The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1682
  • Happy birdday @wrw01 :)

    3-starring the new ABO update seems ridiculously difficult to me. I usually use about twice as many birds :D
    I've 2-starred everything but level 15 so far.
  • Anyone (well anyone British) watched another agonising Andy Murray at Wimbledon (or anywhere, he always does this to the Briitsh tennis fan) game?
  • sorry for delay... conection problems
  • Life 'n hobbies are very well, @Angermanagement... and you?
  • @ABcrazy nice to meet you too... feel free to ask anything about that lvl' strat...
  • @Kathy are you still having problems with "that" lvl?
  • Hi TienShenLong I'm hunnybunny don't think we've met before
  • Just checked your profile, from Peru, confused me with a name like yours, but I bet you hear that all the time :-)
  • Thanks @tienshenlong do you remember a particularly good aiming point? I've tried various points up and down that left column, and with practice I can get good scores, 64+k up to low 66k but I just can't seem to find the spot that gets me any higher than that. I appreciate your help!
  • Greetings @Hunnybunny... you're right: don't meet before BUT now we did. Always glad to meet another birdier... ;)

    @ABcrazy... please refresh/remind me which lvl was and please put the link to the walktrough... now I have 23 tabs open so not precisely speed on my computer right now... pk?
  • @hunnybunny I watched it, on the edge of my seat through the 3rd & 5th sets. My faves are out so I'm cheering for Murray to go all the way.
  • @tienshenglong 23 tabs goodness, I can't cope with more than six!
  • @Hunnybunny... yeah... from Peru... my alias is old mandarin and I used it since 3 years old... not chinesse or asian related at all... (me) and is unusual receive no coment on HOW LONG is my name... so... TienShenLong means Heaven's Dragon basically...

    "Problems.... problems... give me problems...."
  • forgot to put: 23 tabs on 3 diferent browsers windows
  • Sorry @tienshenlong You can't read my mind? :-)
    I'm working on Tatooine 1-5
    I've got a good score, just looking for a k or more to get back into the top 10.
  • @tienshenlong my problem is trick or treat 2-12 but you don't seem to play seasons
  • @ABcrazy don't play ABSW, as so much more to do on Seasons. Followed your link, it all looked so easy, yeah, like all levels, all walkthroughs, until you try, and try, and try, and you never quite get that score you wanted.....
    Addicted? Not me LOL
  • @hunnybunny Yeah, I know I'm sick. I should be happy with the score I have & move on. It's pretty good really. But..... There is obviously room for improvement if I could just figure out how!
  • @ABcrazy loved your picture of the screech owl and the humming bird. We've seen humming birds on holiday in the Caribbean but to have them in your garden is amazing!
  • Thanks @hunnybunny I've always like watching birds since I was a little kid. We are lucky that we live in an area along the gulf coast that is a major migratory pathway between north and South America. The hummers pass through with the seasons, some stay with us for the summer. I hope to see lots of them over the next several days where I am staying.

  • Off to bed now
    Nice to meet you TienShenLong happy bird watching / flinging ABcrazy
  • @ABcrazy... what is a good score for you? GGGG
    Tatooine 1-5:
    there is 3 main ways to 1-birdie' this lvl... my favorite is, of course, NO-PU's:

    Aim Obi RIGHT AHEAD... horizontally aiming between the wood and ice blocks... your goal is to activate the force (towards to most distantn pig) AFTER YOU HIT THE COLUMN and try to land over the middle hole for extra debris-points...

    If want soft-PU's... just use power sling and do the same

    and extra combos could apply....

    Finally the 3rd one (difficult): aim to the base of the column and the floor... when reach the ascending angle after hit, "force" all the column UO-RIGHT as if you want to hit the clouds, no the pigs... if well doen, column blocks get rid of the pig AND Obi clear the lower and middle stuff as he gains speed after a sucessfull hit & force
  • @Hunnybunny Seasons is on cryostasis until I'll deal with other addictions... lol
    but I'll see it this night... ;)
  • LOL @tienshenlong Top score? :-D no PUs I've never even tried them so I don't know what they do.

    Wow, interesting strategies! I haven't tried much activating the force after hitting the blocks because it didn't seem to work as well. I did try for the base of the column but pushing forward, not up.

