The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1698
  • Hi all, anyone lurking? My ipad arrived early, this evening, instead of tomorrow, now i have a question about game center.
  • Hi @grammyk, I'm no expert but I can try to help out :)
  • Hey @grammyk congrats on the ipad:) !
    But alas i am Android so i know nothing of maybe@Kimmiecv would know..not sure she is familiar with gamecenter either..
    Maybe ask on the main site or check forum topics?
  • Nice avatar btw @grammyk :) hi @karen68 :)
  • Lol, scared to make forum since slim shut me down the other day, and search sucks
  • Hi @kathy :) Love the avatar! How's life in Cloud City?
    @grammyk I play on ipad too.
  • Im just wondering when i start to play game, is game center automatic (i have set up nick etc) or do i have to register each game?
  • And are the free versions different or waste of time. I just finished downloading the 5 paid versions
  • @kathy, yeah , i like this avatar too
  • I believe it is automatic.. I don't remember registering the individual games I have on there. Why don't you try a couple of levels & see?
    On the free versions there are some different levels, but a lot are the same, & there aren't a whole lot of levels overall.
  • Hmm, well i will download the free stuff and use as ipad training lol
  • And in the app store, i cant find quit function. When i press home button on the ipad it acts like it minimizes, hoping it quits and isnt using network data
  • And, this is kinda weird , not a question, i am anal about the placement of my icons , so arranging them is different than android and is proving to be a puzzle in itself to get them in the order i like :-)
  • @grammyk touch & hold an icon until it starts moving with a black "x" in the corner. DO NOT click the X, this deletes the app. But touch the icon & you should be able to slide it around. Click the home button to stop the movement.
  • Sorry got called good luck @grammyk
    @Karen life in Cc not to gives when it feels like it if you have the patience to wait lol
    I'm going back in talk to you all later:)
  • @karen68, thanks for help :-) i wont be sleeping much tonight as i am so fling starved :-)
  • @kathy, thanks :-) ttyl
  • @kathy the last 20 levels of CC are soooo much better than the first 20. I didn't like them at all but I enjoyed several of the last ones. Good luck to you & your fellow Powah Twin :)
  • @grammyk maybe OB should set you up with a large pot of coffee to get you through the night. Have fun, any other questions just ask, someone is sure to know the answer!
    I remember when we first got our ipad it was so much easier to have someone who already owned one explain how things worked.
  • Thanks @karen68 something to look forward to,:)
  • @grammyk congrats on the iPad! You don't need a credit card to buy apps or music, etc. I use iTunes gift cards. You get a double hit on the taxes, but the only thing anyone can pilfer from you is whatever is left in the account. This is particularly useful with kids who think nothing of tapping 'buy'.
    Do you plan to sync your iPad with a computer? It's a good idea to do for backups. I find it much much easier to arrange icons while connected to the computer. Also, you can nest icons as well by placing a few icons on top of each other. For example, all my AB games are nested into one icon.
    Have fun!
    I'm in & out occasionally this week. At a spa in Mexico with my mom....
  • Thanks @abcrazy, i am not sure whether to use cloud backup or computer yet. Currently set to cloud. My galaxy tab 10.1 was stable for 1.5 years i had it and used every single day so i am getting lax on backups.
  • *poofs in grabs e-stars flashlight from the safe, buffs and shines it and sets out candles to see her continued safe journey through Dreamland * @e-star is the video above only supposed to show the first shot? If not its freezing on me :(

    @grammyk as to GC no you don't need to do anything, the second you upload a new game if its in GC it will automatically be there and rack up the badges or scores you recieve so you don't need to do anything. :)

    @Kathy not sure what's going on but there are loads of peeps running round with your avy?! What's up, a gang avy party?
    Doh grammyk is one of them LOL! Shoulda looked closer!! Heehee your all running round with the same avy?!! Too funny!! :D

    If your lurking Hello @karen68!! :) Sorry I can't stay, doing Dad stuff, hope your enjoying your evening!! :)

    Ok just wanted to pop in while I had a ciggy break and am left alone for a few! :)
    BBL when stuff slows down! See yas
  • Rofl, @kimmiecv, the avi's are different when u look closely :-)

