The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1676
  • And ty for the compliment @surfcow:) you are indeed a good friend;)
  • So excited for RMF on the 3rd!!! I wonder what the new power will be!
  • I just noticed how many comments we have!!!! Wow!!! 83753+!!!
  • Red's Mighty Feathers @kathy
  • What's that @angermanagement in angry birds..or new game?
  • It's the new ABo update being teased! Have you not heard?
  • I wonder if it will be retroactive, like Luke's saber....
  • No!! I haven't heard thanks for the news:) :) i should pay more attention lol;)
  • *poofs in shines estars flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out candles to see her safely to Dreamland *
    Back to drawmarathon with KitKat! See ya all laters!! :)
  • Good morning everone! :)
    Thank you all so much for the support, you can't even imagine how much it means to me right now. I've been trying to tell to my friends about my situation, but they think that it's way too embarrasing to talk about the problem so they are just changing the subject like that would make the problem disappear.

    @mvnla2 - Not sure if they allow hubby to come there with me, 'cause most of the groups are closed from others than alcoholics and I'm not sure if I want my son to come there but we'll see tonight. The meeting starts at 7pm. To be honest, I'm so scared that I don't know what to do.
  • Hey @lisko :) only AA peeps are allowed in not family members, that's what Al Anon is for (family members) My Aunt did AA for as long as I can remember and it's a great program. There's nothing to be afraid of, it's an awesome support group and you'll do great! :) Your hubby should get involved with Al Anon so he knows what kind of support you need and he can interact with others going through the same thing. Good for you and it's likely if those friends are heavy drinkers themselves you'll be better off not associating with them as they may pull you down instead of help. You'll do great!! :)
    Sorry I'm a popper tonight, but I wanted to at least give a cheer out to you!!
  • @lisko its o.k to be scared just go..sit down and listen,:) there are some open meetings where anyone can go alcoholic or not, but probably better if you don't bring your son the first time.
    You'll be ok some one may approach you and ask if your new..just be honest remember every one there for the same find help:) the first step..
    If no one approaches you and you feel comfortable after listening then approach some one you feel you can relate to and just be will be amazed at the outputting of support:)
    Good luck honey:) deep breath most important remember every one there was in the same place as you are right now..they understand:) (((((( Hugs))))) you can do it!!! :)
  • @Kimmiecv - Thanks! And that's true what you said about friends. I've been trying to talk to one who I know is drinking quite a lot. I thought that maybe we could do try to get rid of alcohol together, but she just laughed and said that she's not having any problem with drinking. She didn't want to admit that it's not ok to open up the bottle right after waking up in the morning. Actually she's the one who started this mess. She moved here less than a year ago and she still doesn't know anyone else but me so I thought that I'll help her to get settled. She came to our house almost every morning and everytime she brought some beer with her. The last time I've been talking to her was a couple of weeks ago when I told about the problem and haven't heard about her since, 'cause she took it as an insult towards her.

    @Kathy - Haha, I've got the whole day to calm down :D Actually I'm not sure if I'm scared but somehow scared and somehow excited 'cause I know that I'm getting a chance and I really want my life to be like it was. At the moment this doesn't even feel like life, I've become a loner who's afraid of other people :/
  • Ok @lisko i thought the meeting was today/tonight and its good your excited to get your life back to being 'you' is nice you tried to help that neighbor but drinking beer first thing in the morning when you have a little boy you know is not can't blame anyone but'll do o.k good i said we are will be not easy..but just lean on others that's what they are there for..they've been through it.also good idea to get yourself a sponser as soon as possible:)
  • @all, hi, happy canada day back,
    @lisko, much support from here too
  • ((((((Hugs)))))) @lisko Its scary because you don't know what to expect and it's about a challenge you have and need some help to figure out how to solve it. Think of it like ABN, we come here because we are addicted to this game & want to be better. We help each other solve the challenge. We know each other in a way, but what brings us together is our common challenge and helping each other. Your friends may not understand this because they don't have the same challenge, or they can't see it and admit it. Either way, they can't help you and may be embarrassed because of that. It's ok. You are going to find people who hopefully can help you. That's the important thing. You are trying to find a way to be better. We're here for you. You can do it!
  • Amen!!! @ABCrazy great analogy,:)
  • @Kathy - Hahaha, it's the revenge of time zones again :D It's not even 8am here and the meeting is at 7pm :D

    I know it won't be easy, but I promise that I won't give up on this. I really want to enjoy life. I've been diagnosed with depression several times and after our son was born I tried to tell about it to the nurse but she didn't listen so the depression just got deeper and deeper and at some point I thought that drinking would help even when I knew that it'll only make things worse. And it became some kind of hook. I was drinking 'cause I felt bad and the next day I felt worse and when I drank it made life a bit brighter for a second and then came the next day and it just went on and on.

