The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1665
  • Speaking of the rain. The repairman just got her. I'll be back.
  • Love it love it looooove it!!!!
    @rat you better eat some of that cheese before all the heyyous and the getoutofmyways eat it all!
  • A page change too. So many presents!!!
  • hee hee, I did not know that Rat, a big head? did all the sawdust in there expand due to the rain inside? Or are you just so unfortunate to have gotten the large head gene LOL... cause it can not be from bragging right? nahhh of course not... you?? nahhhh
  • And the gifts keep a comin! LOL Shoot still a rainforest in your house @rat! :( I hope the guy can do a quick repair!!
  • I am confused... what time is it mr Rat? need to revisit the map I guess and do the math, cause all my over the pond friends are living in the timezones anywhere from 3:25(hee hee right Kimmie) and 6:25... so which repairman is that early? owww right some people do the morning thing... not us right Kimmie :D
    Hope he can fix it soon and see ya later mr Rat!!
  • I'm glad I was here for the big reveal @e-star! I so didn't want to miss it! Being a night owl has it's perks every once in a while!! ;D
    And now it's almost 3:30 :/ where does the time fly?! Do some fun stuff today will ya!! Just for today!! It won't hurt I promise e-star!! LOL
    Guess I'm off to start getting ready to actually do that pillow walk thing I keep trying to do!!
    @rat have a wonderful day! Good luck with the rainforest!! :) HaPpY BiRtHdAY!!
  • LOL nope no morning thing for this girl if she can help it!! :D At least not on an off day!! Heehee
  • I guess it is really 6:25 for mister Rat, shakes head, no way I am a person that makes apps for 6:30...
  • Like Never Ever!! WTH starts work that early?! Crazy that's what that time is!! I'm just getting into my heavy sleep by then! LOL
  • And I love you for that Kimmie, this way the timezone difference isn't such a bad thing between us. I think I will ermmmm hahahahha.... try for sure Kimmie. Good luck on your journey to your Pillow my friend and when you find it, have sweet sweet dreams! Talk soon! And love that you popped in just in time too!
  • Okay I have to go as well, just a check in on my parents cat. Parents left at 6?! IKR more loons that think around 6 is normal to get up and start the day hahahah LOL... so I guess Grandma Winnie (13 year old cat from my parents) does want something to eat and a little cuddle.
  • Ok I want to hear all about the FUN stuff you did! Not one chore today! It'll still be there tomorrow I promise!! ;) Yep due to my very late nights I at least get to see ya every once in a while!!! Worth it just for that! And I'm happy I was here too! Was so hoping you'd hit him before I had to turn in!!
    Love ya and ENJOY YOUR DAY @e-star! Mwaaaah :•
  • Crazy people IMO! Just ain't right 6am wakeup time!! Kiss Grandma Winnie for me!! :)
  • I promis I will tell you all the fun stuff... not promising the other stuff cause you know I can't hee hee! Mwaaaah :-* back at ya !
  • Will do Kimmie! night night!
  • It's 6:30. They have a 24hr service to fix problems that were "already" fixed.
  • It may take a while for me to remember my Gavitar password. Another cup of coffee will help. I want my avatar up and scaring everyone as soon as possible.
  • Uh oh! Already fixed sounds not good when the guy has to come back!! Good luck @rat! I hope they get it right this time! I'm for my pillow walk! You have a Super Great Birthday!! Hope I catch you later to hear lots of good news!! :)

    Good night/Day everyone! :)
  • :D can't wait to see it up too @rat! She did good! It's awesome!!! :) See you later!!
  • nite nite
  • @sunshine The chairman of the board singin' to me. Don't I feel SPECIAL. Thanks for the wonderful B-day cards.
  • Too much going on right now for this old man. Repair man is turning into Salesman!!!
  • heyyy miss Sunshine!! nice tunes and delicious food! Always a pleasure seeing you Sunny face in here!

    @rat hope you will remember the password and get it up... slowly this place turns into a place with all E-star created faces hee hee invasion of the Dutch girl LOL
  • ow ow... better scoot mr Rat and keep your head in the game, before the salesman tries and sell you a logde with a open roof in the rain forrest.
  • @estar--Was the avatar on the banner when you first put it up?
  • @estar--Never lived in a logde. Must be one of those new fangled Dutch houses.
  • Gotta go, you know who is back.
  • owww dear... this is very tricky... ermmmm yeah it was there from the get go O_o hiihihi... nope sorry, even virtually I can not lie... nope it was not there the first time
  • WOW! E* you excelled yourself & @Sunshine the cake is awesome ! Hope you remember your Gravatar password though keep your current one in your album cos it's cute! Have a great day @rat! Off to golf now ( the rain has stopped for now - fingers crossed it stays away!)
  • Hahaha oops a typo... no we don't have logdes overhere @rat... swap two letters and the poor man is confused ghi

    @mumsie Thanks and have fun playing golf while you still can. Rain is the theme for this summer I think :/
  • Fabulous new avatar!! What an awesome special birthday present!!!!
  • Happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday Mr. Rat happy birthday to you:)
  • Good morning Kathy! off to work I presume? Hope it will be a quick one and you will be done and ready for the weekend!! [[[huggs]]]
  • Good morning Kathy! I packed you a bag of donuts and coffee for your ride into work, enjoy!!
    Estar fantastic avatar!!!
  • Thanks Sunshine! Did I just see you rush in with some early worms? I would love some.
    And a cup of Russian Earl Grey please! A great way to start the day off don't cha think?
  • Good morning ,@Sunshine thanks for the coffee and donuts:)
    Everything looks wonderful great job
    morning E* great job :)
    I'm off to work last day then VACATION :) :) :)
  • Vacation!!!?? Sweet Kathy!! for how long?
  • 9 days:) can't wait!! Not doing anything but still its good!!:)
  • Bells ringing gotta go:( see you all later !!
    Enjoy the party:)
  • That is my kind of vacation too Kathy!! okay scoot, the sooner the vacation arrives :D
  • yum, thanks Sunshine! oops phone doing a funny thing... it is ringing, better pick up right.
  • @all--1st repairman/salesman gone. New expert is expected at 08:45. I haven't seen the BP jumping this early in a while. Thanks for the party atmosphere. Isn't it a great coincidence that it's happening on my birthday. Couldn't have been better if it was planned. LOL
  • @estar--I was so looking forward to having my very on log'des. Sounds very exotic. Are they made out of logs?
  • Awww sorry @rat but nope I am not an inventor so I haven't invented the logde, but I think if it where to exist, it would be made out of logs indeed! Another expert needed huh? Sounds like the repairman wasn't much of a repairing man. Hope the expert will know what to do and you can enjoy a dry and comfy birthday!
    And luckily it is a friday, my day off, so I could join in your birthday morning. The best way to start a day right? with lots of energy and good spirit!
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