    Thanks so much! I'll give these a try & let you know how it goes!
  • when hitting the base "force" towards 2 o'clock or you're never get the bonus speed to reach the center hole... ;)

  • by the way I'm co-founder + eternal-honorific-member and promotor on FB together with Jack S (@spdlives) of the "NO-PU's LEAGUE"'s tournaments....

    ... everyone are invited, of course...

  • @annifrid Thank you for the Birdday wishes.
  • Maybe if Power-Ups were made for the Egg Defender mode I would use them.
  • *poofs in with cleaning supplies in hand*
    OB a large PigKiller please:)..
    *oops sorry heyyou.. Didn't see you..yep..busy day thank you alll of you for not getting underfoot:) getouttamyway watch out..coming through..
    * sets about putting party decorations away*
  • @tienshenlong I've been working the base strategy & 2 o'clock sounds pretty close to what I've been honing in on. This reminds me of another level where you get spectacular results by spinning him off, but I can't remember which one. Anyway, I'm still working on it. Thank you so much for the details! I will let you know when I reach success!

    Had to take a break when we arrived at our destination. I'm pleased to report that my wifi repeater system is up and running nicely so far in test mode. The antenna is sitting on a ladder outside & I'm getting wifi where I never have before. With permission, of course.
  • @ABcrazy It looks like your making a run at all top ten or better in Tatooine. Good luck. Goavs4 and myself did it in Pig Dipper. Not easy to get there and even harder to stay there.
  • Uhmmm.. OB ..OB PigKiller ¿
    *peeks around find OB slumped in corner exhausted..\* places Mumsies throw blanket over him:) what a bird:)* thanks blues for cleaning up.
    *pours herself a PigKiller and sits back in Mumsies chair..*
  • Ahemm ahmm @rat and @ABCrazy not to toot my and Kimmiecv horn..but we are in top 10 of tatoonie:) good luck @ABCrazy:)
  • Oohhh you mean all levels sorry light dawns on Marblehead :)
  • Hi @Kathy Sounds like you had an Aaahaa moment.
  • BTW Proud of you and Kimmie for your accomplishments. All good.
  • @rat Yes, you caught me in the act. Or at least a close approximation. There are a few levels I've been ignoring where I'm less than 1k from top and not really close to top ten. I had such a good run going for so many levels that.... Sigh..... The goal bar got set that much higher. At this rate I may never leave this episode. I'm so .... Stubborn that way.

    Ahem a hmmm @kathy not to toot my horn, but notice who is #1 in Tatooine lately?
  • @Kathy Not to toot your horn? Heck, I heard that horn all the way down here in South Carolina. Just lean back in Mumsie's rocker and catch your breath.
  • @rat I just checked the leaderboards a minute ago, a former leader is starting to make progress on my lead. :-/ to be expected....
  • Lol Ahaha!!! And thanks:) of course i never place myself with the status of Goavs4 or yourself Mr. rat:) you are both among the elite few:)
    Hey!!! There should be a badge for that!! The elite flingers like you Goavs4 Manumalin ..DDR. And we all know who they are:)
  • Roflmao *shuffles feet, stares at floor..nudges OB psst a drink for ABCrazy please*
    Congratulations:) i didn't look beyond my own nose so sorry:(
  • @ABcrazy I know the feeling. I haven't been able to fling for almost two weeks now. It's killing me to be so close to number one in Space and not be able to do anything about it.
  • *takes back throw blankie from OB..leans back in Mumsie chair and zips mouth,..passes key to heyyou*
  • * mmm mmmm.@mmmmmm..mmmm.mmmm*
  • @Kathy I originally came to the BP my first time to drum up some support for a Top Twenty badge. Lost enthusiasm but enjoyed the company.
  • @kathy ((((hugs))))) It's your and @kimmiecv fault that I've become so obsessed. Wait, no, that's not fair. I'm already obsessive, you just enabled me to become more so... In ABSW. How could I not when following your breadcrumbs in every level? :-D
  • Ahhh thanks @heyyou glad i can speak
    Thanks @ABCrazy:) we been following breadcrumbs also..that's the beauty of the Nest isn't it how the community all comes together to share and compete and compare..i love it!!:)
    Its so great* dabs eyes*
  • @ABcrazy I still wonder if he is for real. Makes me look like a novice.
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