    Rain pic. Happy that iPad allows me to upload my own pics :-)
  • Gotta scoot...
    *places flashlight on @Kimmiecv booth..=*
    Way past my self promised bedtime...
    *stomps feet...I'm not tired!!!!*
  • Lol @Kimmiecv hee hee..gang avy party hahaha..
    hee hee..
  • Oh that probably bad..:(
  • Never mind night night lol:)
  • *quickly poofs back in, grabs flashy..15 , more minutes*
  • Lol @kathy, amazing how this game cuts into ones sleep. :-)
  • Lol @grammyk yep..just one more fling..will get us every time:)
  • For me , unemployment plus no sleep schedule plus new ipad equals happy. Broke but happy :-)
  • Lol ... more time to get stuff done I'm sure..
    I swear the piggies tease me..give me a glimmer of hope.
    I really should go though:(
    Night @grammyk..:) my avy gang little miss hahaha Kimmie to funny.
    *reluctantly..very reluctantly places flashlight on @Kimmiecv booth *
    Wipes tears...i know i can beat that level..i just know it..*
    *poofs away quickly*
  • Hot off the press, a new blog. I would like to tag @lisko in this one specifically. I would also like to say good luck to her. :D
  • Awesome writing @ripsy, hope its ok to use this nickname for you, i can never remember rdn..... between scrolling up between comment and comment writer.
  • @grammy thanks on the writing and no problem on the name. I sometimes forget my real handle. I have been Ripsy for so long. Would love to stay, but bed is calling. Night everyone.
  • @grammy k, do you have this link on your iPad? It is the complete iPad guide
  • @bpc, thanks, i sure can use that :-)
  • Its funny, but some of the struggle is not the machine but the apps. E.g. safari , facebook , so far. Quite different than i'm used to and not intuative to me.
  • I was just about over the Santa Hat Glitch and was about to start Seasons, but with the latest news of yet another major glitch not "available" on the current version with ACB... This is getting old. I'll be giving the rest of Seasons a pass, except for the occasional Daily Challenge. What a friggin shame :(
  • *poofs in to fav booth, shines KitKats flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out candles to see her safely to Dreamland * Bad KitKat! Naughty girl! LOL your almost as bad as e-star and I! :D And nothing's bad about the new avy gang! It's just hard to tell you all apart is all, I did notice after grammyk said something that the characters are different shapes but I think it's all that white, made me at first think you were all sporting the same avys as they're all of a sudden popping up all over ABN!! LOL :D
  • Maybe it is time I give up on AB. Seasons leaderboard is meaningless with some players able to get over 100k advantage over other players on a level playing current version. Makes me wonder about other levels in the other games. What is the point in competing? I guess this is it for me. So disappointing... it was fun when I was still under the illusion the playing field was at least somewhat level. Not anymore :(
  • Hahaha! @rdnzlrips82 - the only reason I am laughing is that they remain safe & much loved!! Brought back memories of when my, then 5 year old son, locked himself in the downstairs toilet after been told off and proceeded to unlock the (tiny) transom window - put in specifically so that an adult would not be able to break into the house via that route - however we hadn't thought of preventing small people getting out! - he then climbed onto the toilet onto the (equally small) window ledge and wriggled out - this window is over 6ft above the ground, landed on the bonnet of the car (thank God is was parked on the drive!) and ran down the road - did I mention he was in pyjamas? -thankfully my mother, who lives opposite to us, happened to glance out and see him as he turned out of the driveway and rang me! I caught him about 300 yards away!
  • Good morning my fellow flingers :D

    I totally understand the feeling about the glitch, if it weren't for my jailbroken iPad and my video making carrier, I too would probably turn my back... nah... probably wouldn't, even if I would have the 100k extra (which I didn't get, just 20k, like many others, only 2 donnmega and ernor have exuberant high scores) I would never reach the level of those two leaders in there. So I think I still would continue my journey. But that I totally understand.

    @Kimmie mwaaahh hello my sweet lady, you mentioned the video stalling... THAT IS the glitch... the game stalls for 3 minutes and BAM everything is gone. Maybe should have put that in the comment, be patient... yeah right us patient huh? LOL
  • ESTAR!!! Good morning my sweet!!! :D
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