The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1696
  • I think you do a great job, @estar, you miss the e off of the end of words that have slient e's, such as therefore, but I think you have done better at learning English than I would at learning Dutch;) Days like these make me glad I'm not a Trekkie, having to learn their Gluk Gla language or whatever xD
  • AM, no, once I've finished with seasons ABSW will be next, just from hearing about Kathy and Kimmie's exploits. But I came so late to AB, so little time, so much to catch up
  • What about AB Space?
  • Ahhh, and it is a great game, you'll love it:]
  • Not complaining at all HunnyBunny, cause indeed I have no reason to, but it did look kinda nice to have at least one of those lovely trophies there.
  • And compete against Mister Rat, King of Space, I'd rather tempt him to Seasons, where I have a head start, and get trounced eventually
  • I agree, I remember being the first to post my scores in the BFM, and I got all 10 Top Scores, good times;D
  • I can imagine I do AM cause like I mentioned most of the time I am dictation the words I want to say inside my head and silent "e" are therefor (without "e" right? Spell check doesn't give a red line here so figure that is without an "e") I probably miss the silent letter a lot. Also forget the "r" when I write your, and reading some of my comments back it does look silly, never figured out why I didn't see it in the first place. Must be a blind spot or something.
  • ahhahaa scary indeed, but I think if I had to choose, I would rather hunt mister @rat in Space than follow Kathy and Kimmie into the loony bin with the rinse and repeat one birdie levels in SW
  • Ah Estar, you miss a lot of letters, but always make sense.
    Here's to top scores, trophies, and good flinging.
    Off to water the garden. Estar knows how tiny it is, but it still needs my love and attention
  • It's alright @estar, I believe the word for therefore in Dutch is 'therefor' anyway (?) Also, it is basically a compilation of there and for, with a random e on the end:] I guess you have to be rhotic to pronounce the r in your, I always assumed that one was a typo, it happens to me about have the time I write that word:]
  • Glad I do make sense hahaha, cause I am not aware that I miss that many, but I only rely on my inner dictionary and the occasional flagging of the spellcheck. I just type and check for red squiggles, if not there I assume all words are English, not knowing of course if the word I mean is also the word I typed LOL. But I am just glad I do make sense and I can write my thoughts to the worlds, cause it is an amazing world and Iove meeting people from all over the world out the comfort of my own home :D

    And AM I am not sure what you really trying to explain with there and for, but if I understand correct, I indeed translate "there" and "for" and stick it together cause that is what we use over here "daarvoor" (daar=there and voor=for)
  • Goodnight @hunnybunny, goodnight @estar, goodnight lurkers:)
  • Mumsie looks up from her conversation with OB, smiles fondly at all her friends chatting together then glances at the world clocks behind the bar sees that it is now 17and a half hours since she got up and 'poofs' home to get some sleep before golf tomorrow.
  • Ahh, they stick the words together and add a random e in there for no reason, I guess I have no idea about Dutch then;D
  • Enjoy your golf @mumsie:) 17 1/2 hours is a long time to stay up :o NIGHT ALL:)
  • Hee hee indeed HunnyBunny it is tiny but looks so nice, so better give the plants some water so it will continue to be a nice retreat :D
    And good night to you AM going to finish up my comments in Hamoween and see if I can fling some birdies in the not so loved snow of wreck the halls.

