The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1679
  • Hello @iamMighty:)
    Thanks @Hunnybunny:)
    OB a PigKiller please:) and some crispy bacon bites:) ty:)
  • Hello @kathy! How have you been?
    Sorry @sunshine missed you again. Hope you're fine and doing well.
  • Goodnight @Kathy @IamMighty
    Bed time for me
    Happy flinging and piggy killing both :-)
  • nighy night @hunnybunny .. sweet dreams:}
  • Hi @iamighty , i am doing well how about you? anything new?
  • how do i refresh the page while on pc?
  • Press the F5 button on your keyboard @kathy.
  • @kathy Me and @rd are having a very stiff competition on AB Facebook. Sometimes he's ahead sometimes me and right now the difference is of only 1k
  • oh your still doing that !! lol good luck... mustbe fun.. competition:) Ill be back..gota get back on phone lol.. this keyboard not used to it the keys stick..brb
  • It's not fun. I just close my ABF app and bam! @rd back on top.
  • Ooh no sorry to hear that @iamMighty its no fun if your not having fun!!
    Get in there and kick his butt:) .,!!!
  • Haha, thanks. How's your flinging going?
  • Going o.k slowly trying to improve Hoth very frustrating..slow:(
    , me and Kimmiecv still on our quest to finish sw in top100:
  • @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster -- Take some antihistimine. Put some cortisone cream on it. (Not that either will make it look much better, but good to do when you get stung.)
    Hold your head high at the event and wear the bump with swagger.
  • Don't know if I mentioned this here before, but I will be on vacation for the next week and a half. Will be able to lurk, I hope, but commenting will be a pain. And I won't even be able to try the new episode for most of a day, maybe even 2! Gaah!
    Take care everyone! I hope to see you, but you probably won't see much of me until I get back.
  • Oh !! Have a great vacation @mvnla2:) will keep you posted of any big news:) have fun:)
  • Hey-yo everybody!
  • I almost forgot its ( earplugs OB) its WWWwwwhhhiiinnneee Tuesday!Hoth 3-21 killing me!!
    A PigKiller would maybe help please OB..:)
  • I finally finished 3-starring the last 20 levels of cloud city for Windows 8. Haleluyah!
  • Hey yo @bbinmiami:) , long time no see:?
    Uh OB the PigKiller please..? Err uhmm *gently, ever so gently, taps OB on uhmm shoulder?*
  • Congrats @bbinmiami :)
    O.k o.kay!! L OB no need to blow up..just a PigKiller please:) , sorry!!
  • I can't wait for tomorrow!!!
  • I'll take a pig killer, too.
    3-1 of Poached Eggs is always an all time frustrating level for me. Still trying to 3 star it for Angry Birds Trilogy on 3Ds.
  • Hi @bbinmiami
    Okay, I may not be here for quite a while, as I'm off to Florida tomorrow and staying till Sunday, then I have to go to a summer camp in the middle of nowhere. However it might be my first actual chance since Dad getting back from his Mexico trip (since he had my nook to read Catching Fire) to play AB. Of course, I will go outside often, but it's been almost a week since I've played.
  • @tas, you have a great time :-)
  • I have time to talk @grammyk if you do.
    *Pays last bit of pocket change on Pig Ears as a snack for the trip and sticks them in his trail mix*
  • Oh i do @tas, we had a hot one here today, so hot i had a long nap in the basement. Now i am watching the thunderstorm move in.
  • There go the peonies as some of us were discussing last night :-(
  • Oh, that sounds terrible! How bad is it?
    Oh, and before I forget... *Rolls half a wheel of cheese near a particular hole in the wall, as well as an apple core and a smallbowl of tha tasteless processed Rat Food*
  • Oh no, not so terrible, pretty normal for here. Super hot day =evening thunder and rain etc. Often hail, like we are so far north that it is summer near the ground but lots of cold ice way up there still.
  • So, do you have really big bugs in the southern usa? My memories of austrailia where we lived for a year when i was a kid mostly involve really big bugs :-)
  • @wrw01 -- It's kinda early, but I won't be here for most of tomorrow, so ..
    Happy Birdday! And many more!
  • @mvnla2. . You have a great vacation :-)
  • @mvnla2
    Thank you for the kind words and especially the thoughts behind them. I share your sentiment of having a few more. Been slammed hoping for August to not work as many long hours. Not enough time to fling and visit the Nest.
  • @fire bomb bird
    Thank you for the BD good wishes. Greatly appreciated!!!!!
  • Hi @all It's vacation time! I'm heading off to the hills with family so will be popping in intermittently as I can. Internet access out there is usually limited, but I'm bringing a new toy (high gain wi-fi repeater) that Im hoping will keep us better connected.

    Happy Birthday @wrw01!

    Happy Vacation @mvnla2 & @tas
  • @ABcrazy
    Thanks a bunch. Have a great vacation!!!!
  • Have a great vacation too @ABcrazy
  • Happy Birthday @wrw01:) hope you have a wonderful day:)
    Don't work to hard on your special day:) (((( hugs))) we miss you around here..
  • @Kathy
    Thank you for the warm wishes.
    I will have to work on my BD but that does have a good side of "paying the rent".
    I miss all you folks and hope to have more time in August. Been slammed since April. Take care...hugs to you girl...
  • Yay, only couple hours for the update !!!
  • Happy Birthday @wrw01:) hope you have a wonderful day:)
    Don't work to hard on your special day:) (((( hugs))) we miss you around here..
  • Oh darn stupid error box..night all!! , erased my text..
  • What was that flash of light? It looked like @E-Star!
    Wow! Great banner E? Thanks for putting it up for us. HAPPY BIRDDAY @wrw01!!! Sorry you're so busy on your bday, but like you said, it pays the rent.
    Now to see if I can finally get a message posted before the dreaded blue box gets me...
  • Yea! It worked!
    Have a nice vacation:
    Congrats @Annifrid
    If I missed anyone...sorry. M
    Hey @Lisko! How'd your first meeting go? @Sunshine came through with the James Taylor song, no? Good choice Sunshine!
    Has anyone else been having trouble accessing the nest, or is it just me? Not just the BP & it's error boxes but other forums, walkthroughs and leaderboards are all taking forever to load. I've turned my pad off and on but no change.
    Can't waste a Tuesday, so cover your ears...Whhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnneeeeeeeeee!!!
    That's for all the levels I have yet to get over avg on in Cloud City.
  • Morning peoples, am I the only one left that is still in school?
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