaHaaa! I'd better watch,I sound like the child catcher! Ohhh I'm no good on the android stuff.....sorry:( I'm excited for you though! A new phone is a new phone! Have fun!
  • @ripsy have a latte to get your day going! :)
    @Rat happy Birthday! Are you enjoying it yet? :)
  • @ripsy For starters they're moving the drip pan underneath the drips. Wow! What a concept.
  • Good afternoon @jlz
  • Hey, my avatar showed up.
  • @Rat, yes it did! I commented on it on the previous page.
  • Did ya'll notice how big @estar made my head. After two puppies, two badges, and a b-day party, it's about to explode.
  • Answers To Ripseys Random Angry Birds Trivia
    1. 10
    2. Level 8-8
    3. 187
    4. 9
    5. 5
    6. 85,000
    7. December 11, 2009
    8. Ham-O'-Ween
  • Yikes 94! With sun...yes....with rain....nope,no thanks:(
    @rat I finally get to meet you and I have to scoot back to work. I'm @JLZ! Hope everything works out at home for you and you enjoy the rest of your day! Happy birthday! The team really do put on a great party! Really have to go :(
    Catch ya later @ripsy!
    Nice to meet you @rat!
  • Thanks @sunshine!

    @rat You would think the drip pan placement was obvious. :)

    @jlz Android is fun. Keeps me on my toes.
  • Duh!
  • Oh for goodness sake now @sunshine is here :( I'll have to catch you later as well! TTFN X
  • Your welcome @ripsy
  • Talk at ya later @JLZ666. Nice to meet ya.
    @sunshine where ever did you get such a strange looking cake. Now that's the scary I've been looking for.
  • @Rat I'm just good! Lol :D
  • @sunshine--That's a cake you can respect....from a distance.
  • @sunshine I wasn't sure what you were trying to convey with the second b-day card. Looked like a real dead rat. I'm ascared.
  • That's the scary one I was just talking about.
  • It's a cake not a really dead rat! Lol :)
  • @sunshine You just scared a whole bunch of Heyyou's.
  • Can't stop looking at it. Ewwwwaaagghhh
  • I can make it go away if you wish! After all it is your day!
  • Naw, I wanted scary. I got scary.
  • @sunshine Might use that as my avatar occasionally. But only when I want to get inside someone's head.
  • @rat lol haha!!! :D
  • AC expert wants to talk, later...
  • Have fun and good luck!
  • Sorry I dropped of the face of the ABN planet. But real life took over for a wee while and I see I missed Ripsy and JLZ!!
    @rat I see your facelift has worked! and nah it is only your eyes that are big, cause you need to see better to be a superb flinger and with old age it is either that or glasses... LOL So that is why you need a somewhat bigger head cause otherwise it would look weird right?

    and @madfan74 welcome to the BP, haven't seen ya before right? anyway I thank you for answering the questions of Ripsy Trivia. It was so busy It think no one really saw you come in. But please do have a drink on the house and have some crispy ears or cake. It is mr.Rat his birthday and we are celebrating!
  • @all It only cost me an additional $350 to fix a problem they'd fixed twice before. Isn't this the greatest country on Earth?
    @estar I haven't gone totally senile, I remembered my Gavatar password. I think I'll write it down this time. Burned a lot of brain cells trying to log on.
  • @estar funny you should mention glasses. I had an exam two weeks ago to get a usable pair. Only needed them for reading and flingin' till now. I was all excited until I looked through them, they were delivered by mail, but I can't see a thing. New aptt set up. It appears I have glaucoma. Tests soon.
  • ?!?! $350 What???? are they fixing the problem AND painting everything in the living room in Gold or what? Is it covered by insurance? I can imagine you needed a good breather after hearing that right? But what is causing it all? a bad roof? the alien in the attic? the swimming pool for the kids you placed on the second floor? or did the heyyou family bite thru the insulation and roof just because they wanted to have the outdoorsy feeling?
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