The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1706
  • @tas - Still here, going soon though. We're going to see hubby's grandparents :D I'm ready to go, but hubby is still drinking coffee and hasn't even got dressed yet so I thought I could fling while waiting for him to get ready :D
  • I forgot.... @lisko you are...... Somewhere in UK right?
  • @tas - Like @fbb said, I live in Finland :D
  • Ah, Finland, home of Rovio HQ!
  • It's kinda strange because only few people in there join ABN
  • @fbb - Yep, I've been wondering why there isn't more. Maybe there is more, but they just aren't using the forum, who knows :D

    GAAAH! Hubby's still not ready...And usually men are whining that they always have to wait for women to get ready to go. I was ready few hours ago :D
  • Same here, dad always takes the longest. |:^P
  • Yay 2 weeks sobriety!
  • @E-Star - What a beautiful badge! :D Thank so much my friend, you just keep surprising me! *hugs* and maybe * wipes a couple of tears* :D

    @tas - Yep, trying to stay as active as I can so that there wouldn't be moments of weakness. Not easy, but so far it's been absolutely GREAT! Doing all the stuff I've never done before and me & hubby have gotten A LOT closer than we used to be, but now when I'm learning all the motor stuff and he's teaching, makes me feel that we should have done this way before the problem. He's really a bodyguard who's keeping my head up when the waves are getting too big. And so are you my friends *hugs everyone* :D
  • @AM & @fbb - Thank you so much! You people have done so much just because you're there when something comes up. I can never thank you @all enough of all this help you've been giving! Words are not enough!
  • A huge smile @Lisko knowing you are doing so well and hubby and you are getting stronger by the day! Amazing news, so you are welcome, but you have totally deserved it! [[[hugsss]]]] back!
  • @E-Star - You and everyone else in here are sssooooo supportive that I've decided that I just CAN'T let you down! :D

    Btw. I just realized that a friend of mine lives in Rijswijk. No idea how far that is from where you live! She moved there and got married with her husband :D She's been living there for several years now and she knows the language (I know it 'cause I just can't understand her updates xD)

    Edit: Happy birdday @CmdrBond! Hopefully you'll have a great day! :D
  • @Lisko Happy to hear the support in here is yet another incentive to keep you going, the more reasons for you to stick with it, the better :D
    And Rijswijk is not fat at all! Not that our country is big enough for a city be considered far, but mweeeh hahahahhaha... Rijswijk is only 20km/13 miles from my city and that is real close don't you think. Good for her to have learned the language, I imagine it helps her a great deal in getting settled in here. Although I have to say we are such a multi cultural country, most people speak English, German or some even French (not me hahaha, I only know a couple of French words)
  • @Grammy k if you get this, I am so sorry... I accidentally rejected your friendsrequest!! I spotted the name right after I hit reject! I am so sorry... I get 5 to 10 request a day and most of them I don't know. So that is why I put in the message that I only accept people I know of ABN... long story short, I am so used to reject all the unknowns, I did not spot your request until it was to late :/ So could you send me a new one? I will try in the meantime to see if you have you nickname of the GC in your profile and if I find it will send you a request myself :D
  • Found it and request send back @grammy k :D
  • Lol, no problem e-star, i can only imagine peoples thoughts when they get request from Libra LaVyne, which is my new net persona :-) , many thanks, now i have 1 friend. Facebook even nags me to get a friend!
  • I am working on seasons today, currently christmas which contains most of my all time hated levels!
  • LOL great new persona! And sorry can not help with the facebook friends list... Don't have an account and wish to keep it that way... no way I have time left to spend on that haha... ow dear Seasons Greeding?! well good luck in there, hope you won't loose too many marbles?!
  • @Lisko -- congratulations, my dearest -- we're all so, so proud of you, and we're all rooting for you. I have close family members who have gone through this, so I know how hard a journey it is. I'm so glad you've already found rewards in the relationship with your husband -- you're doing everything right, as far as I can tell. But of course, you're such a smart little birdie! I know (to my weekly humiliation :D) that once you decide to do something, you get it done.

    @mvlna2 - Sorry, I missed the first part of the conversation where this was a rental. And yay Angie's List! Kind of like ABN for the real world. :-)

    Happy Birthday @CmdrBond -- we haven't met officially, but best wishes to you!

    And hello everyone!
  • Hey @grammyK -- didn't we connect on Facebook? I thought we had -- will go fix that right now, and then you can have TWO friends!
  • Woo hoo, one each :-) @junkenmetel
  • @CmdrBond Happy birthday 007!
  • @CmdrBond Happy BirdDay! and many more. Haven't seen you around much lately, you need to stop in the BP today to get a piece of your cake before the ravenous regulars demolish it.
  • @Lisko -- Congrats on your second week! Sounds like you are enjoying life, which is the best way to recover.
    Just looked at all the photos hubby took while we were on vacation. About half of them are of old Jeeps! He found a place miles from nowhere that had hundreds of old Jeeps. I drove by the same place and didn't even notice a single Jeep.
  • *calls from the dark* Help !!! I'm stuck at mine & dine 17-7 for 2 days, the little piggie in the box are making me crazy, I need some advice please
  • Perseverence is the key, @firebombbird;)
  • OK, @grammyK and @Lisko - now we've got a REAL tournament going!

    Although @Lisko, can you see @grammyK in your tournament if you're not officially "friends" with her?
  • What are you talking about?
  • My, @AngerManagement -- that's an amazing cake!

    Ack! @firebombird, all my scores had been wiped out in the original Angry Birds at some point during a reinstall, but when I went to check it out, I started playing Mine and Dine, and now I'm hooked! I forgot what a clever level this was...
  • @mrangry_bird -- Welcome to the BP (and also ABN, I assume). Please read the first page of the BP forum so you will know how this works. Since today is your first visit, your drinks and food are on the house; just ask OB or the Blues for anything on the menu or off. You need to be older than 21 to order alcoholic drinks. The BP is run by the @team (see first page), who aren't here right now. So pull up a chair and make yourself comfortable.
  • @mrangry-bird -- Unfortunately your name for the forum has a space in it, so you won't get e-mail notifications when someone mentions you in the forum.
    BTW -- Your question "What are you talking about?" is a little vague, and it wasn't addressed to anyone in particular, so it may not be answered. Best advice is to read back a bit or ask someone directly using @name.
    This is not a real-time chat room, so sometimes it takes a while to get an answer, especially considering people live all over the world, so some are sleeping right now.
  • I'm new and what is every one talking about?!
  • Just added some vacation photos to my album:
    @E-Star -- Do you know why photos appear rotated in album, even though OK on computer?
    Need some more editing, and I haven't posted Road Trip description in the other forum yet.
  • @mrangry_bird it's kind of roleplaying-ish..... We act like it's a real place pretty much.
  • Story time (again)
    @mrangry_bird I always have a lot going on, and a lot of stories.
  • Sorry guys, can't do it right now.
  • @mrangry-bird -- There are several conversations going on here. The best way to figure out what's happening is to go back a page and read all the comments. If you read page 1, you know that the Bloated Pig is a virtual pub, so people come here to chat with other patrons.
    You and I seem to be the only ones here right now, and I have to leave for real life activities.
    See you around.
  • Oh, I missed @TAS while I was typing.
  • @mvnla2 some PC only "remember the rotation" and not actually edit the photo it self. So uploading them in here will show them without the reminder of rotating. Only opening them up in a program (sorry not sure which PC program you could use for this... photoshop, paint?) and saving them the right way up will make them stay up
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