The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1695
  • Not sure which age refer to @hunnybunny cause at 35 I too am a strong believer of ch chivalry LOL... nah... maybe not that... just a strong believer in thinking of others before yourself and Hubby has been taught very well :p
  • And ermmm snap? as in a snap of the fingers? I think I have gotten lost in translation and have no idea what you snapped Hunnybunny... but luckily @rat knows :D
  • Indeed, my equality, good job, better pay than he who does nor fling. Fought all the way for it, but never lost my femininity. And married to a man who walks on the proper side of the pavement
  • We have snap beans, Snapple drinks, and we have an actress on a situation comedy that says snap all the time.
  • Snap is a card game, for kids, you turn up the same card, you say snap. Rat and me referred to chivalry in the same moment. So snap
  • Got me on that one.
  • Ahhh makes sense HunnyBunny and no I did not know about this. And lol on the right side of the pavement, mine does to! Actually he also sleeps on the side of the bed closest to the door too (or is this so he can run away as fast as he can when the monthly time is due LOL)
  • We say jinx.
  • We three shall have to start a chivalry campaign. Forget those wildebeest of men who push past you, and those dreadful women who complain if a man is polite, let alone give up her seat for her
  • Uh oh. Testosterone waning. Got to go watch me some sports. Later
  • Jinx, like a hex, or bad spell here, or Halle Berry in a Bond film
  • Mumsie goes to rub her eyes when she realises she is holding a deliciously cold G&T ! Looks around and sees @rat talking to @hunnybunny. Mumsie tunes in her ears and whilst delighted to hear that @rat considers her a friend s somewhat discombumerated to hear @rat doesn't consider her a woman!
  • IKR Hunnybunny, what is up with that?? why be upset if a men goes out of his way to make live easier.
    And @mister Rat I know about jinx I think we do have a saying, but it makes no sense anymore, it came from a commercial of a hardware store "Gamma" and it had the character say at the end, "like I said, Gamma" Not sure the teens overhere know about that phrase, so I might have to be cautious in using it ;)
  • Keep it up Rat. A man with withering testosterone ..........
  • Whoever says jinx first after both people say something must receive a small remuneration.
  • No way... Rat afraid of a little hormon imbalance in the BP?? I figured you where up to the task, so I am a bit let down @rat. Hope the sports will help :p
  • I've come to save you @rat;]
  • @all Some days it just doesn't pay to get up. Just ask @mumsie.
  • How's everybody doing?
  • Thank you @rat for my new word of the day "remuneration"... on purpose or are you a fan of using the word "remuneration"... I have also NO CLUE as how to pronounce this word?! And because writing in English works the best for me when I talk (YES quietly in my head!!) English to myself, so I know which words I want to write... so never going to (wait a sec have to copy and paste the word again LOL) "remuneration" for sure... sorry rat, it is not going to stick :/
  • Rat I owe you
  • Estar re new mer ray tion
  • Hey AM, doing well, was just working on commenting my videos in the second part of Hamoween. I finished the videos a week ago, but didn't get around to leave links for the Nesters in need. Almost done, currently at 2-10. How are you today?
  • Maybe if I crank up the BBQ, I'll feel more manly. Thanks @AM. Their all yours. Watch those cheek pinching fingers.
  • @estar No, I don't get to use that one very often. But it fit perfectly.
  • Bye Rat, crank it up, if it helps
  • Over here we say jinx, and one person who extends that to 'touch wood', then carries on to touch something made of wood, the other person isn't allowed to talk until someone says their name:]
  • See ya @rat :/ (;D)
  • I'm fine @estar & @hunnybunny, finsihed my second day of work experience!
  • Thank Hunnybunny! not sure it will stick though, but thanks for trying.
    Well poooo my mister @rat turns out to be a wimpy scared mouse :/
  • @estar I'm a MAN of few words. And remuneration took the place of at least five words.
  • Estar I thought you were revisiting TorT, or was that someone else?
    AM come on boy, seasons are calling, I'll chase Estar up the leader boards, you can chase me
  • @hunnybunny Oh, you mean pump it up. I've heard of that.
  • @hunnybunny, if you look closely, then it is 're mew ne ray tyon', it means something to do with compensation for doing something, in this case if two people say something at the same time, wow!
  • isn't that the same MAN vs FEW WORDS?? hahahah LOL but please do enjoy the BBQ and I hope you feel manly soon again, sorry to have made them run and hide with all the femininity in here.
  • Ahhh, you cought me @hunnybunny, I've decided to stay were I am good (~ish) in ABSW & AB Space!
  • Nahhh HunnyBunny, TorT was a few months ago, worked my way thru the first episodes of seasons and currently at bleckkk the halls, sorry I mean wreck the halls.
  • AM we don't have that jinx thing down south, how do these non English speaking people keep up with our diverse language. Respect to Annifrid, FBB, cosmo, and all the others
  • I just checked the leaderboards and I see you are a exclusive Seasons girl too @hunnybunny Did not know that :D I did sneak a peak in other AB games, but mwehhh nothing compares to Seasons :D
  • I know @hunnybunny, I'm pretty impressed with anyone who can learn more than one language, I find it quite ironic that I spent my infant years learning the most complex language on Earth, yet I can't learn any languages now, I just forget it all, and I suppose the lack of enthusiasm doesn't help;D
  • And Queen Bunny on the bonus levels. I'm proud of that. No LOL. Just proud
  • That's where this 'lil gang differs, I'm a Star Wars kid with Space served cold on the side;]
  • AM I'm 53, never found any enthusiasm for other language, other than ordering from menus, I love food, cooking, cooking and eating, and cooking
  • I just fot a notification today that my one and only Topscore I had was taken, so feel proud about my place in Seasons but it got a dent today for sure.
  • My AB side dish is Rio, play with my niece, never posted scores, and wont
  • I hate other languages, especially learning them, but I secretly wish I could speak Finnish for some reason xD
  • The internet uses English, so there was a need to get the hang of it I suppose. I am not sure I would have invested so much time and effort in learning English if that wasn't the main language used (or if the syfy translator was actually invented and we understood our different languages).
  • Have you ever tried SW or Space, @hunnybunny?
  • Estar I have four top scores, but you are 30 places above me (a sneak peek there) so don't complain :-))))
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