The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1707
  • @E-Star -- Thanks! My computer is a Mac Book Air, so do you have any suggestions for that? I have Picassa, not sure what else.
  • Hey mrangry bird nice of you to drop in, we talk just about anything, depending on who is here. on page 1 you will see the do's and don'ts. Sorry have to be a popper, have some chores to do!

    Hey and bye @tas!
  • Poor guy, he's so confused..... Or she....
    We did some home improvement last night. And by that I mean tearing out all the carpet upstairs. I might have an impaired back forever now.
  • @mvnla2 have you tried the app (sorry mine is Dutch so I have to translate the best I know how) "Preview" it should be there in your Program folder. if the image looks sideways as well, go to the menu "Extra" and choose "rotate right". Close the file and check if that does the trick... maybe test it first by setting the picture to "private" and if it comes out sideways again, just delete it after it is saved.
    If still sideways try this... rotate and choose "Archive>Duplicate" it makes a duplicate (hopefully force the rotation within the file itself) and "save" it.
  • @tas - I know what you mean about the permanently impaired back! I think it comes free with every house; only they never seem to mention it in the listing...

    Now that the carpets up, are you going with bare floors, or putting down new carpet?

  • @E-Star -- Thanks again. I do have preview. The picture looks fine in preview. Will have to try your other suggestions.
  • @TAS I think we lost @mrangry Bird with the page change. With a name that starts with Mr, my guess is that it's a male.
  • Oh, I didn't realize it was MR. Angry Bird.
  • @junkmetel long time no see. And we're putting wood flooring in.
  • @E-Star -- Thanks! Windmill now right side up. Also edited RR photo.
    Working on integrating with trip report, but feel free to have a look now.
  • 50 pages of forums! I just now realized!
  • Sorry, but what is that @mvnla2?
  • @theanonymoussomeone -- Sorry, but my ESP has never been good. If you don't know what a windmill is, Google it. RR is for Russian River. Were you asking about something else?
  • @tas -- hi! I know; I've been AWOL for a while. Wood floors sound nice; I'm sure you'll be glad when it's all done!

    @mvnla2, wow, what a beautiful vineyard! Looking forward to the trip report!

    For a minute, reading your last post to @E*, I thought it meant that the whole cause of your electrical outage earlier was that you were getting an alternative energy source installed. :D Then I remembered you were talking about photo editing, and it all made sense.

    Plus, it amused the heck out of me. Poor Mr Angry Bird -- no wonder he can't figure out what's going on in here, if we can't!
  • Oh, it was a vineyard.
  • @all -- Just posted Road Trip! That Quintessential American Summer Pastime
    Hope you enjoy. Plenty of tidbits to learn also.
  • Why the snort?
  • Guess I'll never know (well not tonight, anyway) off to bed
    Goodnight all
  • @JunkenMetel -- Even if Hunnybunny is asleep, the rest of us would like to know what the snort means.
  • Goodness - I would have thought it was obvious! :-)

    But now I look back over the conversation, I can see why it caused a bit of, uh, confusion.

    It's just that there have been these crossed conversations all day, and then @tas said 'Oh, it was a vineyard' and then @mvnla2 posted a blank message (like saying huh?) and then I snorted.

    Except now @mvnla2's response isn't empty anymore -- either there was a flake with my refresh, or mvnla2 edited her post.

    Either way, I guess you just had to be there...

    Poor @Hunnybunny - I hope she doesn't dream of snorting pigs all night!
  • Or worse yet, snorting bunnies. Because bunnies can certainly snort, when they're ticked off. We've had enough house rabbits over the last 20 years, to see plenty of ticked off bunnies. And I can tell you, there is nothing more ridiculous than a bunny trying to impress you with a temper tantrum.
  • @all, rofl * 2, i have tears in my eyes, poor mr angry bird ran like a scared chicken i'm sure. A great day of mixed up conversations for a newcomer to try to make sense of :-)
  • @junkenmetel Ah! that explains all. The blank message was because I was trying to figure out how to post my trip report (with footnotes, no less), and not having any success. The only way I know to get rid of a draft you don't want is to replace it with something else, hence the "." I didn't see your "snort" when I edited the message; maybe I didn't refresh first.
    I've never seen a bunny having a temper tantrum, but it does seem like something everyone should see at least once.
  • Wow!!! Another busy day..sorry i didn't have a chance to pop in
    @lisko Congratulations on 2 weeks ,:) sounds like you've been keeping busy learning new things that's awesome!!!
    Happy Birthday @cmdrbond :)
    OB I'll take a Sunupper please

