The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1675
  • @rd How did your progress transferring go?
  • @mighty I just got the laptop wiped and reset last night. but my wireless driver is missing. so I have to hook it up to the modem sometime today and download some missing drivers. I didnt want to go upstairs last night and risk waking the children.
    I'm not in any real hurry.
  • Hmm, okay. How's the experience going with the S3?
  • incredible. there are just a few things I am finding that I don't like.
  • for instance:
    the browser on the old phone had an easy refresh in the menu. I have to scroll all the way to of a page to refresh now.
  • But that is with the preinstalled internet browser. Chrome's address bar never goes away so I will use it.
  • @rd Before on an Android device I thought so too but for that refresh thing you just have to scroll a bit up fast and then for a second or two the address bar and refresh comes up. Have you tried that?
  • On the new browser it doesn't work. But I like the Chrome browser.
  • @iammighty that happens on mine. It's annoying.
  • To all Canadian flingers out there (I think @grammyK is the only one who regularly drops by the BP) - Happy Canada Day! OB, to celebrate Canada's birthday I'll buy a round for anyone who drops by :)
  • @Lisko -- I've been wondering why I hadn't seen you. Hope you solve your problem soon, and good luck with it.
    There's lots of moral support being sent your way.
    Take care.
  • @theanonymoussomeone -- Not sure what happened to Lisko. See her post on previous page.
  • My problem is alcohol, I'm not drunk everyday, but drinking too much anyway, mostly 'cause I'm feeling lonely here. My family is 200km away and I usually don't have the money to go visiting them so I'm pretty much alone with my son. And 'cause I'm drinking my hubby spends his time with the cars so I'm really trying to stay totally sober now.
  • ermm @Lisko it does sound you are having some major issues! I understand times can get rough, but I do hope you will get help for the drinking part, your son needs a sober and responsible mom in his life. Maybe one family member can take some time of and come visit you? But truly, keep trying and hold on to that thought of staying sober. Because if heaven forbid something happens with your son or hubby... you need to be able to think straight and or drive! I have no experience in that area (alcohol or feeling alone) so I can not help you there. Wish I could though, it is always hard to see someone struggle in live! Just one day at a time!
  • @Lisko -- You are totally brave to tell us your problem, but I guess that is step one. Do they have Alcoholics Anonymous in Finland? I think they have helped many people. Best wishes for success. Don't give up. If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.
  • @lisko mvnla2 is are very brave in sharing your problem, that is the first step towards sobriety ..i understand just how you feel and its not easy to do alone. If AA is available reach out its free and you will be amazed at the support you will receive and the close friendships you will make. So that you won't have to feel lonely, also if you try one day at a time even one hour at a time, just keep putting off that first drink., then maybe hubby will want to spend more time with you, its hard when you have a little one couples tend to forget each other .i wish you the best and if you ever need to talk feel free.
    Lots of support here for you:)
  • Actually I'm going to an AA meeting tomorrow and hubby promised that he'll take me there. It's just that at the moment it feels like everything is on my neck and I'm just so tired that I can't even sleep anymore. @E-Star @mvnla2 @Kathy - Thank you so much for the kind words, it really helpos when you know that you've got some support even though it's far away from here :)
  • I could not agree more Kathy and mvnla, brave indeed! I voted for an alchy free evening here in the BP! OB can I have a cup of Earl Grey tea please?
  • Thumbs up and a big smile for you @Lisko really truly proud that you are taking step one and are able to go to an AA meeting!
  • Thanks @E-Star - I've already decided to get rid of this problem so I think that's a good start :)

    Sorry that I've been coming and going but I have to go again. I'll see you all tomorrow :D
  • Hang in there @lisko as the others have said, we are here for you. One day at a time....
  • Awesome @lisko i am very proud of you:) (((( hugs)))))
    I know right now feels like your world is closing in, the tiredness will go away:):)
    Really I'm so proud of you
    Yes E* alcohol free night sound great:) OB ill have a large ice tea with lemon please:)
  • Oh and Happy Canada Day @karen68 and grammyk :)
    I thought we had another Canadian here? But i forget..
  • @lisko yup that sounds like a good start indeed and you don't need to apologize for popping in and out, that is the beauty of the BP. Be safe and my thoughts are with you and if it helps, keep us updated how things are going and if it doesn't help, don't worry we are masters at chatting about all and nothing :D
  • Aloha. I've been away for way too long; good to be back at the BP among friends. What's the Special, today?
