The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1669
  • @estar Awesome, absolutely awesome. Right down to the fat fingers. If you had put my flingin' glasses on, I would have thought I was looking in the mirror.
  • I love reading and people say I'm pretty smart (including me). But that sounds horrible.
    Exit in 501 miles... wait no, Exit in 105 miles.... Or kilometers for you...
  • I must be slightly dyslectic also. Switch #'s etc. But once I've read a book, I have great comprehension. She who does not fling will read three or four books to my one, but she remembers concepts, not details. I am good at math as well. I like your high IQ theory and am applying it to myself.
  • @tas Nobody here but us geniuses.
  • I enjoy reading a great deal, but I also have to be completely undisturbed and focused. Since I have had children, I have read 1 book. IQ84 by Haruki Murakami. It is a 900+ page read. And I am not sure if 152 is considered a high IQ or not. ;)
  • I also got a 32 on my ACT and 1500 on my SAT. If that matters at all.
  • But high test scores and IQ are not directly related.
  • Ha ha ha, Kids....
    I've never been tested so I can claim a high IQ with no evidence to disprove it.
  • Some people with high IQs don't do well on standardized tests
  • @ripsy My wife was invited to join Mensa but she wouldn't without me. Awwwhh
  • I was tested at the age of 24 as part of an evaluation.
  • Similar with the wife. It sure makes it hard to pull the wool over her eyes.
  • Well hello Indiaaaaa
  • Hello @rat. I think I am talking to you for the first time. How did you know I am from India? And hope you're fine today
  • @iammighty You are from India, right? Have I made a faux pas?
  • I looked at the AB Map once a while back. LOL
  • Oh ok. Yup, from India. Nice to meet you. So how's your flinging going? Which device do you use to fling?
  • @iamMighty My glass is overflowing after the birthday party yesterday. Wish you could have stopped by.
  • @Tas I would love to be able to read more books, cause I do love them. It just takes me to long and with my addiction to AB, ABN, my special project and well all the other things in life, I hardly ever sit down and read. And Rat, I am like you as well. Maybe that is one extra reason for the slow reading. I want to KNOW it all. No matter how small, want every bit of info I can get. My mom could read books that fast, but admitted she skimmed the boring part. As to the high IQ, well I don't have any official proof as well. But I always do great with the fun tests and on the national test that is shown on television over here (a show of 1,5 hour of different kinds of questions mixed so all areas of intellect are tested). But that all doesn't matter, smart or not. I think we each need to give it our best and that will be enough.
  • I-Pad Use left thumb. Its a wonder I can hit anything with my fat fingers.
  • Whoa activity boost! Well I'm off to eat some BISKITZ :^P
  • Hey iamMighty!! nice to see you pop in!
  • @estar Well said!!
  • @tas... biskitz, as in the US Biscuits with gravy or the European biscuits with tea?
    Sorry, but there was a bit of a confusion a while back between a couple of ladies and we discovered that biscuits in the US is something totally different than overhere in Europe :D Any how have a nice BISKITZ :D
  • @IamMighty As far as how my flingin' is going, 6k left to take 1st place in Space.
  • @estar Don't ask him about an eraser or cigarette. You won't like what they call those items.
  • Nice and Wow. 1st place in Space. That's awesome.
    @estar How have you been?
  • Noooo, 6k needed to take 1st. Currently in, yuck, second place.
  • LOL ehhh what? Rat? thanks for the heads up, I don't think I have had the pleasure reading that from tas!
  • @iamMighty I am always doing well, that is the fun part of being so positive in life. I just finished my round in Ham'o'ween and visiting the old levels really is fun! And even though the top 3 is dominated with the 3 gods of Seasons, I would love to land myself in the top 5 when I finish my round of revisits. How have you been? Anything planned for this weekend?
  • @estar Sorry, I projected the Queens English onto a Mississippi boy. I lived in Newmarket, England for two years in the late 70's. They talk funny English.
  • Nice to know. Well, I gave my iPad to my mom who uses Skype and it has best picture and sound quality so, going for mobile hunting.
  • @iamMighty--Awwwwhh, You love your mama. How sweet. What are you looking at to fling on now.
  • you GAVE away your iPad, you must be the best son ever. So you are in a AB withdrawal are you? Ow my... I know I sometimes am to busy and hardly ever fling, but to know I couldn't really would send me in the looney bin hee hee
  • Ahhh I remember reading that conversation in my notifications hee hee... I have no clue which English I use, must be the movie and television kind LOL
  • I've been in too much pain the last week to fling but like @estar, I knew it was there if I needed a fix.
  • Haha, thank you ;)
    It.was gifted to me by my Dad & Mom and I couldn't even have bought it. I will be buying this from my own income I saved up during internship. Could be Samsung Galaxy Grand or Mega.
  • @estar I'm impressed. I never would have guessed it wasn't your native tongue.
  • What causes the pain @rat? And does typing not strain your fingers as well or are you using Siri or something? Sorry to hear though, you would think modern medicin is so advanced they would have found cure for everything by now.
  • @rat what do you mean erasers and cigarettes?
    The BISKITZ WIFF JELLIE were good by the way.
  • @iamMighty--Tip o' the Day: Always put a small amount in a college or retirement fund. Doesn't have to be much. Both will be upon you before you know it.
  • I keep hearing that Rat and I am beginning to wonder myself hahahaha. Luckily the English stays inside my head and I speak Dutch with the real life people around me. Although I have to admit I have often find myself "Almost" speaking English to the real life people and well this addiction to the nest and AB is a bit hard to explain to those who don't fling. So explaining why my head is thinking in English as of lately is a bit hard to explain without telling why hahahahaha
  • @tas--Did you not believe me when I said I was slightly dyslectic? Proof is in the puddin'.
  • @tas good to know they were good, but I still have no idea what they are? A snack?
  • Yup, got it @rat. I have always seen to that I save some amount because you need it in the future.
  • @E-Star -- One of my nephews is extremely bright and also dyslectic. Unfortunately for him they didn't diagnose it until he was nearly finished with high school. Everyone knew how smart he was, and couldn't understand why he had so much trouble with written assignments and tests. They thought he just had a bad attitude. Knowing what the problem was has made all the difference (at least as much to him as to his teachers). Now he has a PhD in Chemistry.
  • @tas I've had my share of biskitz. I like mine with butter and honey. Yum
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