The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1686
  • Happy your enjoying your self @theanonymousesomeone
    Lol i once solved my rubicks cube..never to be done again..
    Thank goodness the hot ash didn't hit you..whew!!
  • Anyone lurking?
  • @hunnybunny I am. Glad to see you changed back your avatar. @kathy can't really enjoy myself when it's pouring rain all day. Yesterday it wasn't so bad, but today is almost as bad as @ripsy's situation; Flood/tornado warnings.
  • Hi AM and TAS how you doing? Hate to say it TAS! But it's beautiful weather here. Sunny but not too hot
  • AM just finalising some stuff on my cruise report, and I'll try to post with photos, using the guide to links you gave. Can't promise anything.......
  • I would get some pig ears but I don't have money. Plus I brought some in my trail mix. *Grabs a handfull* AAH! This is horrible!
  • Don't worry, @hunnybunny, you'll become computer literate soon enough;) I can't wait to see your cruise report:D I also hate to say it, but it has been boiling here, and I have been in the Sun for 7 hours straight for two days this weeks, my legs and face are covered in sunburnt skin;]
  • OB whatever tas and am want is on me. No alcohol though. May I try the bacon ice cream or whatever it us that Annifrid loves so much
  • AM don't you know the sunscreen song? I failed with the link, yet again, search YouTube. It's Baz Luhrmann strangely enough!
  • I would love to trade, @theanonymoussomeone, I'll take the Indonesian rainy season combined with a Siberian snowstorm over a sunny day here in little old England any day;]
  • AM whats with the big photo. thought they were banned from BP. On the laptop now, where my chance of creating links is better. never mastered it on the ipad
  • Photo gone!!!!!
  • That was a video, @hunnybunny, I've sorted it by removing a letter from the link, just add a 'h' and it'll work:)
  • Right, cruise summary coming up
  • OB please put out a platter of crispy pig ears for all to share and some Hawaiian Pizza's :)
    On the house:)
  • Places buckets filled with ice and all kinds of soda caffeinated and non caffeinated near the entrance to the aviary:)
    Everyone enjoy!!
  • Hey, @kathy, how Hoth going?
  • Its going o.k @angermanagement pretty much finished.just a couple loose ends:)
  • What's your ranking?
  • @AngerManagement the LINKS WORK
    Thank you sooooo much :-))))
  • Wow, amazing, @hunnybunny:D:D:D Do you have records like this of all of your other holidays? As I would read every word with unfathomable enthusiasm:D:D:D
  • WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW, beautiful, elegant and absolutely extra-ordinary, I would love to have been there with you, @hunnybunny. Have you made reports like these about all of your holidays, pretty please tell me them:]
  • @AngerManagement. Before digital photography I used to keep albums with 'treasures', tickets, guides, maps, even pressed flowers, and a few captions. Then He-Who-Does-Not-Fling bought me a digital camera, and all the photos were just put on the computer, and the 'treasures' put into the guide books that I always buy before a trip. Not so comprehensive, but the photos on a slide show make a lovely screen saver.
    Last November we did an eastern Mediterranean cruise (for our 30th wedding Aniversary, I don't suppose your parents have been married that long!), and a friend asked to get him lava samples from the volcano in the bay at Santorini. A silly story, entitled The Intrepid Explorers ensued, with photos, and indeed the rock sample. The above is an excerp of The Intrepid Explorers Go North, the second episode.
    Perhaps I should start a forum on holiday stories, but I don't know how to do that either :-(
  • Sounds Great, @hunnybunny, and to start a forum just press, "Start a New Discussion" at the right hand side of the top of the page, it'll be a hit, and hopefully I'll have more stories than getting a doughnut in Bulgaria and going into a freezing cold swimming pool in Portugal ;) T'woud be awesome if you could upload a few of the best photos to your album and practice your linking skills in your new forum discussion;D
  • Just letting you know that you just taught me the capital city of the Faroe Islands, @hunnybunny:D
  • Glad you enjoyed, and learnt something new. Torshavn means the harbour of Thor,the Scandanvian God of thunder
    I'll try the new forum tomorrow perhaps, off to bed now. Well after a few flings of course :-)
  • Good luck with ToT:) You learn something new every day:]
  • @hunnybunny thank you for the wonderful summary of your trip, & the photos are amazing! My parents are going on a cruise like that in September for their 50th anniversary. I doubt they'll be doing many 2 hour hikes as they are well into their 70s, but I'm sure they'll have plenty to see otherwise. Looking at your pics, I'm rather jealous!
