The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1683
  • @rat you wonder if who is real? He who cannot be named?
  • @kathy Cheers! Thanks for the drink!
    @rat Actually, its the previous #1 who is working back up. The newcomer stirred the pot, this game is no where near done yet.
  • Ahhh the Princess returns:)
    Over here everyone
    *sets up emergency flashers*
    :( miss @brave1966
  • @ABcrazy Your just making, s/he who's name can not be said aloud, look a little human. Soooo proud you were able to take first.
  • @Kathy The princess?
  • Haha !! Pretty sure its he who cannot be named psst don't tell but I've said his name and he actually answered and helped a couple times:) hee hee:)
    I was brave that day:)
  • Ohh i don't have my princess avatar up!! I am Proudly know as Princesspagechanger lol :)
  • @all Starting to feel a little better each day. Should be back flingin' in a few. It's driving @angermanagement crazier than me. He's expected me to take the lead in Space for about three weeks now.
  • So it's a he¿
  • When we first opened BP i musta changed the page more times than E* made me a special avatar and pronounced me @Princesspagechanger :)
  • Yep pretty sure he's a he:)
  • @Kathy I was going to call you Hornblower, but Princess sounds a little less inflammatory.
  • @kathy uuuuuhhhhhmmm.... @rat & I were talking about the wicket that showed up a couple weeks ago & tried to sweep the entire ABSW #1. Not surprisingly that hasn't lasted long. Just looked at other levels besides my own obsession & ... Game on! :-D

    Oh, dunno s/he? @kathy you have communicated with wicket?
  • Ohh @ABCrazy i thought well you know!! The real He who cannot be named
    I know nothing of this wicket..sorry fur the confusion..
  • @ABcrazy How long had Tatooine been out when he posted his first place score? Two days? Is anybody really "that" good?
  • @Kathy You are so forgiven. I/we were talking in code.
  • Princess Hornblower? Hmmmmm.....
  • Oh my page is loading slowly:( hope that's not a sign of trouble:(..
    Thanks for forgiveness:)
  • Ohh no..not hornblower ...really not!
  • @ABcrazy Not that familiar with ABSW. Was Tatooine or another episode that came out just before he posted scores?
  • @rat the oddity with wicket was the sudden appearance a few weeks ago with all the total top scores posted in one weekend. I think ABSW is new enough that the real top contenders are still to be determined..... I hope. ;-)
  • O.k I'm off to fling..:)
    May stop in before bedtime.but its getting close..I've pushed it way to late the last few nights and i really really want to get to the beach tomorrow:)
    Good night all just in case:)
  • @Kathy Just joking. You'll always be Ma Colby to me. Anybody that can love, even a little, #56 is OK in my book.
  • @rat ABSW is still relatively new. Tatooine is the first level that was released, um, less than a year ago I think. If you look at the leaderboards total number of members entering scores, its relatively low compared to the other games. So it's temporarily easier to flash at the top for a while. :-)
  • Hee hee thanks @rat i love all 1856 of them..Hmm i think that's the last i heard..unless Minnie has had another litter:)
  • G'nite @kathy Sleep well!
  • Good night Ma.
  • @Kathy She has six to eight litters a year. That doesn't take into account her children, her childrens' children, etc. I wouldn't venture a guess how full the walls are by now?
  • @ABcrazy One of the episodes came out literally two days before he posted. And it took quite a lot of time to post all those scores as well. How did he have time to attain a first place score in that episode that has stood the test of time?
  • I'm just getting cynical in my old age. Please forgive me. I'm suspiciously happy for him.
  • @rat Yeah. So, I dunno how that could be. My thought at the time, and it seems be coming about is that it won't last long. I trust the mods here to vet the frauds. This game is too new & there are others that have been here for a while that want to maintain their lead as much as anyone. Flash in the pan.. Game on. Enjoy it while it lasts..... :-) I just play my game, hope to help others & appreciate those who help me. It's just a game.:-)
  • @kathy Time to bring the princess avatar back yet?
  • *Rat notices that the walls are, in fact, bulging under some "unknown" pressure. Runs home to get the flute. I've got to relieve this pressure by getting some Heyyou's to follow me. But where to take them? I know. Wickets' house.*
  • @rat LOL you got me on that one. Yes! Send them wickets way, welcome gift from the nest, in the most loving way possible. No, really wicket livened up the party. I'm having fun watching the results...
  • @ABcrazy Your no flash in the pan. Your the real deal. Good luck on your Top Ten quest. I'll be back after I drop off these little buggers in Georgia. I wonder if @angryboy wants a few while I'm there?
  • Hello and goodbye @fbb. I'm on a mission of mercy.
  • I'll sit here and wait then.
    OB-one Pig Killer please
  • @Kathy Don't cry. Heyyou#56 stayed. I wonder why?
  • Thanks @rat uhhhehhehhehhh. I'm of an age where I want to be the real deal, the flash in the pan is fun but oh so short lived! ;-)
    Have fun & good luck with the progeny.... Disbursement.
    G'nite @all. My mind is fading out.....
  • @fbb You'll be real drunk by the time I get back. Sorry.
  • OB that'll be a non-alcoholic PigKiller for @firebombbird correct fbb?
  • He he, actually I called the no-alcohol one :D
  • Aww hey #56 :) little kids on the go ahead with your family:)
    Nighty night..scoots #56 back to the hole in the wall:).
  • Hee hee @firebombbird OB knows..he Always knows;) night have fun:)
  • Night @ABCrazy sweet fight the good fight:)
  • @fbb Pigkiller? OB is checking your ID. Drinking age is most conservative here. Are you celebrating? What level may we cheer you on for?
  • Oh yeah, I'm gone now. G'nite.
  • *Folds @Mumsie throw blanket neatly.places on the back of chair, fluffs up pillow*
    Places flashlight on @Kimmiecv booth..oh my look at E* flashlight surely was well used today.., places in special cloth for Kimmie special care*
    Good night for real everyone:)
  • G'nite all, fbb is out, bye ;)
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