The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 1708
  • Ok yep so 10 more minute didn't work out so
    *places flashlight on @Kimmiecv booth, with a yellow rose..and big (((( hugs))
    You too sweetie i love ya, but no offense don't expect to see you when i wake up lol;)
    Get a good nights rest yourself..nighty night..:)
  • Hey @Kathypagechanger (princess page changer)
  • Mumsie ambles into the BP refreshed after a good nights sleep after all her visitors. Claps her hands with glee at all the new wool in her knitting basket, calls for an Americano from OB, sits in her rocker, picks up her needles, casts on for two dusters and starts to catch up on news from OB.
  • Hi @fbb - oh @cmdrbond I missed your birthday! Belated many happy returns - oh yes please OB I'd love the piece of cake you saved for me now.
    @lisko - Mumsie jumps out of her chair and does a twirl of glee- well done you! Beautiful badge!
    @Junkenmetal - Bunnies snorting and having tantrums! now I feel the need to meet someone with a house bunny, visit them and hope it gets cross!
    @mvlna sounds like my sort of vacation! And links course are notorious for their 'rough' - miles of fairways that will make the ball run true but one inch off and you're in trouble!!
    @iammighty - First Runner Up - amazing, well done, shame not to be there but... You never know what the experience may bring in its wake - great for the CV I would think.
    @mrangrybird - you did hit a mad spot in dialogue! Though wait, no it's nearly always like that!
    Hi @grammyk - still loving the iPad? Mine is kept within arms reach at all times (except on the golf course!)
    @tas - love wooden floors - are you laying them?
    If I've missed anyone or any major news - sorry - must get ready - guess where I'm going! Yep golf! must pop into B&R first to see how many dusters I have to give out having not been there for a few days!
  • LOL have a great time @mumsie!! :)

    Ahhh @Kathy I'll give it my very bestest shot but it's almost 1am now so it's not looking to promising!! :D However I'm only working tomorrow and I've the rest of the week of! Not that that means a ton as nothing is going on different only that I'm not working along with the other regular stuff! ;) Thanks for the rose sweets! Have a good day tomorrow erm today!
    *shines KitKats flashlight for her use tomorrow and sets out candles to see her safely to Dreamland * Mwaaaaah :•

  • Hunnybunny wanders in with bags under her eyes. A dreadful night dreaming of snorting pigs and bunnies, no wait a minute, it was He-Who-Does-Not-Fling snoring again :-)
  • Ooops, uh, um, good morning @Hunnybunny!

    [Quickly hides behind The Blues, who, for the purposes of the opera, conceal her.]

    [Extra large bonus points for anyone who can spot the reference.]
  • Wow, I've apparently revealed a hitherto unsuspected talent for clearing a room!