  • I don't know where else to put this
    But has anyone that paid for ad-free version of ABO
    Now receiving ads between every restart @Amslimfordy ? Any complaints of this happening..
    I've sent a message to Rovio just wondering of any one else is experiencing this?
    I haven't checked Rio or space or seasons..but I know darn well i paid for ad-free versions of all..
    OB I'm having a horrible day all around..a strong PigKiller please..
    And @rat fbb is not allowed to be drunk..not here..
    Sorry everyone i can't keep up
    Hi @Hunnybunny glad you had a wonderful trip,;)
  • @Kathy You mean WITHIN the pause screen, right? That's the newest version of Rovio News. I'm very much not a fan. I've sent my 6th or so request to Rovio asking for the return of Postman Piggy or removal of (self-)advertisements from a paid app.
  • Yes @Amslimfordy i guess yes its when you hit restart very annoying..I've sent them a post also..ty for reply so i know I'm not completely nutters ..hope your enjoying your holiday weekend:)
  • Oh yeah..i forgot about postman piggie lol..:) he was good:) you could turn him off..except for the sad face lol;) that i didn't mind..
  • Good night all..
    *places flashlight on @Kimmiecv booth
    Sorry busy day today and tomorrow (( hugs))
  • Hi guys, just popping in and say good night
  • @kathy what's up with putting the flashlight at @kimmie's booth? I just never got that....
    Oh wait, it's so she can go to Dreamland. I used to work there (You don't have to be the real life age limit to be hired). That's because I was kicked out of La La Land for "Repeated use of the incorrect pronunciation of pasghetti".
    Actually I still get called back in sometimes. Maybe I'll see @kimmie there once.
  • Hahaa funny @tas! :D
    @hunnybunny great pics thanks for sharing your trip with us. :)

    *shines KitKats flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out candles to see her safely through Dreamland * I hope you have a great time at the party tomorrow KitKat! You ought to since you did so much slave labour for the hag!! ;D
  • @Hunnybunny I'm so glad I dropped by the BP! Thanks for taking me on such a magnificent cruise with you! My favorite pic is the one of Gullfoss - absolutely breath taking! I think a travel forum would be fun.
  • *Mouth gaping open to the extent of reports of a chinlike object rooted in the ground in China* Wow @hunnybunny, Iceland is AMAZEANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • @minh I know you're lurking......
  • I'm leaving for a week-long scout camp today, so I won't have access to ABN-- or anything, for that matter-- for a eight days. See you guys next Sunday, and I hope to come back to a new Space update!
  • Hey @all ,
    Today, I got my first Top Score :D :D :D :D
    In Pig Dipper 6-16
    I beat Top Scorer by 140 points, so it will not stay long.....

    Edit: I beat top score by 240 points. Thanks to @Rat - The incredible Space Flinger :D
  • @AngryBirdsSpaceMaster have fun on your scout camp and see you next week!
    @theanonymoussomeone The flashlights Kathy and I use are there because we always wonder in here when we should be sleeping. Even if I said I turned down the lights, I am so helpless, I stumble in here in the dark if I have to. So Kimmie gave us some flashlights to guide our way even when it is dark. But when we finally REALLY decided that we are going to close our eyes, we turn them in with Kimmie, just a precaution we don't sneak back in.
    @hey ffb!
    @Lisko... tell us, did you reach your one week anniversary?
    @Hunnybunny, It is nice to see you shared your story about your holiday. I am far to busy to read it all, but that is the great thing of the BP, I can always read back :D I did see the photos and they are amazing!
    @Kimmie you are still up? Good thing it is the weekend for you, if you read this on your way to your pillow walk, have a great one and sleep tight! Love ya
  • @aman congratz!!
Post in the New Forum!