The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1674
  • Alot of activity today, wow, over 300 comments:) I'll try my best to get back up to date tomorrow, night peoples, hope yawls have some great sleeps:]
  • ...Hello again
  • Sleep tight @AM and good luck in catching up! I am almost done with editing my videos and heading for my pillow as well, but not until I have had a couple more "just one more fling" flings LOL.
  • Hey ffb!
  • Hey @E*,nice avatar, is it for summer
  • Nah not particular ffb, The Spring one clashed to much with the new design I made for my new YouTube header. So made a new one to go with the new header and thought I might as well change it in here as well.
  • I did notice you made several for the different seasons, nice job and great choice to do the seasons change, and to stick with the Bomb bird the way it is. This will help a lot for people to recognize you after a while... I know people will always recognize me because I do stick to my Purple star :D
  • I meant it as a compliment @ffb hope you did not read my message any other than that. And hope you had fun making them, that for me is part of the fun, making them :D
  • Yes, it's fun making them. I use the transparant image of the Bomb to add to the background, and I take the background from a level in the game (the level that has a far distance, like Piglantis 1-1 and get rid of the PU, pause button and the score counter). I can find the transparant image of the objects to add to my avatar though
  • what program did you use? Photoshop?
  • (((((( hugs E*)))))) sweet dreams:) * wrapsE* flashlight in its special velvet cloth..places it in safe for Kimmiecv good workmanship:)* wow!! This flashlight surely been used!!
    Nighty night E*mwahhhh..((=(=)))))
  • That's one hot flashlight. Good night moon.
  • I could use some positive vibes and prayer as I attempt to transfer progress to JellyBean.

    I could use a Russian and a shot of Jager, too.
  • Prayers be with you can't be done:( sOrry i tried every trick in the book..don't bother with the helium thing either:( it stinks for lack of better words:(
  • Sorry no positive vibes.I'm out off to dreamland..
    *places flashlight in safe for Kimmiecv care..finally gut a good score in Hoth 18 I'm done fr the night..
  • the trick is getting my laptop to cooperate. which it has not been doing all day.
  • @rd What's wrong with the laptop?
  • well to be brutally honest, the wifes iphone kept bogging it down.
  • Hmm, well good luck to you.
  • well...not going well. laptop keeps shutting itself down. getting too hot.
  • @rdnzlrips82 -- Good luck with the transfer. Sorry, I don't understand what your wife's iPhone has to do with the laptop? Is it because she is using your internet connection? In any case, won't she shut it off while you do the restore?
  • @mvnla2 I had her phone hooked up to the laptop to get all of the photos off of it. iTunes + iPhone = bogged down CPU.

    I might have to wait until I can get the laptop restored to factory settings before I can do the progress transfer. Which I am not entirely sure when I will be able to do that. Because I have 22GB of Pics to get off of the laptop. Then I have to do the reset and put the pics back on. I am having to use my mom's PC to transfer our pics.
  • Geez it went nutters here today! Sorry I missed my girls :( having a very baaaaad female day and have mostly been drugged up to get through it :(
    *does a ding and dent repair, super buff and shine on e-stars flashlight, replaces batteries, shines KitKats flashlight and sets out candles to see them both safely to Dreamland *

    Good job @Kathy that level was tough!
    @Ripsy good luck with your erm stuff I can't understand!
    Sorry I can't keep up with all those pages with my muddled mind!
    Everyone have a nice day/night
  • Well..good night
  • Hi anyone! Looks like most people got talked out yesterday. Will check back later.
    We are in the midst of a heat wave, so it'll be a day to stay close to the air-conditioning. We live close enough to the coast that the high is predicted to be "only" 90F (36C). A few miles further inland it is supposed to get to ~105F (40.6C).
    Not to mention we're going to Sacramento for the 4th of July (family reunion), where it predicted to be 106F on the 4th! Hope they have good AC.
  • @mvnla2 nahhh I am never talked out, you know that by now right LOL. Anyway, today was finally a sunny day and my kinda of day to be exact. Sun and only 21 degree celsius (68 F). Love the sun, but I don't wanna switch with your sunny day. 36 (90 F) degrees?! Nope above 25 (77 F) and I am not capable to do anything anymore. So for me between 19 (66 F) and 24 (75F) degrees is my kind of weather. So I HAD to enjoy the garden and life outside. Hence me not being the chatterbox today :D
  • @E-Star -- I'm totally with you in terms of temperature, but I've got to say that I love what we call "June gloom", which means that there are low clouds / fog that don't burn off until noon or later, if you're lucky. Fine with me if we have June gloom from May through Sept. This keeps the temps down and means you can spend a lot of time outside without worrying too much about sunscreen. Of course, you do need sunscreen, just don't need to be fanatic about applying it every hour or two.
    I kinda melt into a puddle on the ground when it gets above 80F. The only thing that would be worse than 90 or 100+ degrees is those temps along with 100% humidity, which thankfully we don't get here. On the east coast it's another matter altogether.
  • So true. Humidity is the killing factor, hot is just one thing, but add 100% humidity and everything sticks! We do have those days here in The Netherlands, Italy or France have a much better climate with less humidity and than I can manage higher temps for sure. As to sunscreen, I stay out of the direct sunlight for the most part. Cause I have an allergy for the sun, which gives me red itchy spots. But if I apply the highest factor of sunscreen to block out the sun, I get the same result but in that case from the heat. I figure the sunscreen closes of my skin and the heat stays in side or something. I really don't know, but there... no direct sunlight for me. Of course I know indirect sunlight is just as bad. But scratching my skin off isn't a great deal either.
  • Unseen by anyone Mumsie had snook in and sat knitting in her rocking chair while she caught up with the millions of comments that appeared since she last popped in, now she is so hungry from all the food talk that she has to go home & eat!!
  • Hunnybunny limps in, wearing slippers. Too much hiking, too many evenings in terrifying high heels. My feet, my knees, they ache so much.......
    Back home now, both in the real world, and the bird world. Currently downloading hundreds of photos to sort through, and perhaps publish a couple here.
    No OB, I don't want a drink or anything to eat. Cruising for fifteen nights means dieting for fifteen weeks on return :-(
  • Hey, if there is anyone here who knows what simile (in music) means, that would be great. The reason why is a really long story, and google didn't have what I was looking for.
  • @theanonymoussomeone - as far as I recall it just means 'in the same way' - most music terms are Italian - hope that helps.
    Just checked this site and that confirms what I thought!
  • @theanonymoussomeone -- If you need more help, I can look up a detailed definition in a music theory book.
  • @werewolf69 -- I can't believe you aren't already on my friends list. I really like your new avatar.
  • Hi @all! Haven't been online so much lately. Most of my time has been going to working out my problem, a serious one. I'm just so tired and more tired for all the struggling. So if I've been rude to anyone, I'm really sorry about that, that's not what I've been trying.

    Hopefully everyone's having a good day :)
  • Good morning :)
  • Good morning @firebombbird how are you this fine morning?
    OB a large coffee please and some pork waffles and..a bucket o'bacon please:)
  • Oh no Ripsy!!! :(
  • it has been raining hard and steady since 10 last night.
  • Wow that you have a basement that gets flooded ¿ How deep does it normally get?
  • ill post more pics here in a bit
  • no basement.
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