    *fills Mumsie knitting basket with loads of new yarn in all colors*
  • @cmdrbond a Big Happy Birthday to you! Hope it was a great day!! :)

    @lisko Fantabulous!! Congrats on holding your own and learning new things! Love that you and hubby are doing things together, that's awesome to hear!! :D

    Hey @Kathy!! We're getting close to the first half of CC being DONE!! Yahooo :D I'm on 16 right now, figured 15 was good enough and moved on!!! Getting twitchy fingers and just want OUT of the 1st half! LOL
    OB another SunUpper for @KitKat and one for me please!! :)
  • Yahoo!!! Sorry dinger didn't work,:( i am going back to 18:(
    Thanks for the Sunupper @Kimmiecv yep we need to get the heck OUT!! Lol
  • @Kimmiecv -- Did you read my trip report (in the other forum)? We were in your neck of the woods for a day.
    @Mumsie -- Played golf at Quail Lodge in Carmel Valley, Northwood in Monte Rio, and Sea Ranch Golf Links in Sea Ranch (all in CA). The nicest course was Quail Lodge; Sea Ranch was by far the hardest. Sea Ranch was supposed to be Scottish-Links Style. Do they really have great swaths of tall grass running across the fairways and close to the greens?
  • I'm not liking this Boba Fett dude!! Is he a pig in disguise?
  • Holy cow @mvnla2 you were like 5 minutes away from our first house! Quail lodge is just down the road from where we lived until oh I think 3 years ago!! :D Love Quail lodge, really pretty place! Glad you enjoyed the courses there! Ha we could have gone to lunch at Baja cantina! Now that would have been a trip!! LOL
  • Uhhh YEAH @KitKat!! LOL Evil critter isn't he! I like how he crashes himself to death though!! :D
  • Ohh @mvnla2 that doesn't sound easy 'great swaths of tall grass'
    Well at least you had fun right..I'll have to pop over to the forum tomorrow and check it out:)
  • Aha!! My sync was off..Ohh boy i fixed it, now have 10 unread messages..
    OB this calls for another Sunupper..
    * pulls up a chair, next to Mumsies rocker and gets ready to read*
  • Yes @Kimmiecv he is Evil looking!! I'm scared to play BF mission lol!! Hope he's on our side lol;:
  • Hello @iamMighty how goes the battle?
  • Hahaa I'm thinking he's Not @Kathy as he's a piggie in disguise!! But then he is a turncoat so hmmmm maybe.....
  • Blasted error box!! :/
    Hey @iamMighty :) working on CC level 16, trying to get your awesome alt strat to work for me one more time so I can get the heck outta there!! :)

    Sorry I have to run, time to make dinner :/
  • Hey @kim! Long time :D
  • @kathy Oh it's really hard. @rd always has tricks up his sleeves. I need to focus now LOL
  • IKR!! Darn it! You pop in and I have to pop out!! So not fair!!!! :( I hope your doing well @iamMighty, I was sad to hear you didn't make it to the top and didn't get to go to NASA but happy to hear you had a great time!! :)
  • @kim No problem. Something is better then nothing :)
  • Lol @iamMighty you gotta stay one step ahead of Ripsy good luck with that.. I'm rooting for ya:)
  • Huh? What's i miss NASA? Mighty you had a chance to go to NASA ..for a trip/tour or for school?
  • LOL there you go @iamMighty! Ok I've stalled all I can! Hope to catch you next time @iamMighty :)
    @Kathy ahem you have to work tomorrow yes? LOL ;)

    See yas later then!!
  • Thanks! I hope my strat works for you which level is it?
    Yeah, there was a robotics competition but I came first runner-up.
  • Lol ahem ' yes @Kimmiecv work tomorrow 10 more minutes i promise:)
  • No problem @kim and @kathy. Nice talking to you all.
  • Ohh you do robotics @iamMighty? Do you design them..
    There's an engineer at my work who Uhmm leads a robotics club like helps young students who are interested in science and that stuff he's showed me videos it's amazing what kind of robots and competitions they have..first runner up is awesome!!! Congrats!!!
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