The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1671
  • @estar you've got mail lol!! Gotta run,food is here.
  • Pfiewww no slang bad word for anything, but still I find it weird that different countries use the same words for totally different items!
  • Thanks JLZ it does make sense in a way and I did know those words, but never connected the dots with the slang version (which I also knew about).
  • Caps off please @tas
    But JLZ just told me the name for a ciggie in English and I think most people do know about this, but depending on the country people put different meanings to it. The word for ciggie in England is a not so nice word for a homosexual man in the US. (sorry if this is considered a no no subject to talk about (The Dutch are known to have less problems to talk about taboos), but I think tas his head will explode if I don't tell him.)
  • Biskets My grandmother would start with a mound of self-rising flour. She'd make a well in the middle, pour in buttermilk and a few other things and incorporated all the liquid, not all the flour. Put gobs of this in a hot iron skillet, throw it in the oven. No measurements. She made the best biskets. I've tried and failed many times.
  • I'm being bad as I promised hubby no phone at dinner but I'll be quick ;) IKR @estar it's hard for me to constantly watch what I say in here with fear of offending when I use those words everyday! They're not rude....well I don't see them that way. It is amusing though,how totally different the meanings are! Can you picture hubby asking a guy for a "Ciggie" Or my 6 yr old niece asking in a supermarket if they sell "erasers" HaaaHaaa!! Ooooooooh getting bad looks,better go.
  • Hahahahha OM Please JLZ... the hubby part was bad, but if the "eraser" means the thing I think it does... the niece asking for that is BAD!!! really bad!! say hi to Hubby for me!
  • I forgot to mention the hot oil in the skillet makes the bottom of the bisket crunchy. It holds up to a lot of butter or honey or syrup or a combination of them.
  • I don't think I have ever had anything like that @rat but I think grandmothers have a secret ingredient everything, just so no one can recreate it and the love for grandma will stay alive for ever :D
  • @tas oh as in "stunned and lost for words" or oh as in "I get it"?
  • @rat All grammas have a secret great tasty ingredient..... except mine \:'^P
  • @estar--My sorry was referring to us making you use English so often that your thinking in English
  • oh as in I get it
  • I'm not up to speed on emoticons. Can someone translate @tas for me?
  • @rd whaaaa..... D^:,'
  • Nothin' better @ripys
  • Oh, @rat, I usually make up emoticons, like that disgusted face.
  • I also made a great discovery in giving them noses. Just do shift+6.
  • @tas As you once said "ohhh".
  • ermmm Ripsy...what?? But also heeeeeee my friend !! how are you doing!! long time no speak in real time!
  • @rat one of my top 5 favorite foods
  • @ripsy--Done right, not much better. Plus, it reminds me of Gram.
  • @estar b's & g's=biscuits&gravy

    Not bad. You?
    Got my new phone and it is a beast. Super fast. But the test comes tonight when I transfer progress.
  • Grandma's have the magic touch.
  • Ahhhh you don't have to be sorry @rat I feel that I am just fortunate that I learned English the way that I have and I can communicate with the rest of the world. I think just knowing the language has given me a great insight in the world and the ability to discover many many new things and meet new interesting and lovely people is worth so much, I will take it for granted that I occasionally talk English to my hubby LOL.
  • Ohhhh. B's and G's= Bisitz n gravy.
    Edit: @RD already explained it while I was posting.
  • You know me Ripsy, always walking around with an huge smile on my face! I read that about your new phone, I will keep my fingers crossed for a safe transfer for sure!
  • brrrrr... nope this girl is not a gravy girl sorry...
  • @tas Give that boy a kewpie doll. He got it on his on.
  • @estar I don't eat gravy on my biskitz either, just jelly. :^)
  • @rat what's a kewpie doll....
  • Stupid storm woke the kids up a little earlier than ncessary. Time to go and tend to my fatherly duties. :( Sorry to be a popper. (Again)
  • @estar--You just haven't had true southern Mississippi B & G.
  • Awww Ripsy sorry to see you go again, it has been ages since we have chatted real time, but give the kids a kiss from auntie E* and maybe see you later!
  • @tas A long time ago, at a boardwalk far far away, they gave you a Kewpie doll when you won a game at the fair.
  • *shivers from what she just saw on google* brrr no I haven't @rat, but looking at the pictures it doesn't make me wanna ... do wonder if I did the search right, cause the gravy looks like a thick white sauce like blob with chunks of something I don't recognize... isn't gravy the juice from the meat and butter?
  • @tas I guess I need to tell you what a boardwalk is now. Atlantic City, NJ had a big one on the ocean front with carnival rides and games.
  • @estar I wouldn't eat sea urchin roe if all I had was a description and a picture. But it's good. But only when super fresh.
  • @estar Truth is I like the gravy, but you'll draw back a nub if you try to get the last bisket.
  • Hello again.
  • You know your getting old when you need to explain every other word. Whaaaaa
  • @rat why whyyyyyy whyyyy did you have to send me on a yet another stomach turning google search... indeed not something that my eyes think as yum... I must admit I am a "eye" eater myself. Luckily my hubby is the adventures one and orders things like that and even though I would never pick it for my self, I love trying it from him.
  • But @rat is gravy the white thick sauce with chunks in them or the butter and meat juices kind? and ermmm what draw back a nub? and why if you get the last bisket?
  • @iamMighty I'm off to fling. You've got some reading to catch up on anyway.
  • @estar Grams was brownish with bits of sausage in it.
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