    As always it has been a pleasure :D

    And @rat, coast is clear, E* has left the BP so you can return now ;)
  • Night night @mumsie that is indeed a LONG day! sweet dreams!
  • @EStar @AM @Hunnybunny - I'm not into learning languages at all, and all the eight English teachers I've had at school were terrible. But I love learning song lyrics and reading every possible internet discussion, and that's why I'm not like some of my classmates who (after 10 years of learning English) don't know that you should add "s" to the word to make plural :D
  • @Annifrid Don't know about your pronunciation, but your grammar is excellent. Better than many who have English as a first language
    Goodnight all x
  • Thanks @hunnybunny :) and good night
  • Thanks for checking out the Blog everyone. I had more views come from here than my Facebook post. Tonight's will be thrilling.
  • @Ripsy you can tell how many look at it ¿ I didn't know if i was supposed to do anything like reply or subscribe..i did read it:) very well written and interesting..
    Hee hee i like your dream jobs:)
    Your a very good writer:)
  • @Kimmiecv I'm turning in my flashlight early tonight
    Still going to fling a bit but will probably fall asleep I'm midst fling lol
    * places flashlight on Kimmiecv booth.n well beaten in didn't turn in last night so it needs a double..sorry*
    OB I'll have a PigKiller please and Kimmie drinks on me for the rest of the night:)
  • @kathy The site tells me how many viewed it and what link they came from.
  • Ohh that's cool Ripsy:) night sorry i gotta learn to get sleep early:(
  • Thanks for the compliments @kathy. I have another one started for tonight. But I have a lot of other things that need finished first.
  • I see you have a new avatar, but i can't really tell e what it is..I'll check your profile page before bed..
  • And good luck with the sleeping.
  • Your welcome:) and lol see what happens...i gotta gooooo...
    *OB kicks Kathy out on her butt*
  • Hello all.
  • Just looked at the Birdday thread and saw @Angryboy, @AngerManagement, @anonymousomeone and me are Virgo, strange...because we are boys.
  • *poofs in with heavy duty repair kit, works hard on getting dings, dents and scrapes out of KitKats flashlight, sets candles out to see her safely through Dreamland *

    @lisko wonderful to hear you not only went to a party and didn't drink but that your friends were there to support you!! Bravo!!! :)

    @Ripsy guess you already know I read your blog too, funny stuff, had no idea it was a day in the life of Ripsy though! Thought it was just a funny story!! LOL :D

    I'm off to conquer CC (bleck!!) And return some overdo PMs!

    Everyone have a great Day/Night!!

    Thanks @KitKat :) OB can I please have a SunUpper and if you'd have the blues send one over to CC every oh say half hour/45 min I might make it through without killing something besides piggies, namely my phone!! Thanks your a gem!! :)
  • I noticed that too, @firebombbird, it is fun being born in early September, as I am usually the oldest in my year, but one of my best friends was born one day before me;)
  • Off to another day in the museum, see y'all later:]
  • @Kathy I saw the Error Box on my phone five times yesterday.

    I'm off to my sister's birdday party, no time for killing piggies today ;)
  • *sneaks in on lunch hour..whistles for blues...takes them out to the aviary,
    *now listen your doing a great job here..hands down wonderful..BUT..ermm
    Hear the other Birdies you can take some time off if you'd like..remember this is your Second job..:) killing piggies comes first..and err um yes well in cc4-10 your kinda slacking..go on now go practice a bit:) with pay yes of course:)=
    * sneaks back out quickly*
  • @kathy Our worries for Android are over. Rovio's Progress cloud is available for Android users. I did it and it works perfectly. Only for ABO right now. Others will follow.
  • Afternoon @all
    @ripsy "Nutty bars"?????? New or old addiction? ;)
    @kathy sweet little Miss you've got there :D
  • @jlz Nutty Bars have been a favorite of mine since childhood.
  • @jlz Will finally try to get back to you today or tonight.
  • Never heard of them but they sound like a limited edition kitkat with peanut butter that they brought out over here.......very nice but verrrrry bad ;)
  • Don't be silly @ripsy no worries,it was just an elbow in the ribs ;)
  • You must try them. I could send you a package of 2.
  • Noooooooooooo!! Well ok.......wait.......NO.....that's my final answer......Maybe ;)
  • Not sure of shipping rates for something that size to you. Probably $20
  • They are best when they are fresh. The peanut butter still nice and moist. Yummm.
  • HA! And then some! Shipping is horrific and costs 4 times more than the actual product plus can you imagine the gooey mess that would arrive? Very sweet of you but I'll just wait on my Cake bread thanks very much LOL!!
  • @harrystar6--Is it my imagination or are you shooting at me in your avatar? Oh, it's on now Harry!!!
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