    Probably a Sign that I should take myself off and go do something useful around the house, instead of pretending, to uh, socialize. With myself. :D
  • I was too busy searching operas! But was lurking
  • @JunkenMetel Stumped by opera reference, but no harm in trying.
    Marriage of Figaro or Phantom of the Opera ????
  • Ha, ha all the opera references I looked up had people hiding all over the place!
    I have a friend who actually sings opera, at an amateur level (but dont let her hear me calling it that)
    She was in a production if Tosca, where the woman singing the part of Tosca was most unliked. In the final scene, Tosca throws herself off the parapet, to certain death, but in reality onto a mattress, concealed from the audience. On the final night the stage hands replaced it with a trampoline, and miraculously, Tosca was saved from certain death, and bounced back up, head above the parapet indeed.
  • @JunkenMetel oh!! So long since I heard the wonderful Victor Borge, I had totally forgotten. I used to have a 45rpm EP of his, the one I remember best is "Phonetic Punctuation" LOL LOL
    @Hunnybunny: your bouncy opera story made me laugh a lot too.
  • Hey guys, do I have to get 27 golden eggs or 3-star in all levels to unlock the Golden king pig, because get 27 golden eggs means collect all the golden eggs from Poached eggs to Birdday party, while 3-star in all levels means get 3-star from Poached eggs to Surf and turf (I hope it not include Red mighty feather), it makes me really confused, don't know what to do
  • @JunkenMetel -- Glad you cleared the opera reference up. Would hate to spend half the day trying to figure it out, and I'm not an opera buff.
    @Mumsie -- I don't mind tall weeds on the sides of the fairways, because I hit fairly straight, if short; it's the weeds marching across the fairway between you and the hole that give me fits. They are always in the wrong place, not to mention at least as magnetic as water hazards.
  • FYI -- We seem to have totally lost mrangry bird. At least he appears to be still lurking somewhere as Mr.Angry Bird and @angrydude. Maybe he'll come back sometime.
  • @JunkenMetel -- So how to you get the green box? That was part of what I couldn't do yesterday that resulted in the ".".
  • FBB, as I remember is 3 start until b'day party.
  • Thanks @junkenmetel @hunnybunny I got a good laugh out of both stories.
  • @mvnla2--Why does the ionic charge of golf balls and water cause the valence electrons to attract attempting to achieve an isoelectronic state. In other words. Why does the ball go in the water?
  • Thanks @PJng, I only have Ham'em High left and almost get all the golden eggs
  • @mvnla2--It's not your fault. The positive charge of the cations in the water attract the negative charge of the anions in the golf ball. You can't help but get your ball wet. It's physics.
  • @mvnla2--Might I recommend degaussing your golf ball before hitting it around water. It will give you a slight advantage.
  • @mvnla2--BTW, I've got some swamp land in Florida I'd be willing to sell to you.
  • @Rat -- Been gone for a while. The attraction between golf balls and water is one of the great mysteries of golf. Some people use "water balls," but I've found those are even more likely to find the water.
    And thanks, but no way am I buying any swamp land. "Casual water" on a fairway is bad enough.
    @mumsie -- Forgot to mention the swaths of mown weeds; if anything they are worse than the tall weeds, because you can't see them from where you're hitting. I managed to lose a ball that I hit straight down the center of the fairway in a patch of mown weeds!
  • Wow! That was it! Comes out in italics also. Doesn't show up that way on preview though.
  • @angermanagement -- Google turbo-encabulator! It's something every teen (or adult) interested in science should know about. : D I'd never heard it or the retro-encabulator before. Will have to look at the videos on Wikipedia.
    I'd mostly forgotten about Victor Borge, will have to look up more on him also.
    Well -- Enough of talking to myself. You can all come back now, since I'm leaving for a while.
  • @PJng I just wrote blockquote and /blockquote between brackets at the beginning and end. Doesn't show up on preview though; you have to post it.
  • @mumsie , yes i am loving the ipad :-)

    @all, thanks for all the laughs, the bp has become required reading at least a few times a day for me :-) !
  • @junkenmetel --What gave it away, the swamp land? I'd heard of the turbo, but not the retro, encabulator. This was just a mini encabulator. Glad to know you can fool all of the people some of the time. And some of the people all of the time. But you can't fool a fool anytime!! Welcome to the club.
  • @angermanagement -- It was @JunkenMetel who knew about the blockquote.
    Have you looked up turboencabulator yet?
  • @all iOS users- with the recent debate on the allowability of glitch scores in WH 1-23, I spent some time this weekend working out the details of how to go about playing the glitch version of the game without the hassle of a jailbreak. See my forum topic for instructions.

    Oh, and Happy Monday!!
  • Sorry, @junkenmetel, you deserve the thanks:]

    I have absolutely no idea what any of that means, hopefully I will be at the point in a couple of years to understand it a little better;)
  • Mumsie has to stop knitting to wipe the tears of laughter from her eyes!!! Victor Borge - wonderful- must search and listen again!
    'For the purposes of the opera - I may start using myself- & just love the trampoline!
    @mvlna2 - our course has no water (apart from in the winter when it is referred to as casual - seems pretty determined to me! ) but when in Florida .... My golf game is so bad I had to have my ball retriever regripped.
    OB please drinks are on me !
  • @AM and @junkemetel and @mvnla2 I managed a few links and two italics, completely lost now
    @burbman off there now, if I can understand it, I may be gone a long time, 100k points are not to be sniffed at
  • oh @burbman - I will have to bookmark your forum cos no time to fling til Friday - well maybe once or twice or 'just one more'
  • You should add a meat lovers menu
  • Yum. Warm, juicy, tender, greasy, meat. Mmmmmmm
  • @mvlna2 - a quote that says it all!
    The difference between a sand trap and water hazard is the difference between a car crash and an airplane crash. You have a chance of recovering from a car crash.
    - Bobby Jones
  • @Burbman well first step took me straight out. Same old story, came late to this, so no level playing field for me. But good luck to those who can equal or beat Ernor63 magnificent score. Thanks though for publishing this, said before that some don't share their secrets. You have. You're a damn good nester :-)))))
  • I can foresee this post getting 1,000,000 comments pretty soon
  • @Whovian0 may I suggest fried alligator bites, and lip smackin' grilled citrus gator ribs to follow mmmmm
  • I think I ought to try some. Sounds delicious. Yum.
  • 14604 for 100,000 actually, minus this one of course
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