The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1694
  • These bloody drugs have me seeing double again. Hut, 2 3 4, Hut, 2 3 4

  • Lol @rat, are you even a tiny bit afraid the space update will be disaster like the abo one?
  • Bite your tongue for uttering such profanity @grammyk
  • WHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA WHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA @Kathy your new avy is Hillllaaarrriiiooouuussss!!!! :D Your a Loon!! Can't stay, have to finish my 10hr work day but HAD to pop in to say something!!!!! :D
    See yas all later!! :)
  • @rat, lol, tongue is well bitten from holding back in my comments elsewhere :-)

  • Anyone lurking ?
  • No one in here ? See you guys in the morning
  • Morning and goodbye:)
  • Great avatar @kathy xD
  • Well an early one worked last week, so in honour of TorT 2-12

    Good morning all
  • Good morning
    Funny avatar @Kathy and beautiful avatar @Annifrid, summer night themed huh ?
  • @fbb - Your night is pretty short, 9.19am - 1.10pm :D Less than 4 hours :D
  • He he, actually it's 6:00 PM over here
  • @fbb Yep, summer night Bomb bird's picnic with fireworks :D
  • Very creative :)
  • I just got a top score in Cloud City 4-4, beat the previous #1 by 30 points :D Drinks on me!!
  • Congrats @Annifrid :) Cheers
    OB, one special Bacon Ice Cream for @Annifrid please
  • Thanks @mvnla2 and @E-Star for the birthday wishes, and to anyone else I missed.

    Hmm, I replied to @angermanagement's post, but it doesn't seem to show up here -- or maybe I'm just not seeing it. Anyway, don't want anyone to think I was not over-the-top impressed by such a magnificent (and delicious!) cake!

    Thank you everyone for making me feel so special on my birthday! I didn't expect turning 53 to be such a wonderful event -- this will definitely be one of my favorite birthdays ever.

    And I even had -- briefly! -- a 1st place spot on one of the levels in this week's Star Wars Friends Tournament. That's never happened before, I can tell you! Well, OK, maybe only about 12 other people were playing, but never mind.

    And the heat wave we've been having has finally broken, so last night I slept in nice cool air for the first time in ages. Today is quite damp and humid, but at least it's cool; what a relief.

    All in all -- a stellar day! Thanks so much, all my wonderful friends!
  • @fbb - Haha, the forum shows you your own time so that's what I meant :D
  • "fire bomb bird 9:19AM Flag
    No one in here ? See you guys in the morning"

    "fire bomb bird 1:10PM Flag
    Good morning"

    Still wondering why I posted that comment? :)
  • I'm so confusing about the time zone
  • @minh -- don't worry. I've completely given up trying to figure out the time zone thing. Since I drop in at random times myself, I just chat with whoever happens to be around, and try to catch up belatedly with people I missed. But I'm not nearly as good as you are about stopping by so often; so most of the time I don't even know what's going on!
  • @Lisko -- are you being extra nice to me this week, and letting me win the Star Wars tournament, or are you just giving me a false sense of security, so that you can blow me out of the water, as per usual by the end of the week? :D
  • Hey @junkenmetel, I'm glad you liked your cake:) Hey @firebombbird, I am UTC0, @lisko is UTC+2 (which means if I posted a comment at 3:34PM, she would see the timestamp at 5:34PM) and you are UTC+7 (which means you see the time-stamp at 10:34PM) and Eastern Americans, such as JunkenMetel are UTC-5 (Eastern Time Zone), which means she would see the time-stamp at 10:34AM, then people in Chicago, moving westwards, are UTC-6 (Central Time Zone) and will see the time-stamp at 9:34AM, people in Utah are in UTC-7 (Mountain Time Zone), so they will see the time-stamp at 8:34AM, people in California, such as MVNLA2, are in UTC-8 (Pacific Time Zone), so they will see the time-stamp at 7:34AM, people in Alaska are in UTC-9, so they will observe the time-stamp at 6:34AM, people in the Aleutian Islands and Hawaii are in UTC-10, so they will see the timestamp at 5:34AM. Moving on to Europe, the UK, Ireland, Portugal and Iceland will see the comment at 3:34PM, in UTC0 (Greenwich Mean Time-GMT). People in the Netherlands, like E-Star, will see the time-stamp at 4:34PM, as they are in UTC+1, then people in Eastern Europe will see the time-stamp at 5:34PM, as they are in UTC+2, while yuriyigolkin will see the time-stamp at 6:34PM, as he lives in Russia, with UTC+3. However, most countries in the world have daylight saving time zones in the summer, and since all of us are in the summer, then we will all still see the time-stamp as the aforementioned times:]