  • @Lisko - don't know you personally, but I'm always glad when I hear that someone is reaching out for help after realizing how powerless we humans are, at one time or another. Take care and hang in there. There are lots of strong arms around you at the Nest.
  • No way?! HEeeeeyyyyy Surfcow!! My Super man! Come here and let me look at you... you have lost some weight, have you been eating right? or is it the new black and white coat you are wearing? [[hugs]] my friend, long indeed, but between friends nothing is TOO long :D
  • @Lisko -- I hope your husband actually plans to stay with you during the meeting for moral support, not just drive you there. I went to one once with my mother, but she only went because I asked her, and she wasn't really ready to do anything. I've also been to some Al-Anon meetings (I think that's what the meetings for family members are called). If nothing else, makes you realize that things could be much worse.
  • E* i think you meant 'no need to apologize.
    Holy Cow!!!!
  • Haha thought i was seeing spots..its actually a Cow!!
    (((( hugs))) long time no see:) what's the occasion that we are do graced with your holy cowness lol:)
  • whoopssss indeed Kathy!! *turns red like a tomato!* runs back up to edit!
  • Oops sorry E* i wasn't saying 'Holy Cow' about your comment lol..i really saw a Cow!!! Lol:)
  • Mumsie 'poofs' in to give @lisko a huge (((((hug))))) as all the others have said, take one day, hour, whatever at a time -we're here when you need us.
  • Hee hee, I know you did... but I have the feeling he hasn't found the refresh button and is still waiting for someone to tell him the specials... bluess can you tell @surfcow the specials please?
  • @surfcow! I'm delighted to meet you! Have come across your lucid, wise & verbose sayings many times on walkthroughs! Never failed to make me smile even if I couldn't emulate the advice contained within!

    Ripsy! And I thought we had rain! Hope life settles back to normality really soon.
  • Roflmao @E-star your probably right lol
    Hi @Mumsie i saw you sneak in earlier but you snuck out just as Quick:)
  • Hi @surfcow we haven't met, but I just loved one of your walk throughs. A soporific level where you had the Surfcow-make-this-level-more-interesting one LOL
  • @lisko I had a gambling addiction, no, I still have the gambling addiction. It will never leave me. I just don't gamble anymore. If I could play a little I would. But I can't, I can't stop once I start.
    You can get through this, be strong, you have friends here to support you. People you can be honest with, if you don't want to discuss your problem with family or friends.
  • @lisko @kimmiecv can't believe you're not on my friends list! Requests sent
  • Hey everybody - @estar @hunnybunny @mumsie @kathy
    I'm completely flattered by the warm welcome back. Feel free to shower me with even more compliments. Who knows, I might even say something witty. I'm kidding. Maybe I should start using my Twitter account. I've always wanted to have Followers. Seriously, I'm not worthy. I looked at the calendar and July 1 seemed like a good day to make some mid-year resolutions. Truth is, I missed being part of this community of misfits. Face it, were just a bunch of ordinary people who happen to enjoy that thing called Angry Birds. I've always felt welcome here, and I know that spirit continues to comfort, counsel and crack-up visitors and members, alike.
  • I believe we are all addicted to something. There's a fine line between need and desire, don't you think? But that's okay because we are all imperfect; we are all human. Aloha.
  • Hee hee @surfcow o.k here goes..uh compliments goes..
    Hahaha just kidding!! Honestly i absolutely love your wittissim .Hmm is that a word i think but you get my drift..i also love your witty criticism as i just recently came across a comment towards a complainee..who i haven't seen since
    And your walkthrough once deciphered work wonders:)
    OB I'll take another large ice tea with lemon please:)
    I know...i know first @rat and family now cows ? Who knew?
    Well you had no complaints about bunny's ...!!
  • Words of wisdom once again from the infamous @surfcow ,:) so true..
  • Ssttt, I should not be here 1:32 and alarm clock is set for 7:15!? But LOL @Surfcow yup we are indeed a good selection of human kind and that is why I love the Nest too. And LOL on the double post, but rusty huh? Hee hee... But I love your mid year resolution and hope to run in to you some more... But for now I really need to run out and close my eyes! Have a fab evening! And a dutchie hugg before I leave!
    Bye bye
  • Sweet dreams E* (((((( hugs)))))
    *placesE* flashlight in safe for @Kimmiecv beautifying :)
  • @kathy, I'd be honored to have an iced tea with lemon with you sometime. You are a classy lass.
  • OB serve up an iced tea with lemon for my friend please:)
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