The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1670
  • @iamMighty that is right you are doing your internship, how is that going? Do you have regular "work" hours? Cause I know from my internship I was amazed at the lack of free time I had. School was a busy time, but I do sometimes wish I was back there and enjoy the irregular hours and the tons of holidays. However the ability to learn stuff from the classroom and teachers was my way of learning, so I didn't have to learn much from learning and studying from books at home. So maybe I did have more free time than my other classmates.
  • I've have learned a lot about diferent countries from ABN. Power of the Internet...
  • Ummm. Well I had 3 biscuits, each about 1 decameter in diameter, with jelly spread in the middle, and no high fructose corn syrup.
  • Hey guys, does anyone else find the words 'dyslexic' and 'lisp' ironic?
  • @iamMighty--Atta boy, girl, man, woman...oh whatever.
  • Hi @angermanagement. To answer your question, ANTLER SANDWICH :^P
  • @AM-- Did you get your mail?
  • @mvnla2 indeed you are right. If diagnosted in time, it can help a lot and I am glad that nowadays it is recognized and those who need to get a helping hand. I myself am not sad for not achieving my utmost potential (cause I do believe I could have done a biological (don't think this is the right name, but you get my drift I hope) study of some sort, cause I do love that topic), cause I love my live the way it is.
  • @all--Lunch time for me. Bye Bye Nice meeting you @IamMighty.
  • I've had a two month internship that ended a few weeks back. There was the robotics competetion that my mates had entered and ended runner-ups(we could have gone to NASA Space Center had we.won) but no problem. So I'm free...for now
  • Yeah, I got the 'mail' @rat:)
  • @rat why are you sorry?
  • @tas That was @AngerManagements mail, not yours. Don't be opening someone else's mail.
  • @estar LUNCH TIME!!!
  • @rat have a nice lunch! catch you later :)
  • Same here @rat. Bye.
  • okay now I am confused... you are sorry that it is lunchtime? or the fact you are leaving us? What's for lunch? Are you gone yet? Or still here? hard time leaving huh? hahahaha
  • Nice job @iamMighty, and wow on the Nasa thing! Would have been nice, but I do think the runner up is an amazing accomplishment!
  • Bye human and @rat. BTW 2rat what are you having for lunch? I think you must be tired of @kimmie's cheese.
  • @E-Star -- I assume that @TheAnonymousSomeone and @Rat are talking about the American type, which are a non-yeast bread, light and flakey, and usually cut in circles a little smaller than what we call an English muffin, which does have yeast (I think).
  • Thanks again. Its raining now and tommorrow is a Sunday.
    How lazy can you get?
  • Ahhh thanks @mvnla2 indeed the kind I do not know, but have heard it is something to try when visiting the other side of the pond! As to the muffin, I am not sure it is yeast based, but muffins are not biscuits to my knowledge (but than again I could be wrong), biscuits over here are a type of cookie.
  • Boy, did I miss a lot with that page change while I was typing.
  • Are you asking me @iamMighty hahahaha I don't think my brain is wired to be "lazy" it always is running on full speed. We have had a nice day today, but the temps are way to low for the time of the year. Last week it rained a lot, but we are about to go back to our normal temps and occasional rainy days. Hope tomorrow is going to be like today, so I can attend to the garden a bit. Due to the rain everything has exploded :/
  • I love English Muffins!
  • LMAO and spluttered over my phone! @all I can't tell you the amount of times I've had to stop myself using the British word for ciggie......I'm pretty sure @mumsie has as well! Nope I don't think it would go down well at all and could cause a huge amount of confusion if we said we were nipping out for a quick XXX!! Also yes mumsie estar and myself had a good old laugh thinking about our lovely choccie bickies smothered in gravy.....bleughhhh ;)
  • @E-Star -- Google biscuit and English muffins and you will see what they are. The American South (eastern part) is the place to have biscuits. I think those made with buttermilk are supposed to be best. Can't even remember the last time I saw buttermilk in the store, though.
    Interesting Americanism tidbit -- In the U.S. the South generally refers to the south-east part of the country (the old Confederate states). Everything in the western part of the South is the Southwest.
  • Hey @tas! Sorry I'm a popping lurker. Waiting on take out arriving so getting plates sorted :) tummy is growling!
  • @JLZ hahahaha now I wanna know whatcha call em! have you ever used that term in a PM, have I heard it before? Aww please do tell, and if inappropriate in here, send it in a PM (been trying to get to my PMs but for some reason I keep coming back here LOL)
  • @JLZ666 -- Personally I agree with @Rat -- Biscuits with honey and butter, or just butter are best. I've never liked biscuits and gravy.
    @TAS -- Were your biscuits homemade? I too love English muffins, but they've mostly disappeared from my diet -- replaced by oatmeal and fruit.
  • @mvnla That's because the old Southwesterners immigrated here first
    @jlz666 I wonder what's in the history books up there, ours say that the brits treated us...... horribly.....
  • Ow dear it is getting more confusing by the minute... English muffins are different than the regular muffins?! I did google and mvnla I did not know that. For me muffins are the sweet puffy cake like treats?! Why why why can't they use different words for different things?
  • @JLZ666 -- Be sure to tell E-Star what British call an eraser, too. But E-Star may have to google that one to find out what it means in American slang.
  • WHAT is it in American slang because apparently I don't know?
  • @tas I am sorry but I don't think our history books covered anything about that subject. Ours covered the world war I and II and history about the Netherlands. And our hunger to explore and sail the sees
  • Okay I just got out of confusion time. I live in US. JLZ lives it Britain. Estar lives in Holland.
  • @TAS -- You'll have to Google it. You could ask your father, but might be best not to; he might wonder why you're asking.
  • Yeah sorry @estar if you read closer I edited that comment to be @JLZ666 because I found out you're in the Netherlands and not Britain.
  • HeeeHeee!! Ermmm the eraser is such an innocent word! I think estar would know the American slang though.......;)
    Hey @estar! No I don't think I've used it in a pm,I'm so used to saying ciggie now! Believe me it would be funnier coming from hubby's mouth LOL!!! Ok I'm coming to whisper it in your ear right now!
  • Ahhh okay @tas, I only read comments the first time around, so I never saw the edit. But that is okay! And now you got me curious mvnla, I do hope JLZ will tell me about these words hee hee
  • yeahhh will be waiting for the whisper @jlz!
  • We in the netherlands use words quiet often that can mean different things in other languages, we call an eraser "gum" ... which I think means the flesh part around the teeth in English right? or did I just use the slang word for something else.. in which case I am sorry LOL
  • You and me both @tas :D
  • Oh no, I left the caps lock on!
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