    Here's some reading material for anyone that is bored.
  • Ohhh isn't that lovley @sunshine :)
    @Mumsie is going to love it!!!
    ,hnn wonder who left it?
  • Thanks for the compliments on avatar @angermanagement
    @firebombbird and everyone if i missed it;)
  • And very nice avatar @Annifrid:)
  • Congrats on the top score in ABSW 4-4, @annifrid:D
  • My notifications are acting up.just got notice of @angermanagement awesome cake, but its on the last page lol..well better later than never glad li didn't miss it!! Great job am;)
  • Your avatar is also awesome @Kathy ;)
  • Thanks @Annifrid a friend made it for me:) i love it:)
  • Thanks @kathy, help yourself to a bluebird muffin:]
  • Don't mind if i do ty @angermanagement :)
    Mmmm.. Delectably Delicious :)
  • Well I'm off to cloud city..have a great day all
    I'll be lurking:)
  • Have fun (well fun fun, I have heard some sounds that fun and Cloud City don't go well together in one sentence hahahah) @kathy bring home some bacon!
    And I like you avy as well, fits you perfect little miss error box ;)
  • Mumsie wearily enters the BP after she had set the alarm for 7am but woke and saw that it was 6:25 and decided to get up as she had to go to the supermarket to get ingredients for the onion soup and birthday cake that she had to make before going to play golf. Had a shower dressed and made a cup of tea which she drank sitting in the garden, the weather was so nice. Went back into the kitchen and noticed the time was 5:55!!! (Note to self wear glasses to check time on watch or buy a watch with a bigger face! ) Went shopping, came home, baked cake, made soup, cleared kitchen , went to play bad golf in glorious weather, came home, visited Mum, made other half of birthday cake (for Mum who will be 90 on Thursday!). Mumsie feels totally enervated (maybe word of the day for @rat) so makes her weary way to her rocking chair, asking OB for a large G&T en route, then gasps with surprise and joy and smiles hugely. There on her chair is the most beautiful, hand crocheted cushion! Mumsie notices the note which says it is from an anonymous admirer! How intriguing - Thank you whoever you are. Mumsie settles down, raises her glass and beams!
  • OB catches Mumsie's G&T glass as her hand opens as she falls asleep, OB covers Mumsie with her throw.
  • @Mumsie, sleep tight
    @Kathy, I too love the avatar
    @Annifrid, well done, that moment, when you can't believe your eyes, TOP SCORE! Bacon ice cream on me
    @AngerManagement, time zones..............zzzzzzzz LOL
  • *nudges @mumsie* You'll feel stronger after your G&T. Next time don't get started so early. You know you wear out easily. Here, have another G&T on me. Don't want you getting enervated again.
  • @Rat maid obviously home, you just condescended to serve a woman:-)
  • Not a woman, a friend in need.
  • Mumsie may take exception to that. A lady friend in need, surely
  • Besides, I believe in chivalry as I stated days ago.
  • Remember the chivalry, us women of a certain age just love it
  • Equality with benefits, remember?
  • Do you have snap in the US?
  • I'm not sure @hunnybunny.
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