    @grammy k - Thank you so much!
    @ABcrazy - Yep, it doesn't matter what addiction it is, but when it goes too far it becomes a problem! A lot of my friends are heavy drinkers, but I guess they don't think it's a problem. I noticed that I've got a problem when I couldn't stop drinking anymore. I really need help with this and that's what I'm going to get :)
  • Hi @grammyk Happy Canada Day!
  • Believe me @lisko i know,:) i know you don't have to explain..just know your found the answer now and have will feel better:) my whole family parents, aunts uncles ,i know the program daughter as we speak is at a youth group marathon meeting in Maryland helping young alcoholics:) the first step is the most important step you'll make for the rest of your life..and forget that neighbor and those friends you'll be'll have so many friends you'll be saying WTH..leave me be seriously,:) keep us in the loop:)
  • Hi @abcrazy, thanks. Fireworks starting in a few seconds. Cannot see from my house but can hear :-) Drives the dogs nuts.
  • Happy Canada day @grammyk :) did you see @karen68 comment earlier?
  • @kathy, yes, just popping to friends list for nick of other canuck.
  • @bluestar_127 lives near me, happy canada day blue star
  • @lisko As @kathy said, let us know how it goes, we want to help too if we can! PM if you want to discuss less publicly.
  • @grammyk I'm sorry for your dogs. Mine don't like the noise either. We are getting ready to go out to the hill country for the 4th of July & ours will have to endure the fireworks for a while too.... If there is no burn ban & safe to light them up.
  • Hi @fbb As usual, you are popping in just as I'm getting ready to head out & go to bed. I hope you have a great day!
  • I knew there was another Canadian here:) @blue_star127 happy Canada day:) there's some one else..darn..I'm sure!!
  • Hey @firebombbird:)
    Night @ABCrazy :)
    Oh No fatal error Big Blue Box
    Night all!!!
  • Hey Miss @Lisko! Remember me? I haven't been coming here recently but I'm still flinging. I just caught up on the chatter and want to tell you that you've got another cheerleader in me. It takes a lot of courage to admit to and take action on your drinking problem. Your first step was pushing aside denial and recognizing you need help. @ABCrazy said it well. ...oh crimes I just got a fatal error
  • *looks around* OB please please don't let that Big Blue Box in here!! Please
    Fair warning all..
  • @grammy k - Happy Canada day! :D How do you celebrate it? :D

    @ABcrazy - I'll send you a PM at some point :D TLM is giving me some feed back right now 'cause he didn't think that the breakfast I made was good enough xD He'd like to have candy as his breakfast but 'cause I'm not giving it to him he's protesting :D

    Edit: @bird addict - Thanks for cheering! I wondered where you are 'cause I haven't seen you for a while! Great to know that you're still flinging :D
  • @abcrazy, lol, worse for me, they howl like crazy. At least canada day ones are far away. I live two blocks from fairgrounds so for 10 days at end of july is is one big howl and bark fest around here, all the people passing, noise from fair, and fireworks at night :-)
  • And welcome back @surfcow, I haven't met you before but I saw your post, you're hilarious just like @rat :D Hope you have a fun time in here ;)
  • ((((( bird-addict))))/it got you too:(
    Sweet dreams everyone....
  • Stupid error box !!! Oh hi @ABcrazy and @Kathy
  • @all, big blue box here too

    @lisko. I don't do anything but sit in sun all day :-)

  • @firebombbird, hi

    @angrybirdsspacemaster, hi, nice to meet you, only two more days for 15 levels, i am so starved fr new levels :-)
  • @grammy k - Haha, that doesn't sound bad at all :D I haven't been here for a while, but I saw some headlines that you had pretty massive floods there?
  • Hi @grammyk, happy Canada day, I'm excited for the update too
  • @lisko, yeah major disasters in southern alberta. Here in edmonton way too much rain and lots of flooded basements. I got about an inch. I forget the nick of the guy who has posted his rain pictures of his yard, i meant to reply to him, we get better soil drainage, straight into the basement :-)
  • Thanks @fbb, sure would be cool if the ability was extended to past levels, eh? Would be able to play abo over again with a whole new twist. Of course that wouldn't really work as it would mess up the score vs one, two, or three star programming :-)
  • That would be Ripsy @grammyk
    Nick is @rdnzlrips82 :) Co-owner of the BP :)
  • Thanks @kathy, are you trying to sleep with your machine under your pillow :-)
  • Ermm..ahem..@Kimmiecv v what happened..did i bump your head too much on the way back up the stairs? Oh my hope i didn't hurt you:(
  • Hmm @grammyk i don't understand the question ¿ Machine under pillow? Me confused ¿ Lol
  • @rdnzlrips82, sympathize with your rain problems. As i mentioned here in bp to the others tonight, lots of rain in my area too but our soil drains it nicely into the basement :-(
  • @grammy k - Good that nothing worse happened! If I remember right there were some people who got killed by the floods? When I heard the news my first thought was that are you okay, 'cause I only heard that the floods were in Alberta and I remembered that it's the place where you live. I'm so thankful that we haven't had that bad floods in here.
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