The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1687
  • Yay @aman! Yeah it won't last long though..... I got a top score from being the third to post a score for a new Winter Wonderham level. Of course, it wasn't very high and got beaten immediately.
  • Still lurking... Just finished RFM and wait for the classic levels
  • Nooooo page change! Magnet hands go! *Gets stuck to the wall* CURSE YOU MAGNET HANDS!
  • Sooooooo..... What have you been doin lately?
  • Just trying to get 3-star in all levels of ABO
  • Yeah, it's tough, I did it before I jailbroke my nook and before they made the Bad Piggies chapter + game.
  • [deleted by admin]
  • Thanks @E* :)

    @tas Yes, I know my score won't last long... :D
  • My J-14 score lasted a while until...... Well I don't know when cause they didn't have the new notification system.
  • I'm [edit by admin]
  • @aman I would venture a guess that your top score will survive for a long, long time. It was recently a challenge and no one, myself included, could best the current score. BTW, you beat the score by 240 points, not 140. Might as well be 24,000 points. It will be hard to beat. Congrats and long live the "Master" of Pig Dipper 6-16. We're not worthy to breathe the rarefied air up where you exist.
  • I think @angryboy and @harrystar6 are the same age as you too, @firebombbird:)
  • Thanks @Rat , I hope my score survive for a long time.
    Yes, this level was a challenge 1-2 weeks ago.
    On the challenge day, with more than 50 tries, my highest score was only 69K.
    Today I got 72k, with only 4-5 tries. Very Lucky shot :D
  • @aman Well, if it only takes 4 or 5 flings, I might take another go at it. You knocked me down to 3rd place. I don't like high numbers. LOL
  • @Rat Keep flinging in PD 6-16, same as Crazy-Rider's video. I hope, You'll got it :)

    Edit: Amazing!! I just see that You're #1 in Fry me to the Moon, Red Planet & Pig Dipper. Danzer Zone too !!!!!
    I think, You're the Best AB Space flinger :D
  • Lol @theanonymousesomeone la la land Roflmao
    @ AngryBirdsSpaceMaster enjoy your scouting trip
    Congrats @Aman for your first top score..great feeling isn't it?
    Thanks for all the wonderful pics @Hunnybunny looking forward to your forum:)
  • Thanks @kathy,
    Yep, I'm feeling great, hope my first Top Score will survive for long time :D
  • Hope you don't get that notification--your score has been beaten :D
  • @fbb - LOL, I hope so ;)
  • My new forum is up and running. Not just for travellers, you can contribute on where you live. I'm especially looking forward to something from FBB and HarryStar as they live in countries I've never visited, you never know they may tempt me !
  • @theanonymoussomeone @firebomb bird @anger management @amslimfordy Please delete all the ages of teenagers. If you want to share this info, please think twice and only share through PM
  • Sorry about that
  • @mvnla2 I have deleted the age in @theanonymoussomeone and edited @ffb comment. I think @AM comment can stay, cause it only says they are of the same age and with the actual age deleted I think it doesn't do any harm any more. Does that cover all the ages @mvnla2?
    cc @AMslimfordy
  • @hunnybunny, great news, are you going to do similar bio's of your other holidays, because I would love to read them:] I think I remember hearing you say that you have done something like this for each of your other trips on a website or blog or something, if so then could you direct me to it, or copy and paste the descriptions into your great new forum:D
  • What does "cc" mean ?
  • Carbon Copy, @firebombbird:) It is commonly used in E-Mail's in order to send to numerous people:) bcc means Blind Carbon Copy, meaning that it will be sent to numerous people, but the recipients think that it has only been sent to them, or the E-Mail addresses of the other recipients are secret, one of the only things I remember from 3 years of ICT classes;D
  • @Angermanagement After two weeks of no flingin', I almost feel good enough to try. Isn't modern medicine great. Ice up that cake.
  • Go'n get 'em @rat :D
  • No, I meant "cc" in @E-Star's comment
  • @fbb She mention (@), AMslimfordy, to let him know about the age related comments.
  • @ffb cc = carbon copy (carbon was used in the old days it is paper coated on one side with pigmented coating. makes a copies simultaneous when writing with ballpoint pen on the regular paper on top of it) , this is used mainly in email, so the person in the cc knows it is just an fyi and the message doesn't need a reply from that person. And some extra info a bcc = blind carbon copy this is used in the email when you do want someone to get a copy of the email, but the main recipient does not see that you sent a copy of that email to another person.
  • Just checking in. At the beach and can't do much. E* you have handled this? (You have editing privileges in Forum??? Why didn't I remember this.... )
  • @Angermanagement Sorry, but my neighbor needs my help. Keep your priorities in life straight. Angry Birds still falls lower than a friend in need. I was getting close though. 425 points to go....Maybe later tonight. Boy it sure hurts to get that close and stop. I'm going to have AB withdrawals while I chauffeur my neighbor. I guess this means I need another visit to ABA.
  • @E-Star - Thanks for asking! I'm going great! We just came home from hubby's grandparents' summer cottage. They are building a guest house and they had to finish the roof before it starts raining so we were there the whole day. We went fishing with TLM and ate A LOT of forest strawberries and blueberries while others were building the roof. Now I'm totally exhausted even when it's not even 8pm yet. I guess it's 'cause we were out all day :D

    Oh, and yesterday evening hubby taught me how to weld! It was just great! :D I really need some practise, but going to learn how to do it properly! I've been trying to figure out all kinds of stuff to do so that I wouldn't think of taking any drinks and so far I've been very successful :D
  • That's fine, @rat, you'll get it soon:] I've finalised your cake:) Well done, @lisko:D
  • @AMSlimfordy I guess @Birdleader didn't mention it to you, but it makes life easier for me seeing I am active in Ripsys thread of the birthdays, the Avatar contest and here at the BP :D
  • And so the party 96° wind blowing all the tablecloths, had to double side tape every one in 6-8 plaCes!! Decorations up !! Peoples arriving can't wait till its over!!!
  • @kathy ermmm have maybe ehhh fun? no kidding I do hope you do have a better time than expected and good luck with the high temps and wind!
  • Ow and @AMSlimfordy don't forget the sunscreen and ENJOY!! I did edit the comments, hope that is okay with you :)
  • @E-Star - I'm totally speechless! And I think I've got something in my eye! I know that one week isn't much but it truly is a new beginning :D
  • @Lisko The slogan is "one day at a time" that means 7 days is a big accomplishment. Sure there is a long road ahead, but I can imagine the first couple of days are the hardest. Not saying the rest will be a breeze, but I think a week is worth celebrating. I hope I can live up to this promis, but I have the plan of making one very so often to celebrate a mile stone. So keep at it and before you know it in one years time you will have a wall full of badges :D
  • But I do want to ask the other Nesters in here, anyone objects to the staying sober talk, because please do say so. I can understand this topic might be to heavy for a recurrant topic. I can take it into the PMs with Lisko and anyone who wants to be in the loop. Just be honest... @Lisko they can be honest right, you understand if there are persons in here that rather not have to read about this every so often?
  • @E-Star - Hahaha :D I'm going to stick with the plan so you just have to start preparing the other badges xD

    Oh, and yeah hubby's really teching me how to weld! Yep, I know it's not the most feminine hobby, but I really liked it! :D He also promised that if I can stay sober longer, he'll get me my own project car so I can keep on learning :D I don't think I've got a choice 'cause I just love cars and it would be great to fix one completely on my own :D

    Edit: @E-Star - I completely understand! And if someone wants this out, it's totally okay for me and I won't be holding any grudge against anyone 'cause of it :)
Post in the New Forum!